A customs officer was pronounced dead at hospital after he was found in an unconscious state at his home on Tuesday morning.
He has been identified as Brian Shillingford, also known as Big Fish.
According to the police Shillingford, from Goodwill, was found unconscious between 9:30 and 9:45 am on Tuesday.
He was rushed to the Princess Margaret Hospital where he was pronounced dead.
But Shillingford’s relatives said he probably died long before he was found. A close relative, who preferred to remain anonymous, said he received a call about Shillingford after 8:00 on Tuesday morning and when he rushed to the scene he found no pulse on Shillingford.
He said Shillingford was found face down against a wall with his hands holding his chest.
The relative said Shillingford was last seen alive on Monday night while cleaning the backyard.
He said on Wednesday morning that the family is still in a state of shock.
A coroner’s inquest is expected to reveal the exact cause of death.
The police said so far they have not suspected foul play but investigations continue.
My brother’s funeral and last viewing will be held today July 10th, 2012, at 2:00 PM. I love you and you will be missed.
For everyone who had something to say good and bad. please remember our time is coming. The good Lord might not be so merciful as to come welcome us home so soon. Stp the fighting. work on yourself thats a start. you feel free to cast the first stone bros. and sis. I guess your heart is right with the good Lord. you are ready to go home right now. shame on you me.
R.I.P big bro. until we meet again.
The life we live does not belong to us and no one knows when is the appointed time. So please give everyone their deserved space and respect on this beautiful place.
Oh what a difference a split second makes. Judge no one and mind your business on earth because when it comes, we all wish we had started minding our businesses long before.
Love everyone for your own good.
Food for the soul.
Love you my Boy.. nuff respect.. R.I.P
This is no place and time to spew out your satanic venom on those who speak the truth and who are compassionate to the passing of a loved one. You have shown that you are not true disciples of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Some of you do not appreciate the good that others do and state. You have projected your true unloving feelings.
Those who think the Catholic Church is the anti-Christ, when you die you will surely find out that it is the opposite. Those who have gone before us know it.
Those who falsely indoctrinate you will surely find out, all to their eternal detriment. They are pulling you, their followers and supporters down with them.
It will be worst for you who allowed yourself to be falsely indoctrinated by those leaders, the false prophets of our times who formed their own churches and who, as you, left the Catholic Church.
One thing, the Catholic Church does not bilke you of your money, money which you do not have and can hardly afford to contribute to building their mansions, living a lavish lifestyle, purchase expensive vehicles and who dress like the rich, etc., while some of you may be unemployed and have very little to live on, if nothing at all. God has taken note of your statements as imbedded in your heart, mind and thoughts and through your fingers on the keyboard. Meditate on this and give it a thought:
The Catholic Church has the answers and always will to eternity. There is nothing any one of you can say and do to change that for Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Foundation and Corner Stone of His One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church which He established. No other church which He did not establish is superior and can ever be at par or surpass It. Satan knows it. Eat your heart out. I urge you to pray to God for His enlightenment and graces which you are sadly lacking.
Thank you

Truly, one of the nicest person you could ever meet. I remember Big Fish saying that he will get us a swimming pool at SMA if we voted for him. We were friends in and out of school. BIG FISH was a great guy.
he always liked swimming. I remember when we were kids we took swimming lessons.
I remember when we use to go swimming…
The gentle Giant has exchanged his earthly address for a heavenly one. RIP Big Fish!
That he was wasn’t he.
Here today gone tomorrow…..Life is short…Give thanks…be good…try to make people happy in what we do….love Jah….
BIG FISH you are ahead of us and God is with you. You lived your life to the best you could and that is all God asks. We are now left behind to ask ourselves questions about our mortality and standing with Christ. You spoke with him a month ago (In the gardens on that bench reading his word) and that I am sure you always did. You have been a GREAT EXAMPLE and MENTOR to many like me back in my SMA days.
Thanks not all God asks Sir, the bible says unless we repent we shall likewise perish…WE make it look and feel so good the way we live but if we die in an unrepentant state the bible says we will perish in Hell. Stop the sugar coating people, real people go to hell and heaven, where u go is what u do with Jesus’ death on the cross now.
@ HeHe
He, he eh! Wait until your turn comes. Speak for yourself. Have you repented? Do you think that you are so holy that you enter Heaven immediately when you die? God knows you, what you say and do and how you conduct your life.
Real talk!
He always had a smile on his face. Made you laugh whenever he was around you. Just a good decent person. RIP Big Fish.
Rest in peace, Brian. We went to SMA together. It’s sad you had to go so soon.
well i knew him when i was lil girl frowin up going to the home of my grandfather who pass away also almost three(3)ago and he was a kool padna never saw me and don’t call me by that same nickname (bigfish).He will be sadly miss by all who knew him cuz he was very friendly indeed…R.I.P bigfish….
RIP Bigfish! I will always remember you as vibrant, fun loving and always quick to crack a joke. From teenage years you were a cool guy and I’m sure you brightened the days of many persons with your jokes and light heartedness. To the jackasses on here who feel it neccessary to make negative comments…………..Tatoe Tatoe! I’ve got love for you as Bigfish and as a fellow Shillingford!
lol! I have this feeling inside that they are amazed how famous he turned out to be. so they are being themselves, haters!
Saint Mary’s men go forth again to praise thee ever more…..
RIP Brian….you were a cool classmate and friend.
Condolences to his family, he will be missed.
to die means to R.I.P so please just show a little respect and let the man rest in peace
@ looking down
Amen to that!
Tru. keep it 100. thanks.
My heart goes out to his family and friends,the lord gave him life and also took it back, may his soul rest in peace, he was a very good person,
Yes may his soul RIP, i knew the Bro well during the 80s…he was a Basketball Fan like myself…
Just shows again and again how fragile life is and its always wise never let things get to your head, its like a candle which can go out within a second.
these are things mankind must reflect on keep it simple keep it real and be spiritual not religious!
my prayers go out to his family..
@ Rocket
Being spiritual is part of being religious, godly spiritual. One does not go without the other.
Thank you!
Last time I saw Big Fish was on a Sunday morning in the Botanic Gardens a few months ago, when he was sitting on a bench reading a bible.
My condolences to the family, friends, and fellow Customs Officers of Big Fish, whom I knew from Basketball days, at Pottersville court and Windsor Park Hard Courts. RIP Brian, and to the family… hold strong.
Nac Vibes, I guess you were alive 2000 years ago, so you can give accurate testimony about who formed the Catholic church. Please have some respect for this discussion, after all this is about the man that died.
May his family be comforted at this time and may Jehovah God bless and comfort them. We are like a wnd that blows, one minute we are here, and then the next minute we are gone. May his soul rest in peace.
@ Setup
Your first sentence made me laugh.
Well, he now knows the truth which was revealed to him as he was passing on and later. May he rest in peace! God is love!
Shocking News….
We were classmates from 1st form to 5th form at Saint Mary’s Academy… and maintained a close friendship since. We laughed, argued and had a few cold ones when we last saw each other sometime last year.
You will be surely missed my brother.
My deepest sympathy goes out to the family.
Examine yourselves, judge not, whatever he has done good or bad (as we all do) may we learn from it and move on ….Some of those comments are senseless. My sympathy to all those who are hurt,may you gain comfort in the positive things he did.
DNO please put a picture I need to see my fellow Dominican who passes. He seems like a good person lots of condolences to him.
well DNO put a pciture na.
may his soul rest in peace with the good lord may the good lord comfort the family R.I.P.big fish
R.I.P may the good lord proctect your soul and the rest of the family may god give you comfort.
R.I.P Big Fish. you always had a oke to crack so that fellow officers could laugh
RIP big fish,,you will be missed..condolences going out to the family and friends
Sincerest condolences to his family,friends, co-workers, the entire customs fraternity and those who who are touched by his passing.
We are being paid to do a job and to do it well. Even in death all u hate us. We have to do what we are being paid to do!!!!!!!
Yeah because some of all you too damn thief and corrupt. I am coming for all you for my item that disappeared in the customs.
I had no problems with big fish, cool cool guy and I pray his soul rest in peace and sorry to bring it here but my recent experience in the customs..,..
I will find another open media to vent, RIP Big Fish, ….so long….you have gone to meet your maker.
May your family take comfort in knowing that you are resting peacefully.
You are being paid so why all you stealing people things. People coming from Guadeloupe with stolen items and all you still stealing it from them when they get to customs in Dominica.. Band voleur, some of all you will disappear in due time because people work hard for their money. When someone take their little money and buy their things, pay to send it home for it to just disappear like that.
I am reslly disgusted with all you right now. Do all you job fairly and squarely and honestly. Some people paying customs dues, some do not pay and then you come bragging about doing job.
I am raging right now.
RIP Big Fish My Partner…..leave the man alone to RIP. According to Big Fish “Go About Your Business, FDF”
My condolence goes out to the family of Mr. Shillingford. Hold on strong and put God first in everything that you do. He giveth and he taketh away.
Corrupt_Bastards and your point is.
RIP Big Fish.
My boy for life ! Rest in peace . Big fish!
May his sould R I P, and his family protected.
R.I.P to the deceased. my condolences going out to the family and friends, be strong.
I’m still reeling from this one! Ok then FISHERS so it’s like that you checked out on SEXY EYES? I will surely miss you, but I will treasure your laughter, cool personality and just the fun filled person you were. When people pass we often say the nicest things, but truly in this case I can attest that you were one cool cat, or BIGFISH that is. I chilled for hours under the flamboyant tree lindo park with you just haggling and keekeeing away. GOD knows best. Deepest condolences to the family.
What!!…..this one took me completely off guard. Big Fish a positive cool brother. Me and you reason nuff times while I was at customs and everytime I visit home we somehow catch up. A very intelligent young man. My heart aches my brother, Rest in Peace…Biggerz. I guess The Most High have a better plan for you in his kingdom. Bradderz
No Way Big Fish Died, a lot of people just dying in Dominica one by one as that Layba party in power.
dont you realize how ridiculous your statement sounds? what does the labor party have to do with the guy’s death? pure ignorance!!!!
@ Mike
And the person spelt “Labor” wrong. He/she cannot even spell.
i am amazed by the fact that some Dominicans still think the way YOU do! OMG! Before one speak a mental note should be made that these posts are going to be seen by not just Dominicans but people outside of Dominica. Therefore, thinking before typing should be done…such ignorant talk and stupidity reflects badly on Dominicans and their level of thinking…
what none sense comment is that nuh?
You find you making sense? Now that is what they should block.
@Coward_ : But all-u party dead too, don’t think u can gain any respect or support in D/a on account of death! (i know u will be back to read this) Looser!
Rip Biggers.
u dumb fool …do u think before you speak ?
Corrupt Bastard, you are exactly what your name insinuates. What an asinine statement. What’s wrong with you people? You’re an idiot!
R.I.P to my class mate Biggerz. See u on the other side.
RIP Big-Fish! Deepest condolences to his friends and family.
unsure if i know you
but to his family and freinds and love ones etc
be strong may his soul rest in peace and to all of those who redicule death your turn may soon come when someone close passes on show respect for those grieving families and freinds co workers colleagues neighbors loved ones etc
starting on me jah watching all of us
O my condolences to Big Fish’ family. So long I haven’t heard about him, I surely didn’t expect it to be this way. He was a good friend to me, so long ago. This is just unbelievable.
Sincere sympathy to his family. May God sustain you and give you the necessary strength to cope with especially his sudden passing.
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen!
May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen!
picture dno
so sad to hear that rest in peace
As a fellow customs officer rest in peace Big Fish. He was a real cool guy
Big fish was as cool as a cucumber.may the angels open the gates of heaven and may God have mercy on you.R.I.P
@stoic – are u giving your life to jesus christ.look at yourself fisrt, examine your conscience, are u ready? u are so quick to judge.
let them cast the first stone righteous hearts. The good Lord Don’t need us Judging for him. We can’t simply do what he ask,yet we have time to do his job.
R.I.P Big Fish
who is that, is that “Big Fish”?
You cannot read?
yes it is…
Weh boy, my bredren Big Fish.
May his soul RIP; he was a cool brudder.
diabetes? epileptic? brain tumor….so custom officers are so famous….they death makes the news
hope he gave his life to Jesus christ
i did not see your comment when BJ make de news
I dont understand u. When police die they make news so why we cannot make news to. Give us a break!
What exactly are you trying to say?? What does this have to do with the man’s death
u are so insensitive. Don’t u listen to the radio/tv? anybody is found lifeless it makes news. And yes a custom officer is famous so it must make news. I mean even in death we have to show our bad Dominican ways?
Heartless Creature you are, Stoic. RIP Big Fish
Dam you are an angry person?? Must be miserable being you.
you should give your life to christ and stop worrying about other people.
@ Stoic
And I hope you do too.

There are some who stand as judge of people and final judge. Only God is the Judge and He will judge you too for your sins and for judging others. This is two-fold.
There is good and bad in every one and you are not an exception.
If you think it is enough to go to church, read the Bible and even renounce your Catholic Christian faith and join other religion (if you did), saying that only proclaim Jesus Christ and you will be saved and that when you die your soul will immediately obtain eternal salvation, think again. It takes more than that to appease God and to obtain eternal salvation. For one, you who appear to be goody-two-shoes, I hope you obey all the Ten Commandments of God. This is where you start.
Godly enlightened, humble people would never make such a statement which you made. They know that no one is perfect. They will say, “I pray and hope that God had mercy on his soul” or “that he was able to ask God forgiveness for his sins.” Then, they will say an eternal rest for his soul. This is love, compassion and mercy which it is obvious you lack.
In addition, there is not one person on this earth who knows what transpires between God and souls and vice versa as they are making the transition from life to death. At such a time, it is a personal matter between God and the souls and vice versa. They hear and see eternal matters that if family or friends are around they will not hear or see.
I have stated it before and I will state it to you, specifically “stoic”, those who left the Catholic Church and joined another church and others of other churches, will not comprehend that our Loving, Compassionate, Merciful and Forgiving God created Purgatory, a place of purification where souls whom He has forgiven will go to for a certain period of time to be cleansed. Yes, it is a second chance. This is how much God loves us and wants us to be with Him in Heaven forever.
Catholics are taught to pray for the living and the dead. The dead are Souls in Purgatory but they are not really dead. I like to say departed souls and that they passed-on. We do not know who are there. Only God and the souls know. Therefore, we pray for all departed souls. When we pray for them, God will give the prayers to the souls who are in Purgatory. Also, we are recipients of our very own prayers. If we believe this and we pray for them when our time comes to depart from this world for our judgment, rest assured, those sincere prayers, acts of love and mercy we said and did for them and for others, the living, will not be vain. We will reap the fruits and receive our reward. What goes around comes around.
Brian Shillingford, in his spiritual world may be better off than you are. Let him rest in peace. He is a step ahead, we are all behind and who knows what will happen to us while we live. Let this be a lesson for you. This is mortal and spiritual food for thought.
Aah the Catholic church, the seat of the anti-Christ, that place is the mother of corruption on Gods earth. This church was formed by the same people who crucified Jesus and after they saw that they couldn’t break the Christians they merged their pagan beliefs with some Christian teachings to form the roman catholics All black people should abandon that institution and look to the Ethiopian church for salvation. Controversial I know, but just look through out history for what they have done in the name of the father.
@Nac Vibes: I feel you. THey also need to let go of the images and likeness of Jesus as being any white man from Mud-Lick Kentucky. That’s so old fationed and stinks of slavery!
@Justice and Truth
You really have a lot of free time on your hands.
Budman, you took the words right out of my mouth. That’s a lot of words papa.
What with the long alleluia. Mr. justice and false because you are false in your belief.
with friends like you who needs enemies? jus for that comment i say jesus going to make sure he reach the pearly gates before. smh
Sometimes, it is better for you to remain silent.
You are a complete 100% idiot Stoic
are you a bb?
What’s your point Stoic? The man was sick!!
You all are so insensitive.
i hope you are not the stoic i’m thinking about?
depending on how it happens any death makes news. why dont u jus keep it shut if u have nothing to say at all —- despise folks like u
rip big fish
The member of the uwp on this blog is amazing counter productive.