With Hurricane Beryl impending, UN’s World Food Programme prepared to assist

As the Caribbean anticipates the arrival of Hurricane Beryl, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is ready to assist in the response efforts at both regional and national levels. The first hurricane of the season is projected to have a significant impact on various countries in the Eastern Caribbean. Recognizing the potential for severe consequences on lives and livelihoods in the area, the WFP Caribbean Multi Country Office has deployed personnel to Saint Lucia and Grenada, with staff prepared in Barbados and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Throughout the Caribbean, WFP is on standby for immediate deployment, offering assistance to affected communities through food or cash aid based on specific needs and available resources. Teams in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Cuba are also closely monitoring Tropical Storm Beryl’s progress and are prepared to respond promptly upon request from national authorities.

Established in 2018, the WFP Caribbean Multi-Country office oversees 22 countries and territories in the English and Dutch Caribbean regions. Collaborating with national governments and regional bodies like the Caribbean Disaster and Emergency Management Agency, WFP aims to enhance disaster management, social protection, and food systems. These initiatives prioritize the most vulnerable populations, emphasizing the importance of bolstering climate resilience at both national and community levels.

In the words of Brian Bogart, Director designate of the WFP Caribbean Multi-Country Office, “We are all actively preparing for the arrival of Hurricane Beryl in the next 24 hours. Preparedness is key and every minute counts at this point in time. WFP is actively working to support regional and national disaster management agencies to ensure that the people impacted by this storm are able to meet their essential needs and get back on their feet as quickly as possible,”

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