PM Skerrit announces stringent measures to combat rise in COVID cases

Dominica has introduced a curfew and other strong measures to deal with a sudden rise in COVID-19 cases.

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit made the disclosure while delivering a statement during Parliament on Tuesday morning.

He pointed out that his Government has had in place several measures to reduce the likelihood of a COVID 19 outbreak; including a number of protocols and increased patrol at our borders; restriction in the number of people attending events; mandatory use of masks; and up to last weekend the cancellation of social gatherings; all geared at protecting our people.

 However, many of these measures are not being observed by some of our residents. These unfortunately, are the same residents who are unvaccinated.

“The current cluster appears to be associated with an individual or individuals who entered Dominica illegally and took part in a biker’s activity along with a ‘jam’ at a location in Pottersville, known at the LOT, on Sunday July 25, 2021,” Prime Minister Skerrit said. “As you are aware, there was a public announcement from the Ministry of Health requesting people who attended this event at the LOT in Pottersville to get tested.”

He revealed that over 200 people presented themselves for testing at the Roseau Health Centre, yesterday, August 2, 2021.

“To date there are 10 confirmed cases associated with this event plus two imported cases bringing the total number of active cases in Dominica to 12. Meanwhile 14 of the individuals who received rapid antigen test at the Roseau Health Centre yesterday tested positive. We are currently awaiting the results of the PCR tests to confirm the status of these individuals.

He continued, “All confirmed cases and those whose rapid antigen tests were positive have been placed in isolation or quarantine in a Government facility.”

Furthermore, Skerrit stated that based on the observations so far, the current cluster of the COVID-19 cases is quite different from previous clusters, mainly because a number of the people who have tested positive, and their contacts, are presenting with Flu like symptoms.

“This makes the virus much more contagious,” he noted.

Therefore, to reduce the likelihood of further infections, the Ministry of Health has recommended some measures which the Cabinet has accepted.

The measures are as follows:

  1. A Curfew Order will be in effect from 6:00 pm to 5:00 am daily from Tuesday August 3, 2021 for the next 7 days;
  2. However, in the case of the weekend the curfew will begin at 5:00 pm on Saturday August 7, 2021 and will continue throughout the day on Sunday August 8, 2021 and end on Monday August 9, 2021 at 5 am. Curfew will then resume the night of Monday August 9, 2021 at 6 pm.
  3. All non-essential businesses are to remain closed.
  4. Essential workers including people working at the ports, healthcare workers, banks and credit unions, hardware stores, telecoms and broadcasting, pharmacies, farmers, security services, utilities—the exhaustive list will be published.

This measure will also exclude Workers and People who are:

  1. travelling in and out of the country,
  2. seeking medical care,
  3. shopping for necessities,
  4. banking but by appointment only,
  5. caring for a family member, pet or livestock,
  6. involved in construction, farming and manufacturing, – all of whom will be allowed to continue their activity.
  7. The hours of operation for businesses that are allowed to open are from 6:00am to 4:00pm.
  8. All businesses must ensure physical distancing measures of 6 ft apart are maintained and should control the number of customers inside of the premises to ensure no more 4 customers per isle.
  9. ALL Bars and nightclubs will remain closed.
  10. Restaurants No dining-in (take-outs only)
  11. No consumption of alcohol in the public.
  12. Churches and other places of Worship are to remain closed.
  13. Weddings are to be limited to 5 people while funerals are to be no more than 10 individuals
  14. The following will NOT be permitted: a. Private parties, b. Recreational or sporting events c. Social events d. Meetings of fraternal societies or of clubs e. Group tours f. Loud music
  15. Public Transportation will be restricted to 3 individuals per row,
  16. There will be no visitation to the Hospital, Prison, Infirmary or Quarantine Facility.
  17. The airports and seaports will remain open 16. Remember that masks are mandatory by law AND
  18. The penalty for people who fail to comply with the Order has been increased to $5,000.

The Prime Minister indicated that the measures are not intended to scare the population, but to ensure that we act quickly to avoid a deterioration of the situation.

He made a special appeal to the people who have been contacts of the individuals who have tested positive for the virus, or individuals who have attended any of the events which he mentioned earlier, “to come forward and get tested.”

 Meanwhile we remind all residents to remain vigilant and adhere to the Covid 19 protocols.

“Wash or sanitize your hands often, cover your mouth if you are coughing or sneezing, wear your masks,” he urged. “Avoid moving from home to home, avoid family visits If you have flulike symptoms, call the hotline at 448 2151, 448 2153, 448 2156, 611 43 25, or 1 800 219, so you could get tested.”

He added, “Very importantly get vaccinated.”

He said vaccines are available at the District Health Centres island wide.

“Vaccination reduces the likelihood of contracting and transmitting the virus; and also reduces the likelihood of becoming seriously ill, if you become infected with the virus,” he noted.

Meantime, he said the Ministry of Health condemns hostility and abuse of health officials by a few of the contacts and their families.

“Once again, I wish to thank the health officials for their dedication to the task. Some of our residents have not been very kind to them,” he remarked. “Over the past week they have received much hostility and abuse by a few of the contacts and their families—we as a country must condemn this behaviour.”

He said these officials are working hard to protect the country and, “the least we could do is to be cordial and cooperative.”

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  1. Observer
    August 4, 2021

    Instead of fining people for not wearing a mask why doesn’t the PM give the police masks to distribute to people. Masks are not cheap and must be changed daily in order to be effective. A cloth mask costs up to $10 and an paper mask is $3. Do the maths for a family with mother, father and children. Government officials do not buy masks. Masks are purchased with state funds for them. If a poor man has $3, should he buy bread for his children or a mask? That is the person who will be harassed and arrested. Poor people always get the brunt of everything. But the poor man will always suffer for want of wisdom!!

  2. RandyX
    August 4, 2021

    Man, you don’t have an ounce of credibility. Why are some Dominicans still listening to you?? Venezuela is full of Covid including the newest Lambda variant. Did you see fit to quarantine on your return? But here you are preaching to all of us! It’s time for you you to go, Mister.

  3. RastarMarn
    August 4, 2021

    But Skerrit we already know your sense is not common,,,

    So check this out:
    1: is there more people out and about between the non-curfew hours than the hours of curfew???

    2: Can you sight any studies that will show at what particular time of day the Virus is most violent, so as to justify your curfew hours set at those particular times as ordered???

    3: Where is your degree in Virology for you to be coming and making such Orders and recommendations,,,

    4: Where is the data to show the justification of curfews, and lets see the Data from the previous curfew measures that were held or data from places with larger population,,,

  4. Fully Gaso
    August 3, 2021

    My youte remember you once said back door was our culture, and $5000. For not wearing a mask 😷 Is pure FU.KRIES!! . The rules a just to cripple the country by stopping the local business from making money

  5. Visitor
    August 3, 2021

    They panicking now hey. I saw these bikers last week whilst on vacation. As a foreigner who has travelled to Dominica 2019 and Summer 2021. Skerrit and the other corrupt officials has to rebuild the island infrastructure first. The capital Roseau, everywhere around town looks like a Dump, no sidewalk, walking in the middle of the road, government building falling apart.

    The capital is stuck like it was a 1960 old creole town. You the people that voted for the government. Yall was so confident, look now what’s happening. Dominica is not too far from being like Haiti. Your island is so embarrassing. It’s time to get rid of this horrible dictatorships or ya’ll the people will continue to suffer. Open your eyes. good luck

    • Ibo France
      August 4, 2021

      Harsh words but true. The truth is not always pleasant.

      Dominica lags at the bottom of the Eastern Caribbean because the present politicians in power put themselves way above the common people and the country. Elections have consequences. Those who can’t hear must feel.

    • Delices
      August 4, 2021

      you all as are so sickening. Everything has to do with politics. I wish you all would deal with the matter at hand and stop mixing politics in everything. Wake up Dominicans!! and for the life of me stop putting DA down. You don’t have to visit if its so old time.

    • PRO
      August 4, 2021

      Doh worry man, visitor

      Those in the Mise’ enjoying it. All they have to do is line up for a likkle cool out and then they cool to suffer till the next one.

  6. Imputing Improper Motives (IIM)
    August 3, 2021

    While I agree with taking measures to assure that the population is safe, I so have an issue to with the prosecutorial applications and policies in Dominica.

    I mean Choski who was kidnapped and brought to the country did not do a darn thing to Dominica or Dominicans, but he was arrested for illegal entry in the country.

    But now you have a guy who brought death to Dominica from Marie-Galante, and also the guy who went to pick him up, were they arrested.

    Now everyone has to pay for this new lockdown because of these morons.

    Aye… Tell me, you doh find de Speaker of de House looking just like Idi Amin Dada the butcher of Uganda!!!

    • Ibo France
      August 4, 2021

      Good observation! I took a second look at him after reading your comments and Judas Isaac and Ida Amin look like Siamese twins. This goon has sold his very soul for pittance in comparison to what the Despot of Monroe Daniel gets.

  7. Mark
    August 3, 2021

    Thank you PM Skerrit for taking this virus seriously. One of the primary responsibilities of a leader is to keep his/her citizens safe and healthy. Congrats to you and your staff for taking the bull by the horns.

    • Dit Nou
      August 4, 2021

      You need to ask him about Me See and why all of a sudden he had mask full time on in Parliament. Oh and that too – which me knee ster that positively COVID

  8. Truth Be Told
    August 3, 2021

    When Parliament was debating the budget you and your Labour Ministers laughed at the Opposition Leader Lennox Linton for highlighting the lackadaisical approach that you seem to take the protocol and quarantine after coming from Venezuela and into Parliament without a mask. You were foolish enough to scorn and laugh and make a joke of Lennox! Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, you are such a terrible leader and bad example to our children, that God alone knows how and why Dominicans keep voting you as Prime Minister! Seriously, you will be the ruin of this once beautiful lands and people. Just look at the damage you are doing to the land and people! The people are already damaged. All you and your Labour acolytes have to do is tell Dominicans to call Opposition traitors and embarrass them and don’t shop at their premises, and Labourites obey and do it. They forget that we are all Dominican brothers and sisters. You taught Dominicans to hate their own and put party over country! Shame!

  9. L C Matthew
    August 3, 2021

    “The current cluster appears to be associated with an individual or individuals who entered Dominica illegally and took part in a biker’s. To make this statement you must 1) have proof and know who came in illegal, 2) have tested those individuals and confirm they have COVID, 3) they should be arrested and charged for illegal entry just like we did to choksi, 4) upon the required isolation we should hear the charges on the individuals for violating the laws and causing spread of virus to the point of damaging livelihood.
    If non of that happens then i will count as another cover and lie to the citizens. Ambiguous excuses for covering real cause of the problem. Just last week there was an individual in a bar hopping adventure getting our young folks drunk and stupid without mask. Live by sewo die by sewo.

  10. BERRYB
    August 3, 2021

    now is the best time to get married people. practically you’re saving lots of money. only 5 persons people. Husband, wife, priest/pastor and witnesses. no mouthes to feed people :lol: :lol: . :mrgreen:

  11. Kerf you
    August 3, 2021

    Easing up on Dominicans should involve a drastic reduction in the Morn Daniel house rent. Since when “loud music” is affiliated with Covid-19? Murderers are getting $5000.00 bail and not wearing a mask is $5000.00 charge? It’s very easy to know a brainless person. A brainless person is very dangerous. And skeritt, thanks for wearing a mask. Next time get a full face mask. Hide your face, man…

    • PRO
      August 4, 2021


      HIT IT TO THEM AGAIN!!!! 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾

  12. Ibo France
    August 3, 2021

    Let the Minister of Health make the announcements next time. Two reasons why.
    1. You (Skerrit) have no credibility of protocols and measures concerning COVID 19 after what you did on returning home after the ALBA summit.
    2. DNO I’m suffering from Skerrit fatigue on your news site. Your site acts like a PRO firm of the Evil One.

    • En Ba LA
      August 3, 2021

      @Ibo France
      There is nothing that can be done at this moment that will please you. The only thing that can you at this point is UWP in office.

      • August 4, 2021

        You got that right. They are all bums who should be exiled to North Korea. Supporting ugly Lenny.

      • Ibo France
        August 4, 2021

        No! Your comment shows you don’t have a clue about me. If UWP were to gain office today and mismanages the country as the Skerrt-DLP led administration is doing, they would come under even harsher criticisms.

        I’m for good governance where all Dominican, regardless of political affiliation, are given a fair opportunity to empower themselves. I again reiterate, I wholeheartedly believe in equal opportunity for all. Divisive political tribalism has done the country no good. We need to try something else.

        • August 5, 2021

          @Ibo France, and who the hell do you think you are with your me, myself, and I?

          So you claim that the present Government is not functioning the way it should, what right do you have to this judgment–especially that the people have spoken; not the nonsense group that follows you and your senseless leader?

          I suggest that you keep your arrogant idea of what you call “good governance” to yourself and your counterparts–Dominicans do not need it! They have demonstrated that truth 4 times in a row and coming again in 2024 for the 5th time. Mark my word!

      • August 4, 2021

        @En Ba LA, and Lennox Linton will never get to office because he has no qualification for that post. The chair is way too big for his small and withered behind.

        Ibo France and his counterparts know very well that they are fast asleep, but not wanting to acknowledge that their dream is a horrible nightmare in reality.

    • IBIS
      August 4, 2021

      And you act like the PRO to Anti-Dominica movement. For heavens sake the man is the leader. But then again you are irrelevant where you are so DNO has become your Olympic stage. Every news article Is another moment for you in the spotlight. Light, Action (don’t disappoint us).

      • %
        August 4, 2021

        Anti Dominica Movement? What’s that?? So speaking the truth is anti Dominica?
        So when liar Skerrit violates the law, he is pro Dominica? It seem like if you had your say you would muzzle people?? Skerrit is the biggest anti-Dominica citizen you will ever meet. THE LIAR!!!

      • Ibo France
        August 4, 2021

        I’m never afraid to speak the TRUTH no matter who it offends. Truth has fire to its tail. It’s like bitter medicine, doesn’t taste well but cleanses the soul (good for you).

        There are leaders and misleader.s To refer to Mr. Sherrt as a leader is the same as referring to someone as an honest thief.. Skerrit is just a pathetic figurehead. Tony is the de facto leader of Dominica’

        I’ve stopped responding to …… like you. This is your first time so I chose to sober you up. You have to be badly inebriated to call Skerrit a leader. No more response from me to … you.

    • August 4, 2021

      Why don’t you and the rest of your crew exile yourselves to another country? I think if you do so, Dominica will fast forward in everything good. You are nothing but a complainant. Always complaining. What is it all you want? Tell me so I can fix it up nicely for you all. Not Linton, because he will never be the PM of Dominica, not on this earth. I wonder what kind of work you do for a living. You always spilling sh… What are your credentials? Why don’t you get lost in France? And show some respect to the Supreme Leader, Sir Roosevelt Skerrit. He was not knighted for nothing. OK? No bogoroy ugly Lenny.

      • Griffon
        August 4, 2021

        Who knighted him? How much did that knighthood cost the state coffers? You know what, YOU are totally of your rocker, and that is a fact!

        • August 5, 2021

          Queen Elizabeth the second. Is she off her rockers? Then, we all including you Griffon are off our rockers.

          • Griffon
            August 6, 2021

            Queen Elisabeth, just wishful thinking of your behalf. The only place were people like that rogue can get a title free of charge is North Korea. Even in India they made him pay for his doctor title. So think again, you are not only of your rocker but you are short of at least 3 screws of a full set.

            Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0
    • Choice
      August 4, 2021

      Not just that IBO France, the Prime Minister has no legal authority to introduce these measures anyway.

      The measures were MADE by the President under section 3 of the Emergency
      Powers Act, Chap. 15:02.

      ADMIN, on that note the headline should be edited to read “announced” instead of “introduced”.

      ADMIN: We appreciate you pointing that out. The headline has been updated.

  13. ccs
    August 3, 2021

    i hope the rules apply to everyone regardless of party affiliation including yourself Mr Pm.

  14. Marlon
    August 3, 2021

    Skerrit, do you know the person that flew to Venezuela for a couple of days and when he returned forgot to quarantine. One rule for YOU and another rule for all of us.
    Go away…

    • Shem
      August 3, 2021

      Yes, is he that cuz the country to be in that state..he said he is vacinated so no quarantine for him and guess what de puppet came on de air after to say new protocol no quarantine just to cover de pm tracks no look what is happening. One cabal allu be. Smh risking people’s lives.

      • Shem
        August 3, 2021

        Iean no quarantine once vaccinated

  15. %
    August 3, 2021

    Will you yourself liar Skerrit be observing those protocols? I ask because you violate all laws. You are a very bad example!!!!
    Will you be compensating the shop owners, bus drivers, owners of small businesses,etc, etc,etc, for income lost during that curfew period??
    EC$5000.00 for not wearing a MASK..After you have impoverished the people so much, you are that brutal? Who in Dominica can afford to pay a EC$5000.00 charge? Is the prison empty? Is it a scheme for members of the Manicou Gang to go after those they think should Shut Up???

    • Garcon
      August 3, 2021

      @% It is not often that we agree on an issue but this time I must support you. It is high time that across the board things be done on an equitable basis. I am aware of people who travelled from the United States over the weekend and who were not quarantined for one minute. They went straight to their homes and the following day, were all over the island.
      The majority of violators will just go to prison and further lead to the spread of the virus.

    • August 3, 2021

      Wear a mask if you don’t want to be fined $5000.00, very simple.

      • %
        August 4, 2021

        Mr brailess, please read and understand. Stop being a nobrainer spewing unadulterated garbage..I reiterate, Skerrit is a wicked..You grovel to him because you cant afford to buy a mask for $2.00, let alone to pay $5000.00

    • lmckoy
      August 4, 2021

      If businesses are to be compensated for lost income, guess who would pay the bill. And what about those law-abiding Dominicans who did not go to any party and now will be inconvenienced and even miss work – who pay them?

      • %
        August 4, 2021

        That’s why the world over had something called a STIMULUS PACKAGE.
        Some countries gave their citizens more than ONE.
        Liar in Chief Skerrit refuse to give Dominicans anything, but Dominicans are paying EC$64000.00 for him each month.
        This liar in chief is WICKED!!!

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