Preservation is key to increasing tourism revenue, says Jungle Bay owner

Sam Raphael

Proprietor of Jungle Bay Resort, Sam Raphael has called on Dominicans to focus on ways to conserve the environment.

He was delivering remarks at the first-ever Dominica Economic Revival Summit Awards Dinner held at Jungle Bay Resort on Tuesday.

The event was organized by the United Workers Party (UWP) in partnership with the Electoral Reform Coalition (ERC) and will run from Tuesday, June 4 to Thursday, June 6.

“Let us not destroy the natural environment of Dominica,” Raphael advised. “Let us do proper planning, let’s focus and whatever we do let’s plan and conserve the island, because that is all we have.”

From his perspective, if the natural beauty of Dominica is gone, “nobody will come to this island and we can forget about it.”

Furthermore, Raphael pointed out that tourism produces more than a quarter of a billion dollars annually in foreign exchange for Dominica.

“We can easily top that at least five times if we play our cards right…” he said.

One of the foremost endeavors ought to be going to various communities to mark out the natural attractions of the island, according to Raphael.

“And if we were to go around Dominica on a community level and mark that out and begin to build our industry around that I believe the future will be bright, it will be sustainable and everyone would benefit,” Raphael noted.

Meanwhile, he broached the topic of community, citing the importance of understanding that Dominicans need to talk to each other more and about each other less.

“And we need to come together to engage and discuss things,” he stated.

Raphael believes that’s the only way “we can grow.”

He added, “We need to start exchanging and sharing ideas and that’s how we will learn to understand and love each other more.”

Economic Revival Summit Dinner and Awards Ceremony

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  1. Martin
    June 7, 2024

    The tourism he promotes, and which is being shaped by Charles, Valmond, Piper and others, does not benefit ordinary Dominicans, rather it exploits them. This is nothing more than colonialism in different clothing.

  2. Bwa-Banday
    June 7, 2024

    Congrats Sam! It appears that you have finally seen the light bro. I understand your precarious situation in terms of CBI license and the SOS but you too telling people, albeit quietly :mrgreen: :mrgreen: , to dump the SOS and the cabal for the good of the nation. Your tourism minister does not have a clue. Lets roll with Dr.T

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 5 Thumb down 4
  3. Roger Burnett
    June 7, 2024

    Conservation is not only essential for the visitor, but to all Dominicans.

    Conservation need not restrict progress but ensure that progress is made with respect to the island’s identity.

    The identity of places reflects the identity of ourselves.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 1
  4. MEME
    June 6, 2024

    The environment is so important to Sam, but he remains tight lipped and ‘moo moo’ when all sorts of garbage, debris and other materials toxic and non toxic are dumped into our rivers. Will you offend someone if you speak out Sam?
    I just hate hypocrisy!
    Is Lennox Linton part of this symposium? This is the guy i would want to listen to, not only because of his supremely excellent articulation and oratory skills, sharp mental acuity and wisdom, but also because he is no hypocrite!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 5
    • Ibo France
      June 7, 2024

      Well said! Lennox Linton is simply unmatched in his oratorical delivery, integrity, patriotism, and passion to uplift his fellow country men and women out of this insanely insufferable poverty.

      This is my most honest opinion. Mr. Lennox Linton is the best prime minister that Dominica has never had. Truth that CANNOT be dismissed.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 5 Thumb down 5
      • Mark
        June 8, 2024

        Both you and MEME are living in the past and just can’t accept the fact that Mr. Linton is no longer the party leader. Move on from Mr Linton and throw your support behind the new man in charge, Dr. Fontaine. You are creating confusion within the UWP with your constant mention of someone who was rejected by his own party. Mr. Lennox Linton is yesterday’s news and isn’t coming back so get this in your thick skull and support the new man in charge.

  5. Lucas
    June 6, 2024

    So while Sam, Gregor, and all those overseas and extremely dubious CBI investors pocket all the profits, Dominicans should be delighted that their future is secure cleaning toilets, making beds, waiting on rich people. Fantastic. Problems solved.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 3

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