STATEMENT by the Caribbean Community on the three-phase proposal for Israel and Hamas on Gaza

Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) continue to call for an unconditional ceasefire in Gaza and unimpeded humanitarian assistance. CARICOM expresses support for the proposal released by the President of the United States on 31 May for a full and complete ceasefire leading to a cessation of hostilities, and a major reconstruction plan for Gaza.

CARICOM has been calling for all parties to commit to a peaceful resolution of the Israel-Hamas conflict through meaningful dialogue and negotiation. Recognising the constructive role that the international community, including Egypt and Qatar, has played in negotiating the proposal put forward by President Biden, CARICOM endorses the three-phase approach starting with a full and complete ceasefire in Phase One, a six week period of withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza and the release of some hostages, the return of Palestinians to their homes and the provision of humanitarian aid.  Phase Two would see the release of all remaining hostages, exchange of prisoners and the ceasefire becoming the cessation of hostilities permanently. Phase Three would be a major reconstruction of Gaza.

CARICOM reiterates its position that lasting peace between Israel and Palestine that guarantees human rights, dignity and security, is through a two-state solution and encourages the implementation of the three-phase proposal as a step towards that objective.

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  1. Bwa-Banday
    June 6, 2024

    Caricom is a total waste of time! This organization cant be taken seriously on the global stage when Haiti, yes Haiti, a country in their immediate region is in total chaos and they are yet to do something tangible about it? They want to play big but you cant even join the big leagues when you are unable to organize little league.

    Caricom should call themselves Cari-go or Pappy-Show!

  2. Labour power
    June 4, 2024

    All the people supporting Israel are murders,thieves,rapists and child molesters.PEDOPHILES.They are murderers of innocent men,women and children.The blood of the innocent are on their hands.The murderers are cursed sons and daughters of Satan,and there is a place in hell for them.

  3. angelwatch
    June 4, 2024

    May ALL hostages be returned now, in Jesus name. There should be no negotiation on the hostages. Again, in Jesus name release every one of the remaining hostages.

  4. Channel One
    June 4, 2024

    Someone, please let the Heads of Government of CARICOM along with their puppet-masters, technocrats & speechwriters know that there will ONLY be ONE STATE in the land region currently referred to as Palestine (formerly known as Canaan) and that will be the STATE OF ISRAEL.

    THE END!!!

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