Police and fire officials responded to an accident at about 9 am in Castle Comfort on Tuesday in which a driver lost control of his car outside Krazy Kokonuts.
Police at the scene told Dominica News Online that the Toyota Merino (PK223) was headed in the direction of Soufriere when it skidded, brushed a tree and overturned.
Police said the driver did not have any visible injuries but he complained of pain. He was taken to the Princess Margaret Hospital for check-up.
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dominican need to realize that not in the states just take u guys time to drive and u will reach where u going…..to many young people gettin dah life at risk………
@Empress-.ANU-: drivers need to take their time to drive not races like they mad
The drivers in the area need to excercise more caution,,,, good to kno that the driver is fine…..
please be careful people………
the night before i saw a haitian lighting some blue and white candles under this same true and he was resighting some things
Obviously, police and firemen smiling and watching, hands empty, no sign of urgency to clear area, or to pretend to look they pursuing some action. Some of them better off working under the penguins in Madagaster… Then when the driver complain of chest pains, start complaining on the health system and the hospital again…
@de caribbean change:
It’s a krazy area!
Thanks God Alvin.
@Grand Bayrian: You are asking for a lot from a police force that is untrained and ill equipted to handle these sort of things !
I must say, the good lord was on the drivers side; he walked away from that without being seriously injured.
My questions are for the police. Do these guys just show up at the scene for photo ups? or do they do investigations? Re: condition of road, wet or dry?, was driver speeding or not? condition of tires? bold tires, or good working condition? driver was high or low? vehicle was in good condition? the critical issues, and make a data bank of information, I find to many of these types of accidents are happening in dominica, cars always rolling over. They are meant to drive on all fours not on its roof.
Hard day work for the police and fire officials.Need to run this country for one weekend.
Always something krazy happening inside and outside krazycoconut.
the man horn the truck to overtake, while he was half way the truck, the truck driver steered the truck over to his side and put him out of control. that’s how he hit in the tree and the car overturn.
mister was speeding man? …
no casualties,,,, thats good,,, thanks to God