Statement from the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) on the installation of Haiti’s prime minister Hon. Garry Conille and his government

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) welcomes the installation of Haiti’s Prime Minister Garry Conille and the members of his government on June 12, 2024. It is a much anticipated and critical step in addressing the multifaceted crisis and facilitating the transition, through free and fair elections, toward a return to constitutional governance and restoration of lapsed institutions.

The Community has taken keen note of the priorities outlined by both the President of the Presidential Transition Council and the Prime Minister for the transition process, including public security, elections, economic recovery, food and health security, strengthening the rule of law and justice, the national conference and constitutional reform, as well as infrastructure rehabilitation. We applaud the emphasis that was also placed on improving the conditions of all Haitians, transparency and integrity in public affairs and zero tolerance for corruption.

The Caribbean Community extends its best wishes to the transition government and reiterates its readiness to support the government and people of Haiti as they embark on this crucial journey despite the challenging circumstances.

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1 Comment

  1. Against injustice
    June 21, 2024

    What did you do to alleviate the plight of the Haitian people as our caricom bros sis? Dominican Republic their neighbour keeps them in jail by not giving them visas. Even the great USA provides some form of support to them. Sunrise Airways is a Haitian Company. Do we use person’ s talent to make us look good? What hypocrisy his this? After Hurricane they were ok to come in. Repent I say and stop this madness. They are here to work but work permits are so hard to get even they pay the fees. Citizenship is another story. Why is the Department whose role to provide the necessary documents are so slow in providing the same to those “poor” persons. Are we just getting a salary for not doing anything (some government employees) or is it those in power who are frustrating the efforts? Anyway our boss in Heaven is watching. Absolutely nothing is hidden from him. Fear God and do his will. Treat people as humans. Where is our empathy?

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