Two from DA selected from hundreds, for Climate Justice Academy

Island Innovation has recently announced the selection of 48 young individuals from various Caribbean nations to participate in the 2024 Caribbean Climate Justice Leaders Academy (CCJLA).

Christiana Paul and Whitlny Melinard will be representing Dominica after making it through a rigorous application process that attracted hundreds of applicants, resulting in a diverse cohort representing every CARICOM nation and other territories.

The program, scheduled to commence in June, is funded by the Open Society Foundations (OSF), a prominent supporter of independent organizations advocating for justice, democratic governance, and human rights worldwide.

The Caribbean region is facing unprecedented challenges stemming from climate change, such as escalating sea levels, extreme weather occurrences, and environmental degradation. The primary objective of the program is to enhance participants’ understanding of environmental sustainability, climate resilience, international policies, and their implications for the Caribbean. Throughout the 5-month course, a range of expert speakers will deliver lectures to the cohort.

Five outstanding participants will have the opportunity to attend COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, with all expenses covered, while the remaining cohort members will participate in Island Innovation’s annual COP virtual pavilion, providing coverage of the two-week event and the latest developments concerning the islands. Reflecting on their involvement in the 2023 cohort that attended COP28 in Dubai, Yemi Knight, a 2023 CCJLA member from Barbados, expressed, “Attending COP28 was a transformative and inspiring experience for me.”

Muskaan Khemani, a 2023 CCJLA member from Curaçao, also shared her perspective, stating, “[The Academy] was life-changing. I felt connected with individuals from across the Caribbean and no longer felt isolated.” Island Innovation CEO James Ellsmoor emphasized the significant interest shown by Caribbean youth in participating in the 2024 Academy, highlighting their determination to create a more equitable future. Ellsmoor underscored the importance of collaboration in developing sustainable solutions for effective climate action, with the Academy serving as a catalyst for such cooperation.

For further information on the Caribbean Climate Justice Leaders Academy, please visit:

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1 Comment

  1. Channel One
    June 13, 2024

    “The program, scheduled to commence in June, is funded by the Open Society Foundations (OSF), a prominent supporter of independent organizations advocating for justice, democratic governance, and human rights worldwide.”

    Very, interesting. Hmmmm…….The Open Society Foundations is funding this eh. Is this the same Open Society Foundations of George Soros? Hmmmmm….

    BE ALERT y’all. BECOME EXTREMELY VIGILANT when you see certain entities start to operate in the region under various disguises and initiatives.


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