Russia successfully completes human trials of COVID-19 vaccine

As the world reels under the rising COVID-19 cases, Russia’s Sechenov University has successfully completed the world’s first clinical trials of coronavirus vaccine on humans, media reports said on Sunday (July 12, 2020).

The director of the Institute for Translational Medicine and Biotechnology Vadim Tarasov confirmed the development to Sputnik news.

“Sechenov University has successfully completed tests on volunteers of the world`s first vaccine against coronavirus,” Tarasov said.

He said the university had begun clinical trials of the vaccine on June 18. The first group of volunteers would be discharged on Wednesday and the second on July 20. The vaccine has been produced by Gamalei Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology in Russia.

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  1. Truth be Told
    July 15, 2020

    DNO please do some basic research and correct this nonsense! Since May the UK had its first human trial of a vaccine for Covid-19, while China has already issued its vaccine to its entire military! This may be a first for Russia but not the world!

    ADMIN: There is a difference between most human trials and clinical trials.

    The trial you are likely referring to in the UK begin in April and was a pre-clinical trial.

    It can be confusing especially due to the way trials are reported in most media. Clinical trials tend to have tight controls for the experiment and typically seeks to answer specific questions.

    There are usually several phases to clinical trials, also standards and protocol may vary from country to country.

  2. Oh Yes
    July 13, 2020

    Ya, until a U.S or British greedy capitalist pharma comes up with one …and strong-arm’s the world for trillions. After the usual you stated so far I’d only consider the Madagascar teas.

  3. Not a Doctor
    July 13, 2020

    I do not trust the Russians confirmation of successful human trial testings for Covid-19 vaccine. As the global spread of Covid-19 continues such claims are going to become more obvious; everyone wants to be the first to fi…lol.

    A vaccine will be developed but a vaccine is not necessary to cure someone infected with or prevent someone becoming infected with Covid-19.

    Practicing simple good hygiene is effective enough to cure and prevent the spread of the disease; (1) always wear a proper face mask, (2) wash hands with soap and clean water regularly, (3) and dry hands with clean towel,(4)practice social distancing, (5) cough and sneeze into a clean towel or paper napkins and dispose off properly, (6) eat a well balanced meal 3X daily, (7) drink water regularly to remain hydrated, (8) stay in well ventilated areas, (9) enjoy direct sun light, and (10) sea bathing often.

    If you are ill, self isolate and seek medical attention immediately.

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