World Food Safety Day: CARPHA tackles food-borne disease and large gatherings


CARPHA (Caribbean Public Health Agency), in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO), marks World Food Safety Day on June 7, emphasizing the theme for 2024: “Food safety: prepare for the unexpected.” This theme underscores the collective responsibility towards ensuring food safety, urging active participation from all stakeholders.

Foodborne diseases (FBDs) continue to pose a significant threat to public health in the Caribbean and globally, with approximately one in 10 individuals worldwide suffering from illnesses caused by contaminated food annually. The Caribbean region, including CARPHA Member States (CMS), has witnessed a concerning rise in FBD cases and outbreaks, particularly within the tourism and cruise ship sectors. These diseases not only lead to sickness and death but also result in substantial economic burdens for countries, impacting trade, tourism, and overall reputation.

Various measures must be taken at different levels to address compromised food safety:

  • Governments should update national food safety emergency response plans, strengthen food control systems, enhance surveillance, coordination, and communication.
  • Food businesses need to enhance food safety management plans, foster collaboration, share best practices, and communicate effectively with consumers.
  • Consumers play a crucial role in reporting and responding to food safety incidents promptly.

In light of a 2021 WHO study revealing a high incidence of FBD during mass gathering events, such as cricket matches and food festivals, CARPHA remains proactive, particularly as the Caribbean prepares to host the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup in May/June 2024. Collaborating with health and tourism stakeholders in the six host nations, CARPHA is enhancing surveillance, response capabilities, laboratory services, and food safety protocols to ensure a safe and healthy environment for attendees.

Through comprehensive training programs for food vendors and the implementation of a Mass Gathering Surveillance System, CARPHA aims to mitigate the risks associated with FBD during large events. By adopting an integrated approach that encompasses epidemiology, laboratory analysis, environmental factors, and veterinary considerations, CARPHA is leading the way in promoting food safety in the Caribbean region. With a focus on capacity building, research, outbreak investigation, and stringent control measures, CARPHA is committed to safeguarding public health and enhancing food safety standards across the Caribbean.

Dr. Lisa Indar, Director of Surveillance, Disease Prevention, and Control Division at CARPHA, highlights the importance of food safety in supporting economic activities in the diverse Caribbean region, stating, “Food safety is crucial for supporting economic productivity in the tourism dependant, vastly culinary diverse Caribbean region.   CARPHA is contributing to regional food security through improving food borne diseases surveillance and food safety in its 26 Member States.”

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