Prime Ministers of Canada and UK say Iranian missile strike caused crash of Ukranian airliner

In yet another bizarre twist in the tense U.S/Iran exchange the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau and the Prime Minister of the UK, Boris Johnson, claim they have evidence that Iran shot down the Ukrainian airliner that crashed on Wednesday morning.

US authorities claim they have video and radar evidence that links the crash to the Iranian Missile strike on Wednesday.

The flight was carrying 176 passengers with 138 people expecting to make connecting flights to Canada.

“There is now a body of information that the flight was shot down by an Iranian Surface to Air Missile. This may well have been unintentional.” Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in a statement. “We are working closely with Canada and our international partners and there now needs to be a full, transparent investigation.”

Trudeau called for further investigations citing evidence he claimed he had access to, but would not provide additional details about that evidence.

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  1. viewsexpressed
    January 11, 2020

    “US authorities claim they have video and radar evidence that links the crash to the Iranian Missile strike on Wednesday.” The US was right and on que. It`s pretty obvious from the pictures that this flash next to the airplane was the result of ground strick administered by these weird Islamist people and their so called Iman. This Iman with his weird Religious Team inflict alot of pain and suffering on its people based in their islam faith. That is not a faith. It`s a fake faith and a religious prison that has reduced and subjected its people of Iran to internal strife and appears scared to talk openly or to be associated to any other religion. This is religious slavery and one day the people of Iran will take back their country from these weird devilish Iman leaders in Iran. The writing is on the wall for Iran, that its people are set free, just like when the Berlin wall was broken down by Gobachev. Dominica must do same and get rid of fake Skerrit & corrupt Labour Government. Go…

  2. Middle East Analyst
    January 9, 2020

    The Middle East is always a very volatile region. Last year, I travelled to the region ( Cyprus). On my return from Cyprus, whilst I was following the news, I learnt that a Russian made missile fell in Cyprus during an Israeli strick on Syria. However, there was no Cypriot or Syrian casualty.

    This shows that sometimes, missiles could hit unintended targets.

    I sympathize with the people of the plane families. This is so sad. May they RIP.

  3. Middle East Analyst
    January 9, 2020

    I have been following the event in the Middle East between the US and Iran for the past week; and also the Boing 737 – 800 which crashed after leaving an airport in the Iranian capital, Tehran on its way to Kiev Ukraine with 176 people including crew members and had no doubt that there was a link in the US – Iran conflict and the plane crash.

    Is it ironic that follows the more than a dozen missiles sent at the US military bases in Iraq from Iran, a plane travelling from Iran crashed 7 to 8 minutes into its flight?

    Also, shortly after the crash with NO INVESTIGATION, the Iranian authority said that the crash was caused by engine failure! (The black box was not even examined).

    Although the airline was a Ukrainian airline, it is customary that the country where the plane crashed will lead the INVESTIGATION! No wonder Iran already knew the cause of the crash with no investigation.

    So, I agreed with Truedea!

  4. look it
    January 9, 2020

    Man what a disaster, we know Arian is not capable of controlling a chicken from the nest, they are all over the place out of control. Here you have in.What next.

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