Digicel Group donates US $5 million for urgent relief efforts in Haiti

Wednesday 13th January 2010 – Kingston, Jamaica: Digicel Group, the largest mobile company in the Caribbean and fastest growing mobile company in Central America, is donating US$5 million in cash to support the urgent relief efforts needed following the widespread devastation caused by the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that hit Haiti yesterday.

Digicel’s donation will be made to the NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations) who are spearheading the relief efforts.

With the impact of the earthquake resulting in considerable casualties and catastrophic damage to homes, buildings and infrastructure, Digicel is appealing to people and Governments across the world to support the people of Haiti in this their time of need.

Digicel is also sending in a team of people to Haiti early on Wednesday to assist in whatever way possible with the relief efforts and to assess the impact on its communications infrastructure which incurred damage but is operational.

Digicel is one of the largest companies in Haiti having launched its mobile services in 2006 – and as the largest foreign direct investor in Haiti today, Digicel is proud to serve over two million customers in Haiti and to be a part of the fabric of Haitian society.

Colm Delves, Group CEO of Digicel, comments; “We are deeply upset and concerned at the news of the earthquake in Haiti and want to do whatever we can to support the desperately needed relief efforts. We hope that governments around the world will also support the people of Haiti and immediately provide much needed aid to assist with the huge recovery efforts that are now needed.

“The people of Haiti welcomed us and made us their own when we launched there in 2006 and we are determined to be there for them in their time of need. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Haiti and we would like to assure them that Digicel stands ready to assist in whatever way we can at this difficult time.”

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  1. woy
    January 14, 2010

    Tell that to LIME tell them give from their PROFIT not from DOMINICANS POCKET

  2. Thoughtful
    January 13, 2010

    Way to go Digicel.

    That is why I cannot do without my Digicel.

  3. January 13, 2010

    L.I.M.E u all turn…give 6 million at least…u all gave a million to give 6 million

  4. niceness
    January 13, 2010

    way to go digicel, you make us proud, thank you

  5. Saddened
    January 13, 2010

    That’s what being a corporate citizen should be about. Really great job digicel with such prompt assistance.

    Waiting to see what contribution Lime and other giant companies across the Caribbean make

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