President of Cricket West Indies congratulates Gudakesh Motie on ICC Men’s Player of the Month award

Gudakesh Motie has been awarded the ICC Men’s Player of the Month for May 2024, marking yet another significant achievement for West Indies cricket this year. This accolade follows Hayley Matthews’ award in May as ICC Women’s Player of the Month for April 2024, as well as Shamar Joseph’s win in January, showcasing the exceptional talent within our teams.

Motie’s performances throughout May were pivotal, particularly during the home series against South Africa, where he took eight wickets at an impressive average of 8.50. His efforts were instrumental in securing a 3-0 series victory for West Indies. Additionally, Motie’s form has continued into the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup, where he has taken five wickets at an average of 11.

Reacting to Motie’s award, the President of Cricket West Indies, Dr. Kishore Shallow, expressed his pride and congratulations. “Gudakesh has shown tremendous skill and dedication, and this award is a well-deserved recognition of his efforts. His performances have been instrumental in our recent successes and have brought great pride to our team and fans.”

President Shallow also highlighted the broader impact of such achievements on West Indies cricket. “Awards like these not only celebrate individual excellence but also inspire the entire cricketing community in the Caribbean. Gudakesh’s success is a testament to the hard work and potential within our team,” he added.

Reflecting on the earlier success of Shamar Joseph, President Shallow remarked, “Having three players win the ICC Men’s Player of the Month award in the same year is a significant milestone for West Indies cricket. It speaks volumes about the talent and determination of our players.”

Motie and his teammates have pushed the West Indies T20 Men’s team to Number 3 in the ICC rankings. This is the highest the team has been ranked for almost a decade. With one match remaining in the group round of the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup, West Indies has already qualified for the Super 8.


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