LIVE address by leader of Parliamentary Opposition

Live video below statement from the Leader of Parliamentary Opposition:

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  1. Naysayer
    March 24, 2022

    I am not confident in the Opposition leader’s intention to formulate a plan of action to save Dominica. His body language and overall presentation is of boxer who lacks the determination and will to step in the middle of the ring to slug it out. Maybe it is the result of political battle fatigue and frustration.

    Mr. Linton is unquestionably a good man but in politics good guys without a prudent plan or strategy always finish last or lost.

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  2. In de net
    March 23, 2022

    Send over a copy of this video to: The State Department in Washington. Get the address online. Also, send a copy to the USVP. We cannot take anymore of that creature called Skerrit. He is running scared and he’s making friends with all of these terrorist country in the event he has to stand trial in Dominica; he will be accepted Iran, China, Syria, Russia or Cuba. Hey Skerrit!!! They are coming for you, boy. You better tell emm where you hid our money.

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  3. March 23, 2022

    Mr Linton did what any Leader of the Opposition who is worth his salt would have done; one may out of political expediency disagree with some or the whole of what he has said. The late Hon. Mike Douglas once said “the job of the opposition is to oppose the actions of Government which it finds despicable”; Mr Linton rightfully did so and the actions by this rogue regime in particular the PM justifies his reaction. What is most bothering to all righteous Dominicans is, (except for the believers and supporters of “no law no constitution”) is the dangers and ramifications to which our country an it’s citizens may be exposed by the reckless and unscrupulous behavior of this administration.

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  4. Eagle-Eyed
    March 23, 2022

    I hope there is enough room at Stockfarm for ugly lenny and his cronies who think they can take advantage of this Syrian diplomatic issue to try and and overthrow the democratically elected government. If ugly Lenny want to become PM in order to get his grubby hands on CBI money to enrich himself and his cronies, i hope he realises that he can only do it through the democratic process of the ballot box. otherwise, there is a special room waiting for him at Stockfarm. By the way mr ugly, havn’t you realise that the US, UK and EU are now trying to bring back Basher into the fold because they want him to supply oil which they want to deprive Putin of on the oil market? So Basher is now no longer seen as the bogey man by the West, so, maybe it might not be a bad time to re-establish relations with Syria after all. Even Maduro is now being courted by the west for venezuellian oil, whereas not too long ago he was seen as the satan which the west wanted to get rid off.

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    • Toto
      March 23, 2022

      Eagle, a sparrow smarter than you. Syria. Oil production is miniscule, less than half a % of world production and most of Venezuelan oil is refined in the U.S.A.
      Take those shells from your eyes so you may see for real.

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  5. Ibo France
    March 23, 2022

    When a leader stays in power for too long he becomes corrupt and dictatorial. Proof. Reflect when Skerrit first got into the top office to this time. The evolution is clear – Skerrit changed from a reasonable person to a most crude, ruthless, corrupt dictator. No honest person can query this.

    This one tyrant has tarnished Dominica’s once pristine regional and international image. The [alleged] Choski Kidnapping and the Syrian Diplomatic Scandal are but two of many scandals that have attracted unwanted international publicity for Dominica . Which other English speaking Caribbean leader that the world renowned Al Jazeera News Network did a scathung investigative story about but Mr. Skerrit?

    Dominicans, the time for talk has long passed. Immediate and decisive action is needed to banish this liability from the political landscape of Dominica.

    The time for every man, woman and child should use their feet and voices to rid the country of this political vampire.

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    • Man bite dogs
      March 23, 2022

      Ibo, My prime minister of Dominica is a born leader and working for Dominicans and Dominica if you and your dragons don’t like it tough s**t get back under neath your rock!!!

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    • March 24, 2022

      When a leader stays in power that long, it goes to show you that the man is loved by most of his people and doing well for his people and his country.. Skerrit is not to be defeated. When a man runs a campaign for a dirty handbag/trash bag it only goes to show you that you are classless and worthless. Your brains are made of sawdust and cow manure. That is why the agricultural sector cannot grow cause deep down in the soil is your cow manure and saw dust. Lennox Linton is belligerent and obnoxious. These are the qualities he possesses, that is why he will never live on Kennedy Avenue. Joe Biden is to Pennsylvania Avenue, Boris Johnson is to Downing Street as Skerrit is to Kennedy Avenue. How bout that?

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      • Lawyer
        March 25, 2022

        So you try telling us that the past elections were fair? The only people that love Skerrit are the dead voters and those that were flown in courtesy of OUR CBI money and the ones that received those flats free of charge. What gives Skerrit the right to give flats to some Labour supporters but the really needy ones continue to sleep in wooden shacks covered with plastic sheets. YOUR hero is a calculating conman. Full stop, end of story!

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  6. Looking From a Far
    March 22, 2022

    Too much “TALK”, Too Much Q95, it’s high time to Lead, the last election showed the opposition had approximately 16K voters and based of what was seen it was mostly local, not imported, it is high time You Mr. Linton as the Leader go to the different constituencies and mobilize your supporters and demonstrate in large numbers and show the corrupt administration that Dominica belongs to Dominicans. The people need a leader and it’s time the talking stop and it’s time to act. Village to Village speak to the people, motivate them and I am certain you will get the numbers. Select people you know has influence in the community and let the administration understand that the people living under this type of Governance has enough. THE TIME IS NOW!!!!!

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  7. Bwa-Banday
    March 22, 2022

    Finally!!! I heard something that made me warm again. “Engaging stake holders and individuals in a plan of action” to free Ma Dominique. I love what I heard and stand ready when the bell tolls. In the meantime we should all start making Ukranian Booziies so when they take light at nights we can clearly see our way forward. No letting up or half as. action this. time. Skerro must go ….

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  8. Ibo France
    March 22, 2022

    Is this asinine action by Skerrit and his brain dead disciples a death sentence for the future viability of the CBI program? Let’s hope that the country can transition into a more diverse economy under a more visionary administration that brings plenty prosperity.

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    • March 23, 2022

      It is hard to fathom what you see that I do not see in a high school dropout. The man has no solution, no new ideas to anything. He is ungovernable. He pumps the same crap over and over. Yet, you idolize him. He resorts to violence and anarchy when the tides are splashing against him. Imagine, the man wanted to fight his high school headmaster. He cannot get it his way. Lennox Linton is a carbon copy of Kim Jong Un of North Korea and Vladimir Putin of Russia. If you believe that the people of Dominica including you are not free why don’t you take a trip to North Korea. I don’t think we would hear the end of you. Lennox’s actions are synonymous with Bashar Al Assad’s of Syria. One more thing, We need a handsome, educated, intelligent, charismatic leader like the late Maurice Bishop. Lennox does not possess any of the qualities. Lennox was born to lose. He is a replica of you.

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      • Toto
        March 23, 2022

        Skerrit is no patch on Linton, who is smarter and a far better speaker than Skrit anytime. That Linton fellow writes his own, superior speeches for a start and Skrit is no match for him in that department.

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  9. Ibo France
    March 22, 2022

    You know, when I think about Dominica establishing diplomatic relationship with Syria, it should come as no surprise.

    President Bazaar al-Ass-ad and Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit have much in common. The Syrian dictator used poison gas to kill thousands of his own people. The Dominican dictator invited foreign soldiers to unlease suffocating teargas on babies, women grandmothers and grandfathers while these unsuspecting people were sound asleep at an unholy hour of the night.

    The two men are like two peas in one pod. They have a
    cold-blooded and callous disregard for the lives of their own people.

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  10. Ibo France
    March 22, 2022

    Let me first state this without any fear of contradiction. Mr. Lennox Linton is one of the most articulate, erudite and perspicacious citizens of the Caribbean.

    I have repeated many times that Roosevelt ‘ Arab Worshipping’ Skerrit is an existential threat to Dominica. He is a notorious, habitual LIAR. He does not possess the requisite intelligence nor vision to be leader not even of a group of dog catchers.

    Choosing him over the stately, honest and astute Mr. Lennox Linton reminds me of Easter during the cruxifiction when the people chose Barabbas over Jesus.

    P.S. I am not in anyway comparing Mr. Linton to Jesus. I know most of the dimwitted supporters of Mr. Skerrit will be doltish enough to think that.

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    • March 23, 2022

      I have not seen one yet in opposition who can articulate and be charismatic like the late Maurice Bishop in the caribbean. Every time I look at Linton, all I see is a high school drop out and a man who resorts to violence when he cannot get his way. Lennox is the embodiment of evil. He is very pompous and gullible. He is a snake under the grass. Both Putin and Lennox have a lot in common. They both resort to violence when the odds are against them. Ask yourself what has Lennox done for the town of Marigot. Nothing. The CBI program is working and doing great for Dominica. I know you and Lennox would love to put your hands on those CBI dollars but it will be a dream not come true.

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  11. Blue
    March 22, 2022

    Roxanne u hiding in America so when Lennox and his friends start their rubbish u won’t be apart of it abi? Selfish little ……. When they overthrow the government I hope They make u acting prime minister

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  12. Garçon
    March 22, 2022

    There is no better time than now. This blatant lie and the throwing of a loyal servant, Lorraine Bannis Robert’s, under the bus has angered many, including Labourites. This is not just lying. It is insulting us because the PM thinks we are foolish enough to believe that’s how the whole thing went down. Skerrit boy pas sot. You in charge of everything. Don’t lose that opportunity. Press on. Take out the 🦷 🦷 and dem. Tiway yo. Washay yo. Hallay yo. The whole country is sick because of some rotten teeth.

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    • Ibo France
      March 23, 2022

      The Arab Worshipper did not throw Ambassador Bannis-Roberts under the bus. She volunteered to throw herself under there.

      This is my argument. Everybody with a modicum of common sense and intelligence knows that only the Minister of Foreign Affairs can legally sign diplomatic relationship with a foreign country. That’s the irrefutable truth.

      Don’t be moaning for the lady ambassador for a big payout is coming. Remember, technically she is still the UN ambassador for Dominica until some time in May of this year. She will need a tractor trailer to take her compensation package to the bank.

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  13. Man bite dogs
    March 22, 2022

    Ugly Lenny, is in desperation he will try anything in a matter of fact he and Putin are two liars if what Lenny said was true how comes the UN did not mention anything about it, also there are no Syrian fighters helping Russia to date no evidence of any actual recruitment of Syrians having taken place, get your facts right for once Ugly Lenny, you are forever frustrated!!!!

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    • Tire
      March 23, 2022

      Presently you are still defending wrong. Wrong is wrong no matter how you look at it. We the people still have the power. We are the ones who vote. So when they do wrong. we need to hold them accountable for it. and not be there hiding afraid to speak out!!! We hold the power. Some of us need to really to ask ourselves after 20 years are we really satisfied with the development of our Dominica. Knowing how much of our money is wasted… are we truly happy? do we feel our children can thrive in our beloved Dominica? Do our children have to sing a color to get a job?? SMH If it wasn’t for Lennox we all would still be blind and not knowing what was really happening

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      • Man bite dogs
        March 24, 2022

        @Tire, your comment is the biggest load of laundry crap I have ever read omg not even Ugly Lenny, would of written such a dogs**t I feel sorry for you!! By the way what really do you mean we the people UWP ……. organisation or Labour supporters 🤔

    • Ibo France
      March 23, 2022

      To decipher what you write is like one who has been dropped off by helicopter in the middle and thickest part of the Amazon Forest and has to navigate his way out without any assistance. Dog Litter, you and your ghost writer are making yourselves the butt of many cruel jokes. Return to pre-school. You are still colouring outside the lines.

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  14. Roxanne
    March 22, 2022

    Very well spoken, Lennox. It’s high time to get rid of these corrupt pirates.

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    • March 23, 2022

      Very well-spoken, garbage. That Lennox reiterates the same sh.. over and over. It is like a broken record. The idiot has nothing new up his sleeves. Pumping the same garbage over and over. Yet, here you are deifying ugly Lenny. Ugly Lenny has no solution to anything. The man is ungovernable. A high school drop out and drop in. He resorts to violence when he cannot get his way.

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    • Man bite dogs
      March 23, 2022

      And how do you do that jerk? Roxanne, you should always think before you write your crap.

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