Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines Dr Ralph Gonsalves believes British PM Rishi Sunak should support the issue of reparations and slavery apology for the role Britain played in the slave trade.
Gonsalves made the call in an interview with Channel 4 News where he was questioned extensively on the King’s coronation, the British Monarchy, and reparations.
The Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines said as an individual he has an appreciation for King Charles but pointed out he (Gonsalves) is also a proponent of reparations for native genocide and the enslavement of African bodies.
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The honourable bloated gentleman has no shame and credibility and should not be listened to being the same country leader that recently prevented his residents from fleeing to safety from a volcanic eruption for the reason that they were not jabbed (based on his wicked and irrational reasoning that the jab does not prevent the transmission or infection and was experimental). Why he is not behind bars is beyond me.
The case for reparation is made out against ALL the nations, Belgium, Netherlands, USA, UK, to mention a few, who captured black people and traded them to business owners to provide free labour, or invaded black nations (eg., Congo, Kenya, South Africa, to do the same thing.
Blacks (because of their skin colour) in the white countries were trapped in them and in the millions, were raped, mutilated, tortured, beaten and treated like animals whilst giving FREE labour for the benefit of the whitebusiness owners and their families.
We all know that labour costs are the highest costs in any business. As such, free slave labour was the big deal that allowed the business owners and their families to gain great wealth then and for generations to come, based on their immoral, criminal dastardly ways.
Blacks must be reparated. Apologies are not enough as the whites who enjoy the privileges they have today based on the untold wealth achieved by free black labour, must pay, NOW!!!
The principle of reparation is like the families of all the gazelles killed by lions on the Africa savanna, aking the elephants to get the lions to stop eating them and to give them money for what they did. We walked into slavery and were willing participants. We got what we deserved and profited from it – check out where the fortunes of the “families” of Dominica came from!!
After wining and dining with the useless king at the coronation he now speaks rubbish. Were the Prime Ministers who attended the coronation forced to do so? They all looked so hungry.
These guys need to focus on opening doors/markets for the citizens of their countries. Give a man a fish (he eats for a day), teach a man to fish (he eats for life).
“as an individual he has an appreciation for King Charles” – why are you appreciative of a bloodline that has brutalised your people unapologetically? All of all you is a set of sell out.
With spineless leaders like you, who would jump at the opportunity to sell out your people for a few pennies (as you did with the vaccine) – why would they give reparations?
Furthermore, if they did, the reparations money would simply disappear into your pockets and the descendants (outside of your select chosen a** kissers) would see none of it.
Before reparations, we first have to get rid of so called democracy. We need to get rid of our corrupt system of sell out leaders. We need a new system that respects African descendants and has systems in place to defend us from outside oppression like white supremacy and chinese imperialism.
Until then, reparations are pointless – just more money for Gonsalves/Skerrit/Browne etc to hide away somewhere for their retirement!
I’m hopeful, but judging by Obama’s performance these place holders play it safe caring only about themselves and not hurting the feelings of ws (white supremacy).
The conquest of Africa has been so thorough, so far, that they do ‘in your face’ install of Blacks even as Head of their churches, religions, the WTO etc. But we have to keep the pressure on.
Mr Gonsalves look like he need to be paying reparations too with his Fidel Castro looking self. This recent call for reparations is nothing more than communist garbage trying to sow conflict between the races so they take their eyes of the people in power.
All of these governments are dead broke. Look the US practically on the verge of declaring bankruptcy. Where are they going to get the money to pay for these reparations?
If it ever happens (unlikely) it’s going to be another tax on the average citizen, including black descendents of slaves, most of whom will never benefit from such a thing because knowing how government works, they would make a big show of it while pocketing the money for themselves. Just like what already happens with a lot of aid and welfare programs.
But a lot of people will buy this because people are so dumb. We still have yet to hold CHINA accountable for the last 3 years. Pandemic over and the topic just dropped like nothing and people just sit…
There is a saying that if you want to hide knowledge from black people just put it in a book. You have to prove this wrong and find the information, it’s out there.
You have this outstanding media platform to do something for your people.
Check this link for more info on this:
I know you’re trying to save the perpetrators some money but some of them have left you behind, and started to pay reparations on behalf of the evil deeds of their families, in order to make atonement with their god etc.
A few examples: The Jesuits of Georgetown U have given preference to 4k descendents of 272 African People they sold in the 1800’s. Brown U did the same, recently a UK family begun paying to St.Vincent for brutality on 6 plantations, some politicians are still on the fence but many are coming on board, it’s a debt that is owed. Please READ on the issue, it’s old.
“There is a saying that if you want to hide knowledge from black people just put it in a book. ”
Well that’s pretty ironic that someone out here pushing reparations is also using this blatantly racist stereotype of “black people don’t read”.
Sorry you didn’t get the sarcasm, see the second sentence “You have to prove this wrong and find the information, it’s out there.”
It’s a hard pill to swallow but we have to struggle against both the whites’ system, and those negroes (and I know exactly when to use that term). Information is out there, and it’s old too!
Comrade Ralph should look at himself first before asking anyone for any apology. He has not apologised for dismissing thousands of his countrymen for refusing to take an experimental vaccine.
The court has ruled this action illegal and that the dismissed workers must be reinstated and fully compensated for wages lost. He has stubbornly refused to do this and has dragged the case into the appeal court.
Meanwhile, the victims of his cruel action are going through insufferable hardship. This man talks like an authority on all things. However, when one closely examines his tenure as prime minister, it’s dismally pitiful.
At present, the Caribbean has rulers who are all froth and no substance. They are just incompetent, self-enriching charlatans.
Why is it we never hear these fellas seeking apologies & reparations from the African nations, tribes and royalties who took part in the slave trade eg the capture & enslavement of their own African brethren & sistren and sale of them to the European countries that took part in the trans-Atlantic slave trade from Africa?
No one will sell each other in the height of their prosperity, it never happened, it was war, Europeans won and set the narrative for you. European merchants captured and sold over one million European slaves, each other, from as far north as Iceland into North Africa in the 1500s-1600s. I’m quite sure you don’t mind, but we now know why Harriet Todman carried a g*n during the Underground Railroad. You should know that stuff today, get out of that rut.
How about instead of repatriations those former colonies receive aid in forms of advancements such as infrastructure and such modernizing and building up those countries, because I know for a fact if money is sent it will go in politicians pockets.
@derp, all of that is reperation.
You’re on the right track. But aid? They have already taken your whole continent, all it’s wealth and give you “aid,” including planned parenthood.
Check out the 10 point program that the CARICOM Reparations movement have set out. I think it’s great move in the right direction. However, though I think it’s a little weak since it does not mention cash payments, it’s not just about me; so I throw my support behind the reparations movement. That we must do like every other grouping does to stay together. One love!