New feature added to DOMFESTA celebrations (with pictures)

The staff of the Cultural Division has introduced a new staple to the calendar of activities which forms part of this year’s Dominica Festival of Arts (DOMFESTA) celebrations.

Its ‘Team Culture Community Drive’ was held on May 9, 2024, when a team from the cultural division accompanied by reigning Miss Dominica Kyanna Dyer visited different communities across Dominica where they honoured some much deserving individuals and groups, ensuring that their contributions do not go unnoticed.

“So, throughout the day, we made stops at the homes and workplaces of people like Brian ‘Rats’ Shillingford, renowned keyboardist, Andy Carter, for carnival masquerade, Richard Anthony former steel pan player, Ashworth Simon, actor, director, Emmanuel Luke, sennsé builder, Gilchrist Bruno, also a sennsé builder, Vernice Belony, for traditional culture, Lionel John. Bèlè drummer. and Robellin Walter Bèlè dancer,” Acting Chief Cultural Officer Earlson Matthew told Dominica News Online (DNO).

Other activities which form part of DOMFESTA 2024 include the recently held Jazz n’ Creole Festival at Cabrits National Park, Fort Shirley, and Monday, May 6,

Capuchin Tourism Group Hike segment 13. On Friday, May 17, the division will host fusion at the Roseau Promenade from 6 PM, the following day, Saturday, May 18, there will be a Pan in Harmony Concert at the Fort Young Hotel from 7:30 PM. From May 21 to 24, there will be a DOMFESTA Art Exhibition at the Old Mill Cultural Centre, and May 23 to 25, African Day Celebrations scheduled to take place at the UWI Open Campus.

DOMFESTA was introduced by the Cultural Division in 1983. It is an annual festival hosted by the Cultural Division and the National Cultural Council and is held in May with a focus on the contemporary arts.

At DOMFESTA time therefore, one can expect a very varied programme of dance, music, art and drama, which would include folk and creative artistic expressions and other styles like jazz and classical music.

Photo credit: Commonwealth of  Dominica Division of Culture Facebook page


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