POETRY: Elegy for my deceased father

Herbert Volney with daughter Krystal Volney as a baby

For my father Herbert Volney who died from a heart attack in December 2022 after suffering from heart disease for more than a decade


In the twilight of his life, my father’s heart did cease,

A victim of heart disease, his body did appease,

The Grim Reaper’s cold embrace, with a heart attack’s might

Leaving me with memories, of his love so bright.


He was a man of strength, with a heart of gold

A gentle soul, with a spirit so bold.

He guided me through life, with a steady hand

And showed me the way to various lands.


His laughter and wit, I’ll never forget

The twinkle in his eye and before his death,

All of the stories from Dominica he told, of his life so grand

I’ll cherish them forever, in this world so bland.


He was a man of honor, with a heart of pride

A true gentleman, who never would truly divide.

He lived his life, with a spirit so free

And left behind nothing but our family for me.


So rest my father, in peaceful sleep

Your memory will live, in my heart so deep.

I’ll keep your love, and your spirit alive

And cherish the moments, of the time we thrived.



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  1. River Street
    June 17, 2024

    A remembrance in elegy. Rest in Peace Herbie.

  2. if we knew better
    June 17, 2024

    Continue to Rest in Peace Mr. Volney

  3. Claire Hendry
    June 16, 2024

    Well done Krystal

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