[PRESS RELEASE] Immigration and customs declaration forms online effective April 5

The Government of Dominica is pleased to announce that effective today, April 5, 2023, travelers to Dominica can now complete their

Immigration Forms and Customs Declaration Forms online.

This progressive process aims to make travel to Dominica as seamless as possible while adhering to the legal requirements for Immigration and Customs and Excise. This is in keeping with the policy and steps announced by the Prime Minister last month which removed the requirement for Disembarkation cards for holders of Dominican passports, simplified Immigration and Customs Declaration Forms and revised the exit procedures for travelers.

Effective today, travelers to Dominica can visit the ED card website at www.edcard.dominica.gov.dm and complete the online form any time prior to travel to Dominica.

Upon submission, a confirmation with QR code, name, and flight details will be received.

This confirmation should be either saved to a mobile device or printed for presentation to the authorities.

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  1. Skerro
    April 6, 2023

    There is no such site to load stop embarrassing people your idiot skerrit I’m so freaking mad reach da and those officers watch people like what the hell f this place

    • April 8, 2023

      The announcement was made on the 5th of April. and you already making a comment on the 6th. of April. Don’t you think you have to give it time for the process to be in place. Don’t be to quick to condemn. Is like you just cant wait Maby you not even traveling just trying to block the sight.

  2. Skerro
    April 6, 2023

    Who the hell filling form skerrit I’m so sick of you with the sh.. you doing getting a life enough is enough we not you papieshow

  3. Just Asking
    April 6, 2023

    All that just for people to skip filling out a stupid form on a plane?
    We know what happened when we went thru that covid website to submit and receive a stupid email before travel to Da, it was ugly.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 1
  4. derp
    April 5, 2023

    whatever happened to the tax returns we could file online?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 0
  5. ben10
    April 5, 2023

    and the officers aint even aware.. boy that is a big joke.. how do they verify ? what equipments are available for them? what training was done ? look embarassment…

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 6 Thumb down 3
    • Doset
      April 6, 2023

      Welcome to Skerrits Dominica…

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 2

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