Water increase implemented on June 1

Dominicans will now pay an increase in their water bill this month following a Water Access Charge which took effect on June 1.

“I have indicated several times the justification for the rates,”  General Manager of the Dominica Water and Sewerage Company (DOWASCO) Bernard Ettinoffe reiterated. “The large businesses will pay $800 per month, the medium-sized businesses $175, the small businesses $100, and domestic  customers will pay only $15 per month in addition to what they are paying now.”

According to him, all other tariffs remain the same. There is no increase for domestic, sewerage rates.

“it is just that, government understood the need for DOWASCO to generate more revenue from the services it provides so that it can keep the operations sustainable,” Ettinoffe stated.

Furthermore, he stated that over the last few years, the government has paid close to $32 million on behalf of DOWASCO in terms of loans and other operational expenses.

“The government has done its share and so the increases that we see now are just an effort to assist DOWASCO In meeting these operating expenses,” he indicated.

Before domestic unmetered customers paid a flat rate of $48.30 while domestic metered customers paid from 0 to 1000 gallons $21.62 and an additional 1000 gallons $10.12. The commercial customers paid from 0 to 1000 gallons $36.57 and an additional 1000 gallons $13.57.

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  1. Sikiye
    June 5, 2024

    Well, look next level progress. Dominica in such a deplorable state, Government is unable to raise funds for day to day operations, so they are hitting the consumers in Dominica where it hurts.
    ln their pocket, already folks are turning off their electricity, in an effort to reduce their cost. Folks can’t afford buy groceries after paying thier electricity, water, internet bills. Cizens are crying out for relief.
    My Late Grandmother ŵould say, you can only get so much juice from a lemon. So, it really doesn’t matter how many times you squeezed the lemon. 🍋 when it’s done, you won’t be able to get anymore juice, all that remainnis tht pulp.

  2. Left To Morn
    June 5, 2024

    That’s Bull!
    I was all for gov’t buy back and local ownership. I was wrong.
    There’s no other option than government subsidizing water in this little water-logged island, at least for residential use.
    A direct result of poor management, to even have a chairman from a desert aka the VI’s where Water management is a disaster. Has no experience even in WATER distribution, how can we be surprised to pay for WATER thru the nose when Dowasco was handed to these people in very good shape.

  3. Dumb brains
    June 4, 2024

    to charge a large company 800 more….what will the company do….just pass it on….dowasco nor the government are both bankrupt of ideas….this government in Dominica is the worse I have seen….lazy….just taxing and killers of all business….skerrit is the worst

  4. Skerro
    June 4, 2024

    you all in government are wicked people

  5. Ibo France
    June 4, 2024

    To increase water rates at this specific period when most consumers are experiencing financial embarrassment only can be described as heartless.

    This increase gives credence to the fact that the present administration is just a tax and spend government. They have no idea how to increase public revenue other than to deprive the working poor of every cent they earn from the sweat of their brow.

    Governance of the country should be people centered. Government should always strive to elevate the living standards of its citizens. Raising the water rate at this rough economic times degrades the already perennial hardship of life.

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