Dr. Yankey will be missed for contributions in agriculture

Chairman of the Banana Industry Trust Elford Henry says the death of Dr. Bernard Yankey is a blow for the agricultural sector.

Dr. Yankey who served as the Chairman of the Dominica Banana Marketing Corporation (DBMC) for several years died after the vehicle he was driving slammed into a porch last week.

Henry says Dr. Yankey will be remembered for his contribution to the sector.

“As far as Dominica is concerned Dr. Yankey has been one of our most qualified agricultural technicians. He has made his contribution throughout the island and as you go around, you see his handiwork whereby people can make a living. He was a very humble man,” he said.

According to Henry, Dr. Yankey pushed for the agriculture sector and his advice and personal intervention will be “sadly missed”.

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1 Comment

  1. August 9, 2010

    to all family and friend accept my sympthy.its so sad to see a yankey pass away.i know u will be some place in gods foot watching ur brothers and sister

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