Speaker of the House of Assembly to represent Dominica at state funeral for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Speaker of the house Joseph Isaac

Speaker of the House of Assembly, Honourable Joseph Isaac, will represent the Commonwealth of Dominica at the funeral of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on Monday, September 19, 2022 at Westminster

The State Funeral of Her Majesty The Queen will take place at 6 a.m. (11:00 a.m. BST.)

A Committal Service at St George’s Chapel, Windsor, will take place later the same day. Queen Elizabeth II, who ascended the British throne in 1952, was Dominica’s Head of State until 1978.

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  1. If we knew better
    September 20, 2022

    I get it. It is a way to give the Crown the middle finger. Who best to send but this absolute clown? I understand the mission. Great choice. But if you were being serious Mr. PM, better you had send Sukie and Ridge because they would have been much better choices than Joseph Isaac. Waw. Even Sour Sour is a better choice. At least they represent Dominica with all their hearts. Man like Joseph Isaac represents Dominica with all his pocket.

  2. Me
    September 19, 2022

    Is this what we really are Roosevelt?
    Bon marchay and mal cassay?

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  3. Shaka zulu
    September 18, 2022

    Not too often i agree with the actions of the gov of the day. The selection of JI is the best way to insult the monarchy that represents white supremacy. Send the most despicable individual from the kleptocracy. He represents the the perfect chamber maid and the British white privileged family should have non better.

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  4. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    September 18, 2022

    They better make sure he is invited; if the Elizabeth grandson, Harry, and his wife Megan was uninvited to certain activity, who the hell is this Dominica disoriented rat Issac?
    So, you see something is wrong, if there was an invitation, that would have to go to the head of the government Roosevelt Skerrit; and not some so called Speaker of House.
    If Roosevelt was invited and refuse to attend it is because he fear his corruption is catching up with him; and fear getting captured by the FBI, INTERPOL, or New Scotland Yard!

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    • Man bite dogs
      September 19, 2022

      Francisco, your wicked mouth is wider than your backside that is the reason why you full of crap in your nasty old age in a matter of fact your nasty so-called useless workers party. Will never again be coming back into Government as long there’s a hole in your backside.

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      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        September 20, 2022

        If I was illiterate, I would have a different response to your diatribe; you are constantly vulgar and bitter; if you had any commonsense you would know that to attend a funeral, such as that of any Monarchy, just about any nobody like Isaac cannot be a lone representative of a country.

        Let me tell you something boy; the way this labor party government ministers gets to thief out of the treasury is by using tactics as this. For your information King Charles has long met with the invited Heads of Governments selected from Commonwealth countries including Jamaica: and be advised I did not see any head of government from the Eastern Caribbean in attendance, not even Antigua where the Monarchy is represented by a Governor!
        So, as for this lie that Issac is going to the funeral of Elizabeth, is as fake as Roosevelt bogus bits of papers on which the words “doctor is written.”
        If a government delegation was invited from Dominica anybody might be in that company, not a single crook!

  5. Ibo France
    September 17, 2022

    Judas Isaac has the copyrights of every one of these: Traitor, Hypocrite, Charlatan, Imposter, Phony, Impersonator

    The man is a human CHAMELEON.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 27 Thumb down 5
    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      September 19, 2022

      lbo that guy might be given an opportunity to go to England with his pocket filed with money from out of the treasury; but the purpose is not to attend the queen funeral as an official head of state from Dominica.

      Remember a head of State has to be invited, so why not the prime minister of Dominica, rather the speaker of the house. Something seems cynical about that. Labor Party clown are so ignorant believe Roosevelt send condolences to the Royal family on his Facebook page, as if some member of the Royal family perhaps King Charles will visit Roosevelt page to read his crap.
      Fortunately, the way it works is they have a condolence book, and every invited dignitary ” head of states,” or country, such as President Biden, will sign their names in that book of condolences, which will ultimately become part of British history when the death and burial of Elizabeth is reviewed!
      Not in a thousand years you’ll find a nobody name Issac signed that book of condolences.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 5
      September 19, 2022

      When the fox could not reach the grapes it said they were sour.
      Ibo MALAPROP France, the best move Isaac could have done in his political life was to disassociate himself from a PACK of a..holes like you.

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      • Ibo France
        September 19, 2022

        You went incognito for a long period. Go back in your jail cell.Nobody missed you.

      • If we knew better
        September 20, 2022

        Since when Fox does eat grapes? Man shut your mouth with your absolute nonsense. All you know about is a-holes. But i suspect you.

  6. September 17, 2022

    Royal waste of money!!! Shows that regardless of all the talk we are still enslaved. Why should homage be paid to the head of an organization that supported all types of atrocities against black people for the past 70 years. As the show continues Caribbean leaders continue to shower Elizabeth with praises easily forgetting the many crimes committed by the Empire under her leadership. Caribbean people must wake up and release the chains from their minds.

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    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      September 19, 2022

      “supported all types of atrocities against black people for the past 70 years.”

      How old are you, and where have you been; how many classes in history have you taken, how much do you know about British colonialism?
      “The Sun never set on the British Empire;” even the great United States of America was a colony of England; no need to tell you the British and other colonizing powers enslaved Black people for more than four hundred years.
      Seventy years is an under statement!
      We were enslaved for the same amount of years as the Jews were enslaved in Egypt!
      Slavery was abolished in Dominica in the year 1834 making Dominica become the first and only British Caribbean colony to have a black control legislature in the 19th century.
      Dominica became independent in 1978; it’s been 144 years since slavery in Dominica, under colonialism, now we have new economic slave masters headed by Roosevelt Skerrit, black economic slavery is the worst form of Slavery; that’s what is in Dominica!

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 8
    • If we knew better
      September 20, 2022


  7. Anthony P. Ismael
    September 17, 2022

    From integrity to being a turn-coat. Oh well, betrayal has its perks a privileges. In this case it’s a free tax-payer funded jolly to bid the Queen farewell.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 21 Thumb down 3
  8. Ibo France
    September 17, 2022

    This obnoxious, vile turncoat representing Dominica in London? Surely, this is a new low. Dominica has certainly hit rock bottom.

    On hearing that modern day Judas is the one chosen to represent the country in the UK, I’m convinced that most citizens, at home and abroad, cowered in embarrassment Another black eye to Dominica’s already badly bruised image.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 21 Thumb down 3
    • UKDominican
      September 18, 2022

      For your information, Barbados is represented by their President, Sandra Mason, who is already in London and whom we saw being interviewed on BBC T.V. today.
      Surely, we could have done better ourselves.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 3
  9. Legion
    September 17, 2022

    Congratulations a 🤡 represents us.

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  10. Imputing Improper Motives (IIM) De Talker
    September 17, 2022

    But I had heard they were going to send de other cross-walker Loreen Bannis-Roberts instead. You see what happens to dem when they cross but does not practice Christianity? Then fall down like tarish on a dumper with the box going up!

    Take care de queen doh chalveway when she feels the presence of this other back-stabbing double-crossing talker.

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  11. Cobra
    September 17, 2022

    Waw, homage to the family responsible for the slaughter of your own ancestors.

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  12. What U Running 4?
    September 17, 2022

    So Skerrit was so quick to declare two days of National mourning and he not going to her funeral? What are you scared of Mr Skerrit? You scared the US or Uk? You can run as much as you want but you won’t be able to hide for much longer you coward man

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 16 Thumb down 5
    • Toto
      September 18, 2022

      Maybe the Speaker is there to collect a swag bag of passport cash or highly sensitive papers now that the international police have the usual bag man and his master on their radar The Speaker have no record and travels on a diplomatic passport and in all the traffic of vips London may get away with it. You think I’m joking but nothing is beyond these guys and the Speaker is dispensable and can easily be replaced, trust me.

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    • Ibo France
      September 18, 2022

      Roosevelt is not scared to attend the queen’s funeral service. He is just jetlagged from all his global travels.

      I’m sure the world’s most travelled tourist has racked up over 1M frequent flyer miles for this present year. The only place he has not flown to as yet is Antarctica.

      Back to Judas Isaac who couldn’t even manage a simple bakery business. The man is a blatantly opportunistic hypocrite. He is being rewarded for his unwavering, loyal lapdog-like devotion and fondness of Roosevelt.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 3
  13. UKDominican
    September 17, 2022

    As a Dominican living in the U.K. I feel offended by this slight. First of all, was he invited because the other heads of State are attending by invitation only and not even the President of China has that privilege. Joseph Isaac is not our head of state and at least I would have expected Charles Savarin to be here. In any case, we do have a High Commissioner in London to represent our country. What is her job? It looks like one of these wedding parties back home where people invite themselves and bring bags to take home some goodies. I do feel embarrassed by this and think Roosevelt Skerrit is behind this because J.I. would not even pass wind without his blessing.

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    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      September 18, 2022

      Exactly my sentiments, something is out of wack here!
      If indeed some from Dominica was to be invited, it would have to be Roosevelt Skerrit, if Dominica was simple an independent country with the queen being head of State, there would be a governor representing the queen on the island therefore the invitation would be extended to him/her.
      then he/she could have invited an entourage, if allowed to do so, then a rat, a nobody like Issac might have got to slip in the backdoor!
      But, you know Dominica corrupted Roosevelt Skerrit his puppets, and regime are guaranteed to screw themselves and everything up!

      That SOB might be going to England, but he is not going to the Queens funeral; when they travel, they extract hundreds of thousand of dollars from the treasury, they steal it, that’s another of so called Dominica ministers and others getting rich out of the government treasury.
      This is his turn to cut a gigantic piece of the Dominica pie!

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      • September 19, 2022

        And if Skerrit had attended the Queen’s funeral, you would have had something bad to say. If Charles Savarin had attended, you would have had something bad to say also. For that matter, if anybody from the cabinet had attended, you would have had something bad to say. My best advice to you Telemakak is to shut up your mouth and go rest your old bones somewhere out there. Nothing pleases you UWP bums.

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        • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
          September 20, 2022

          Devils son (ds), indeed if the corrupted crook Roosevelt Skerrit was invited to attended the burial ceremonies, I Telemakak (monkey) would have the sense to question how many hundreds of thousands of dollars he would have taken out of the treasury; and how much he would account for on his return?
          You know they extract, they claim they paid hundreds of thousands in hotel bill; they return without a receipt nor change.
          Remember Patrick John took jail for three ($3.00) dollars you know!

          I would asked Roosevelt to show me his precept: he would have told me to “mind your damn business” ‘that is my damn business’ and that means Roosevelt crooked business.
          In any event if the British Government invited anybody from the government to attend the funeral, it might be Savarin head of State, and government Roosevelt Skerrit, not a no name nobody Isaac, you are too dumb to know that, but you see this monkey here perhaps knows too little, monkey doh know anything eh!

  14. Waiting For Airport
    September 17, 2022

    Yes my boy… go and bow down to your white master! Make sure they know that you and our so called leaders still committed to the eurocentric colonization that they require from you!

    Go and mourn our slave masters on our behalf!

    Set of sell outs all you be!

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  15. September 17, 2022

    DNO, will you post a very recent pic of this baker? This gown has not been laundered in a while. The gown looks like it has been soaked in Fiona’s rain and plastered with staled pastries.

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    • September 21, 2022

      Why don’t you open up a laundromat? Problem solved. It is that easy. But you are worth nothing but run your mouth.

  16. September 17, 2022

    I sincerely hope that you are placed bottom to last person at the end of the funeral. You are a lost case in the midst of real people. I will watch the funeral specially to see you Joseph Isaac at the bottom to last person shouting, “members you all are imputing improper motive Wii” Jack….A

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 16 Thumb down 2

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