World Cup ambitions of Dominican twin boys, topic of journalist’s first novel

Journalist Mike Conklin, known for his work at The Chicago Tribune as a beat reporter, daily columnist, and feature writer, has ventured into the world of novel writing. With a career that saw his work nationally syndicated and contributions to publications like the New York Times and various magazines, Conklin later transitioned to teaching communications and writing at universities and colleges in China and the U.S.

Leveraging his diverse experiences and colorful characters encountered throughout his career, Conklin now delves into the realm of fiction. An interview in the Chicago Tribune dated November 2016, quotes Conklin as having traveled the Caribbean “extensively.” He also has a background in sports reporting. The coalescence of these two worlds resulted in his debut novel, “Goal Fever!,”  being set in Dominica.

Described as “a lively David vs. Goliath sports narrative, ” the story follows twin brothers from the nation, often mistaken for the Dominican Republic, as they embark on an ambitious quest to qualify for the men’s World Cup soccer finals.

In “Goal Fever!,” Conklin weaves a tale of challenges and triumphs as Dominica faces formidable opponents on its path to soccer glory. With rival Caribbean national teams and a well-equipped U.S. squad standing in their way, the odds seem daunting. However, success in international soccer holds the promise of resolving the nation’s longstanding issues.

In his own words, the author says that the book was a “humorous” opportunity to tell a different type of story.

He has since released a second book titled “Transfer U.”

Goal Fever !” is available on Amazon at this site:

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