Dominica’s local production will be taken to the next level during the staging of ‘Ti Village Creole’ Tout Bagai Domnik, a new event that will replace the annual FLOW’s Creole in the Park (CITP) this year.
This was according to Minister for Trade, Commerce, and Entrepreneurship, Ian Douglas who was addressing a press conference organized by the Dominica Festivals Committee (DFC) on Wednesday.
The event, which is a collaboration of the Government of Dominica and the Ministries of Culture, Trade, Agriculture, and Tourism, will be held from Monday 24 to Thursday 27, of October at the Botanic Gardens.
“We will be taking our local production to the next level,” he said. “When you get to the park/gardens this year we will use the opportunity to make a case for Dominican entrepreneurs.”
Douglas continued, “We will be highlighting our vibrant small, medium, and micro-enterprise subsector in Dominica.”
He said all locally manufactured products will be on display.
“We have all of the locally produced products in Dominica to live healthy lives,” Douglas stated. “We have the opportunity to share these rich foods with the rest of the world.”
Douglas went on to state that a new, upgraded, and exciting twist will be added to this daytime activity.
He explained that the event will kick off on Monday with a culture ‘nou bien dobot’, Fashion, and Art Tuesday, Wednesday will be branded as Youth in Creole, and on Thursday “we will be introducing Mass Domnik through the mass Carnival Meets Creole expo.”
Meantime, Douglas announced that the ‘Buy Dominica’ campaign will also be launched during the Ti Village Creole.
This he believes will provide the “opportunity and avenue” to build market confidence once again.
“Let’s get Dominica back on the regional market to reenergize the Dominica brand and to raise awareness both here and abroad that we can influence consumers’ desire for Dominican fresh produce and value-added products,” he stated.
Douglas revealed that there will also be a kid’s corner where families can enjoy themselves
with their loved ones.
He encourages the general public to participate in the event.
Ian, I wish you no ill will, ti-nomme. By your own admission we have lost trade with our regional market and hence we must get it back. You also proclaim that we have all the locally produced product in Dominica to lead a healthy life an that we can share them with the rest of the world. This is a rosy picture indeed but the reality is that the next level you speak of is a a downward one because what my eyes tell me is that today we import most of our needs, even basics like water. I wish you luck but dreaming is no substitute for action, nor words for deeds. If you succeed I, and many other Dominicans can be proud again of our unique, God given place in the sun. Thank you.
Have a close look at this veteran politician. He’s nothing more than a cartoon character disguised in jacket and a tie.
If Ian Douglas, and the other self-serving parasites were to be paid on merit, their take-home pay will be $0.00.
All they do is to make a rare public appearance and utter carefully scripted taking points so their credulous supporters could disseminate.
Anyone who believes any promise emanating from the lying mouths of Roosevelt and his indentured servants, I wish to sell you some real estate on the moon for a dollar per acre.
These false assertions have dual intentions, that is, to decorate their egos and mislead the unsuspecting.
LMAOOOO!!!!! What is the next level Ian?? A brand new fully equipped comprehensive industrial site, that is what will take us to the next level. We need to improve productive capacity to supply not only the local but the international demand adequately. Production standards have to be improved. Many cannot because they have only their kitchen or basement or backyard to produce, there is NO turnkey production space available in Dominica. And do not tell me canefield industrial site because there is NONe. Even if there is, the AID Bank people have informed there is none. That is how we get to the next level. Producers need to be HAACP, CROSQ and GMP certified. Another issue is the Min. of Agriculture has no interest in ensuring a constant supply of raw agro produce. cocoa producers have to import cocoa beans, soap makers have to import coconut oil, pepper sauce producers have to import pepper mash and i could go on and on. And you think another showcase will bring to “next level”…
Look at the faces of these ministers. The round and ready to burst. And then some of the poor souls in every village, mag and one could see every bone in their body. Is that What Dominica keeps voting for? Moon face Skerrit, Austrie, Douglas, Pampalam…
Yes it is always great to extraordinarily PROMOTE LOCAL not just now but 24/7, 365 with its own budget to do so. At this moment, legalized cannabis for both medical and recreational is what’s going to take local production 📈 to the next level. No mention of cannabis that was made illegal in the U.S racist takeover of the 1930’s, so how are we going to keep up with even non-agricultural St.Kitts or Antigua, next level?
This is the perfect event and Ministry for Ian. Let him drink his rum during these days. That’s Ian’s strength. I can’t find Dominican Products on supermarket shelves in the US, but Ian continues to pander to his base. Carry on with the good times.
Man you look like a tarsier , Ian what have you done for portsmouth after 22years.
Is ian and skerritt relatives they look a like and talk the same sh..
The Antiguan’s have a simple name for people like that “thing” Popeye Ian Las-dog!
They call them “Jokeman” he is always piping rubbish; almost twenty years ago his corrupted boss, Roosevelt Skerrit said he was going to take Dominica to the next level; Ian said it also!
When the last election came; a certain thief said “I am going to transform Dominica;” and the rest of the Caribbean government was going to use Backward Dominica as an example to beautify, and develop their islands.
Note: “Next level, and transformation of something seems to be one of the same, meaning the same, since then the country has spiral in the downward position. Here is a simple fact, all of the islands in the Caribbean from Jamaica in the north to Guyana, with the exception of Dominica have street Traffic lights!
Dominica is the only place I know where traffic are not controlled by traffic lights, yet some damn thief said governments of the other island will use Dominica as a model.
The thief…
The thief is a mad man!
Believe it or not Dominica will never make any significant progress without an International Airport; Dominica is the only place on the planet where we do not have International Postal Services.
Dominica is the only place where the pit-hole is still utilized for defecation, along with septic tanks in ones backyard!
What happen to a modern day sewer system?
You see; the scum of the earth people such as ds, clown, and man dog: Elizabeth you are not in that group, of hog and dog animal people.
But all of those nasty rats condoning thievery in the country should tell Roosevelt Skerrit that damn crook, such are the simple essentials needed on the island in order for progress to begin, all the crap Ian is spewing, is because he fear Roosevelt replace him next election.
Where is the market for the crap he is selling?
Last year they took the same garbage to Canada, what amount have they sold since!
Mr. Dodos, you make good points at times and you have most of your information correct. You seem to be very educated in certain areas, but my God you drag yourself down to the gutter with the decorative names that you refer to people with. Hog and dog and nasty and we can go on, is not the way an educated and respected person addresses others even if that’s the way they relate to you. Come on Man make your point and don’t drag yourself through the mud because then you are no different than those you criticize. That been said, in one of your post you said you were well traveled, so I am sure if you are then you would know that Dominica is not the only country with pit hole for toilets, and you would also know that the septic tank is a much better system for a place like Dominica in the areas outside the city, don’t just throw information out there that demoralizes your people and country because you enjoy freedom of speech. Attack the issues and not the personalities.
Let me correct the spelling of your name, Mr. Dodds, the spelling in there was an auto correct .
Well don’t worry about it I answer to any name anyway; the correct spelling is “Dods.” So, let me tell you that is a slave name. The surname Dods is a Welsh name of old Celtic origin; the surname is from one of the related old English personal names, Dodd, Dodda and Dudd.
Now the Dods that I use was found in the US, UK, Canada, and Scotland they claimed between 1840, and 1920.
So, there is no doubt in my mind that it is a slave name my mother inherited; that was her maiden name, I hyphened it to my middle name after she died of obvious reasons.
(Dem nasty boys like Lin Clown that rat calls me Francisco-Dog anyway, so it does not matter).
No correction needed I get some humor from all of that!
I mean I do call most of those people by derogatory names only to get their attention, I want them to know how foolish most of their opinions are.
Look at this situation: They claimed to be building resilient houses in Dominica, Mr. Mountain Chicken Crapaud Mentality Roosevelt Skerrit; me Almost nearly Cousin said that the rest of the Region, and the world will use his resilient homes as example all over the world.
Anyway, I found out what they are doing is rather than using concrete blocks, they are using concrete “slabs” and putting them together and utilizing concrete roofs.
In addition to that the electrical wires from the grid to the house they run underground!
Well, that is nothing new, because way back in the 1950’s that was done in a city called Gua’nica in Puerto Rico, after Hurricane Janet destroyed that city!
They use that same method all over the United States in the building of Warehouses.
So, I call then out of their names because of the foolish things they do!
Jerry, when I was informed about the concrete slab houses, I had to laugh, because I see that every day!
I live in different places in California, you see, yesterday was Sunday, I decided to come to my home in Los Angeles; there were very little traffic on the I-215: I had time to view hundreds of warehouses, some of them almost a mile long built out of concrete slabs. What is going to happen in Dominica, those things will turn out to be hot like bakeries, and foundries, unless they are all built with excellent air conditioning!
So, if they think they are first with something to offer the region and the world, I am sorry to disappoint them they are behind the time.
You see I own and live in what is term a “Smart House” the electricity supply to the house along with WI-FI wiring comes underground its equipped with solar panels, I’ve never paid a dime in electricity in that house, no need to say my AC runs all day to combat a most of the time a 105-degree heat.
Makak-Dods Etinne, thanks for reminding us again that you own half of California. You just can’t help yourself, old Shyster. We all had just about enough of you. Now mash, Rex! Back in your flea infested dog house!
You dat ting dat call yourself some Wesley ting!
Mash, you are nothing than a damn dog oui!
How about that; and perhaps you are even a thief eh!
Right now I running out of insults to throw at you; I don’t know what to do to stop you, so I am inviting you to drink poison, it will not damage or kill you because fools don’t die eh!
If you attack me after this you are really a dog!
Hallo Rex Makak-Tods Etinne, I’m back, What are you going to do about it? One of those days I’ll meet you in California but you needn’t worry to much. Maybe you have a minor headache and a little nose bleed after our meeting. Watch out.
Tired of hearing taking it to the next level. Don’t know how longer this Government will keep Dominica in a stagnant way. I think they have failed the people and time is up.
You guys like to criticize everything labour because of jealousy at the end of the day you guys are all dry dogs “S**t” over the place.
At the end of the day…? What are you saying? At the end of the day it gets dark, foolish creature!
country bookie thinking. Because someone criticizes something, especially based on past experience, you think its because of jealousy? Jealousy? dumb little girl that live in their own bubble usually have that kind o reasoning. the fact is nothing will be different when its all said and done. Ian has done nothing for trade. its actually a shame. Im not even getting into what he has done for his constituency. that is an objective criticism. Because i dont even know what Ian has or doesnt have for me to be jealous. the government keeps wasting money. I should be jealous of that? Or you think i want the money for myself? country bookie thinking. people doesnt think or talk like that again brother.
Anybody who even think Dominica is stagnant, must be blind and buried up to their eyebrows in stupidity.People like Zicack must be in jail for more than 20 years.The LAB in Mahaut is for people like Bwa Banday,always drunk asking stupid questions.Asking if two days of mourning for the Queen are two public holidays in Dominica.What a JAH KA.S and the shameless talking about Douglas.Who else would know so much about a Mahaut LAB,if not a habitual minding people business DRUNKARD.Leave Douglas and tell why the former UWP senator from Mahaut ran away.
You are high as a kite 24/7. You are imagining things and then you try sell this horse manure to us on this platform. Get out of here Crazy Man!
That’s exactly what u are Mr dog mess
Some of us were born to be doctors, engineers, inventors, entrepreneurs, etc. Dog Abuser, you were created to speak ignorance.You are a perfect case of arrested development.
There’s nothing wrong with production, you moron. The problem is with access to markets. You could start by getting rid of all the cheap Chinese imports that are sold in the Old Market, Bay Front ‘sheds’ and popular sites such as Emerald Pool and Trafalgar Falls. These things should be banned outright, allowing local producers and artisans free access to the cruise ship market. It’s not rocket science.
Yes we want to properly target that market but the cruise ship market is miniscule. we want to adequately and regularly supply foreign markets with containers of products year round. The cruise season is only for a few months in the year. Value added products that meet the production standards of the foreign markets is whats necessary. To do that many producers need to have a constant supply of raw materials, proper packaging and labelling, ensuring their products are tested and production facilities are certified as well.
My God, looks like he just came from the rum shop.
This is funny because as I read this, there’s a Belfast Estate Rum advert flashing right above his head
I really thought dat man was going to talk about diversification and diversifying the creole festival. All de man is doing is changing a name, and not spreading the celebration of our independence across the country. It is all the same over and over again -the Roseauization of Dominica but the place cannot be developed unless there is an entire renovation plan to rebuild the whole place. Dem Portsmouth and “country” man go to Roseau and get lost because of the lack of respect and patriotic fervency for municipal birth right and local identity.
I love this!!! We have been put back because of covid well let’s fix it this year. Good job
Every time these guys open their mouths, it’s pure hyperbole and nothing much comes out of it.
Yes it does!! ….hot air!
Ian every time i see your face it is so disapointing is like i want to puke. Man you a waist of time, you let skerrit sell Ross University to Barbados under your noise and said nothing and leave your people to langish, you left them in debt, and up till now you havn’t come out and say jack ,man you a peice of what i can not say. Please.
You see the sad thing about it they will still vote for him in the up cumming election.
The people he left in debt; that SOB told them he was going to take Ross University to court to get compensation for their property left empty.
People believe that lie, how could that SOB, sue Ross, when they had no contract to supply apartments to students. In another part of the world where a so called minister would talk such nonsense to people whose property was about to go into foreclosure, that would be the last day he breath some oxygen.
The next thing the master of corruption Roosevelt Skerrit told the landlords is “the buildings belongs to the government.
Who the hell cares, what purpose is it serving Dominica, except by now it might have already began decaying!
Boy unless Dominicans get rid of Roosevelt Skerrit, Ian Douglas, the entire labor party, Dominica is doomed!