PBS documentary tells story of “life-changing” whale encounter off Dominica

A documentary, now playing on PBS, tells the fascinating story of a man who said he had a life-changing experience when he encountered a sperm whale while diving off the coast of Dominica.

“Patrick and the Whale” follows Patrick Dykstra who for years has traveled the globe following and diving with whales, learning how whales see, hear, and perceive other creatures in the water, according to PBS.

However, Dykstra said his life was changed when he was diving off Dominica in 2019 and had a close encounter with a female sperm whale which he named “Dolores.”

“She seemed to be curious about him, coming within touching distance, pulsing him with her sonar,” a description of the documentary on the movie website, IMDB stated.

“She studied him as he studied her. Patrick felt an overwhelming sense that she was genuinely trying to communicate.”

The documentary follows Dykstra’s trips to Dominica as he tries to find Dolores again so she can help him explore the hidden world of her species.

“She and another female sperm whale called “Can Opener” help Patrick show us the hidden world of her species while respecting their boundaries,” PBS said on its website.

“With the help of his friends more than 250 times his weight, Patrick explores their fascinating nature attempting to shine a light on the sperm whale’s intelligence and complexity, as well as highlighting its current and past relationship with humankind.”

With stunning underwater footage, the documentary shows Dykstra exploring the nature of the sperm whale, while attempting to shed light on its intelligence and complexity.

“The film follows his personal journey and explores the psychology of a man who has sacrificed everything in his single-minded quest to connect with and understand one of the biggest creatures in the ocean,” IMDB said.

The documentary was first released at various film festivals in 2022 but with its release on PBS on February 21, it is now available to a wider audience. It forms part of the network’s Nature Series and will be available for viewing until March 20.

In November last year, Dominica announced the creation of the world’s inaugural sperm whale reserve. It is expected to tackle the decline in sperm whale families documented in the marine waters off the island between 2008 and 2009. It will create a protected area exclusively dedicated to preserving sperm whales and the vital marine habitat crucial for their flourishing along the pristine west coast of Dominica.

See a clip from the documentary below.

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