Turkey Lane to be named after Cardinal Felix

Views of upper Turkey Lane and lower Turkey Lane. Both photos were taken facing west. 

Turkey Lane, a street in Roseau, will be named after the late Cardinal Kelvin Felix who will be laid to rest following a memorial mass on Wednesday. Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit made the announcement in an interview with state-owned DBS Radio after viewing the body of the deceased clergyman on Tuesday.

“Just to say that we will be renaming Turkey Lane in his honor,” he said.

“That will be ratified in cabinet today and the necessary arrangements will be made for a proper ceremony, improvements to the street, and so forth. Of course, we will get from the Catholic Church the precise nomenclature that we should use.”

He explained that the gesture is being done in honor, remembrance, and appreciation of the Cardinal’s contribution to Dominica, “the region, and to the world.”

“I am fortunate to have [had] many occasions to meet with him, especially when he was resident in Soufriere,” Skerrit remarked.

“He always had some very good and sincere advice.”

His Eminence Kelvin Edward Cardinal Felix died on Thursday, May 30, at the age of 91. He was the highest-ranking Roman Catholic churchman to ever come out of Dominica. From priest to Archbishop and then to Cardinal, he reached the highest echelon of authority in the Church.

He also held many prominent positions including the President of the Antilles Episcopal Conference and the Caribbean Conference of Churches.

In 2014, he was made a Cardinal by Pope Francis. Sometimes called “Princes of the Church,” Cardinals have two chief duties – assisting the pope in the governance of the vast worldwide Church and, above all, electing each new pontiff whom they serve.

He was also honored with Dominica’s highest accolade, the Dominica Award of Honour, in 1999.

Turkey Lane intersects with Cross Street and connects Victoria Street and Independence Street in the capital of Dominica.

Landmarks on or near the street include Our Lady of Fair Haven Cathedral, the Neg Mawon Emancipation Monument, St Mary’s Academy, and the Electoral Office.

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  1. Roger Burnett
    June 20, 2024

    With all due respect to the memory of Cardinal Felix, Turkey Lane should remain Turkey Lane.

  2. Paulo
    June 19, 2024

    So very fitting.

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