Fire destroys vehicle, damages sections of lawyer’s St. Aroment residence (SEE PHOTOS)

The destroyed vehicle in the driveway.

An early-morning fire at the St. Aroment, Goodwill residence of attorney Glen O. Emanuel destroyed his vehicle and damaged the kitchen and maid’s dressing room. (SEE PHOTOS BELOW STORY)

No one was injured.

Emanuel told Dominica News Online that at about 3 a.m. he was awakened by a loud explosion, but it was the second explosion that prompted him to get out of bed and peer through the bedroom window. And what he saw hurled him into action: his vehicle was engulfed in “powerful” flames.

Emanuel alerted his wife, Greta, who was in another bedroom, and the two exited the house which was being quickly consumed by flames.

Emanuel said he called the emergency authorities.

The fire services unit doused the flames, but Emanuel said he had to call them a second time after it was observed that the fire was starting again from the vehicle area.

The lawyer said he discovered an empty plastic bottle in the driveway. He said the bottle has a “petrol” scent.

The police took the bottle for evidence, Emanuel said.

Shortly after Dominica News Online arrived on the scene, scores of persons turned up to show their support and expressed their sympathies. Several of those persons expressed anger and boldly claim that the fire was politically motivated. Emanuel in the meantime was inundated with calls on his cell phone.

Dominica News Online toured the residence and observed that Emanuel’s room on the second floor of the two-storey building is located next to the driveway where the fire is suspected to have started.

Black soot from the fire and smoke covered the floor and furnishings of rooms upstairs and downstairs. The kitchen and its appliances were either destroyed or extensively damaged.

Emanuel told us that the damage and destruction is worth least $100,000. He said the house was not insured but the vehicle was fully covered.

Emanuel is well known for his current court case with former law firm partner Stephen Isidore, who is accused of stealing over $6 million from the partnership. The criminal charges against Isidore were not served as Isidore and his legal team, now led by crown counsel Tony Astaphan, had  an order of stay successfully granted by the high court. The order   prohibits Isidore from being read over 42 charges brought by Emanuel.

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  1. Interesting
    December 28, 2010

    You UWPites are just a bunch of cowards.

    Why don’t you all boldly line the streets of Roseau in support of the UWP protests? Instead you guys sit at a computer and curse all day. Equal rights, deomocracy, rule of law.. my a**. Go and protest and stop making the party look like a fool.

    On the other hand, it seems that it has turned into a one man party on both ends: Linto on one and Skerro on the other. In the meantime, what is going on with the UWP with supporters like these? Wow… they must really rethink this strategy. A man is becoming popular with followers and not them.

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    • C.L
      December 28, 2010

      why is everything in Dominica a political matter a mam and his wife almost lost their live and you all turn it into a political shame on you all ignorance is a sickness.people are ignorant to the fact of what really went on.i wonder when will Dominicans stop campaigning and move on with their lives this is not encouraging behavior to me as young person.what do Dominicans the government ministers and opp ministers get on like fools like this i really doubt that.we need to grow up.

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  2. knowsbest
    December 28, 2010

    14 murders for they year 2010 thus far…now this!!!!
    THE GOVERNMENT needs to put money into construcing a forensic lab and criminal investigators people will continue to commit crimes and walk FREE……dat is NOT d trend we shud b taking

    u commint a crime u do da time….catch dem murderes n jail dem….dey have too much good time in jail dat is y they doh mind going dere


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  3. LOL
    December 28, 2010

    Never knew people had soo much time on the holidays to log onto DNO and comment and comment… hmmm diaspora comments making sparks… Was there no ham and turkey for you guys this year??? Im so sorry… :( … In Dominica we had plenty.. next time come home, we have enough to share

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0
    • Truth, Justice & Righteousnes
      December 28, 2010

      You are just as sick, twisted, and dangerous as the attempted murderers , you sound like Parry Bellot who suggest the people in the diaspora are envious of what people in Dominica have.. You are trying to put a wedge between Dominicans at abroad and Dominica, but news flash, it is the Dominicans abroad who will save your stupid self since you are not intelligent enough to realize that you butt needs saving far far less to be able to do it yourself?? What happen Papa Chavez sent you guys some Christmas turkeys, or did you mendicants get them from China? Let me remind you again of the saying Freeness brings worriness! Thank the Dominican in the Diapora, they are the ones who has the FREEDOM to save your butt!

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      • EDUCATE
        December 28, 2010

        uhmmm both u and the person are on the same side. didnt you realise that the first person was just being sarcastic… u were too quick to respond … but then again

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    • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
      December 30, 2010

      What are you talking about? You make no sense. Why are some of you always throwing words at others? The turkeys come from overseas. Tell us how much you paid for yours and I will tell you how much I paid for mine. I could have bought 4 or more for the size and price you paid. Cease your bragging which is not worth a cent. :twisted:

      St. Vincent de Paul said: “Be kind! Be kind! And you will be a saint! Always keep this in mind.

      Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0
    December 28, 2010


    This, my fellow Dominicans should be the last straw……..ON CHRISTMAS DAY!……….What has Dominica come to?……..Have we lost our morals?…Our principles?…..Have we no Conscience?….Where is our dignity?…or..National Pride?…
    ATTEMPTED MURDER ON CHRISTMAS MORNING?…….Double Murder on CHRISTMAS MORNING?…………..”Next level”,right?……..DESPICABLE!!!!!….DIABOLIC!!!!!!

    My last comment under the Article “A message for Dominica” on Dec.21,..was asking us to put our differences aside, come together and enjoy the Holiday Season….Was a bit too much to ask for,right?…Now this…..Well,well,well….What has the Land of my birth come to….
    Should I end with my usual,or customary….
    All the best….and …
    Peace profound?????…or Profound Peace?????

    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0
    • Anti-hate
      December 28, 2010

      This, my fellow Dominicans should be the last straw…

      Who do you all think you are fooling, a few ignorant Dominicans but not the majority. We see right through you all.

      You all want an excuse to overthrow the gov’t that you all have no chance defeating in under 10 yrs in an election, and this fire is it.

      Which is why anyone with sense should stop to wonder if the UWP didn’t set this fire.

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    December 28, 2010

    Mr Emmanuel, your surname means” God is with us”, if you have to reflect on that, you’ll understand the reason why you woke up and is alive today.
    Whatever evidence you have, that would incriminate anyone, must be extremely serious that this act was carried out.
    Seems like we have “mafias” here

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  6. Anonymous
    December 28, 2010

    What a mess with the talk show on Q95? People are on the air claiming to know as to who did this fire at the man home.

    Then you have DA people calling in from USA,making all kind of statements that the fire have to be link to the close friends of top class ppl of DA. or even Government ppl.

    Lennox now playing lawyer and investigator.

    Why is it these guys cannot let the police do they work? If i am to go by these guys statement we must now arrest the PM,Astaphan,Isdore and even the police commisioner,

    Lennox has no life and will never get a job in any caribbean news outlet.

    All news outlets does not have any trust in Lennox. He has a burning issue with all people that he cannot get around.

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  7. c bruce
    December 28, 2010



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    • Anonymous
      December 29, 2010

      I think he resembles YODA more, or should it be “Yoda he resembles more, I think”.

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  8. beau bois
    December 28, 2010

    Damn, politics is in everything in dominica.. i hope this does not represent the level of conversation that my ppl have reached. so shameful, we used dissagree without being dissagreable. sounded educated and spoke with dignity. we showed respect for each other and allowed ppl to have their opinion without demeaning the person even when we dissagreed. now what!!!!?

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  9. seasoning
    December 27, 2010

    boy some Dominicans like to fight cant believe how some of them are fighting each other on a story one suppose to read and give a comment on, so many of these comments have nothing to do with the story seem like the more dominicans get education they more foolish their bahaviour. This one here not following any Dominican line i see after death more than half the population heading for hell, cant believe someone could use their thoughts and write such crap about the Mr Emmanuel burning his own house who benifits the most from this action who is the greatest looser. if this house were insure u people would take the man out with your bare hands. some of you sre so blinded politically you have no reasoning left. Everything that was wrong is right under this new regime with gullible supporters.

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  10. C.L
    December 27, 2010

    that’s what we’ve come to in Dominica as a young person im really disgusted with this place a man and his wife almost lost their and nobody see’s that for every body so far its who for or who against who and for what .shame shame .no one deserves that kind of treatment and the person might not pay know but they will pay later cause we cannot hide from god 99 days for the thief 1 day for the guard whatever happens in the dark must come to light

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  11. Put on your thinking cap
    December 27, 2010

    Well its all left to some suppecting and other deffending. Go higher Dominica . Taking it to a higher Level???????????

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    • c bruce
      December 28, 2010


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    • Watch i watching
      December 28, 2010

      hey, they said NEXT level…not higher level. the next level could be downwards you know!

      Why would I burn down my house if it was not insured? hmmmm, maybe that was just a COINCIDENCE??

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  12. Put on your thinking cap
    December 27, 2010

    Bottomline here is Who has a reason to stop the truth from coming out? who is trying to stop tthe truth from coming out? This is serious, serious act of terror, someone is mingling with to many gangstar leaders.

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  13. Open you ears and eyes for 2011
    December 27, 2010

    Imagine trying to kill Emanuel in Dominica on Christmas Day? Who is the biblical Emmanuel? The long and short of that macabre plan was to eliminate Emanuel. The plan was not well executed. It fell short of the maximum outcome intended. I am being extremely frank about the situation.

    The intended outcome was that with Emmanuel out of the way, the historic, classic case involving Isidore and the alleged $6,000,000.00 theft from Mano would be difficult to prosecute. My humble prophecy is that he investigation into that bizarre crime, since it is politically motivated, will be inefficiently conducted. Somebody or bodies given the responsibility to investigate will put on instead his partisan political cloak, forgetting that his role as a Police Officer/investigator is to uphold the law and do everything to bring the perpetrator to justice.

    Be informed that our institutions are being dismantled day by day. They are no longer autonomous. Those institutions are being invaded with and manipulated by political operatives. Our justice system has gone down the drain. That is why Dominicans still find it hard to swallow the excuse given for the non execution of a warrant to arrest isidore, although that warrant was signed and issued by the Chief Magistrate and sent to the Police for follow up action.

    Will anybody be OUT OF STATE AGAIN as another excuse to stall the investigations into that fire, that heinous crime? TRUST ME, my sincere PROPHECY reveals that A SPOKE will be PLACED in the WHEELS of that INVESTIGATION to PREVENT IT FROM ROLLING SMOOTHLY. Because if that criminal is apprehended and brought before the courts, Mouth MIGHT OPEN and PLENTY, PLENTY TORY would JUMP OUT.

    Dominicans OPEN YOUR EYES and YOUR EARS in the NEW YEAR 2011 on:
    (1) the DUAL CITIZENSHIP CASE involving Skerritt,
    (2) the Emanuel/ Isidore CASE and
    (3) Follow carefully the actions to be taken regarding that CRIME At Emanuel’s HOME

    In addition see if ANYTHING will BE DONE by GOVT. regarding ELECTORAL REFORM. I bet you, NOTHING, NADA. Time will be due for yet another election and NO REFORM. So NO FREE and FAIR election any time soon with that DLP PARTY. TRUST ME. 2011 will be very EXCITING.

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  14. BOYZ2MEN
    December 27, 2010

    Dominicans should put their selves in Mr. Emanuel shoes. Thats not an easy situation to deal with. If its the same Mr. Emanuel in Mary Eugenia time, for the little that i know he has done much for the justice system in Dominica. I believe the courts and the justice system has failed Mr. Emanuel just as it has failed us Dominicans. The Government, the justice system and the lawmakers of our land should move with haste and should leave no stone unturn to bring the perpetrators of such a hideous crime to face the fullest penalty of the law.

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  15. hehe
    December 27, 2010

    to all the idiots……..

    would you burn down you house if you have no insurance????

    where is the motive???

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    • The Watcher
      December 28, 2010

      The the blind bats on this commentary.
      “You Follow’s” house was not burnt down, only the SUV. The two places in the house that got a little burnt were the the little laundry space and the kitchen, both are next to the garage. They just got touched. The table cloth on the table in the kitchen is still pretty and white. The cloth on the ironing table in the laundry is still there untouched. So the aim was not for the house but for the SUV and to get some Dominicans spewing garbage. The SUV that got burnt was insured.
      :-D You Follow have all you just how he likes to see all you. Using your mouth without putting your head into gear. :lol: Hahaha!

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  16. Anti-hate
    December 27, 2010

    I’m not putting my hand in fire for anyone, and I was vey dismayed at the news of the arson, but I have to say after reading many of the comments that a lot of the people commenting are either gullible idiots or UWP agents trying to make maximum political mileage out of this.

    Where are the critical thinking skills? The UWP benefited more from this than anyone else. Why would the DLP sanction something that makes the party look so bad and embarrasses the party supporters?

    Only an idiot would dismiss the person/people who stand to benefit the most from something as suspects and just accept things for what it seems like on the surface. Jeez man.

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    • Papa Dom
      December 27, 2010

      Therefore the fire which burnt down the registry building in the late 70’s was started by the freedom party. just some critical thinking!

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    • hmm2
      December 27, 2010


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    • mouth of the south
      December 27, 2010

      for some one who accused me of being on d.n.o like is a job i have on it,,,i find for the past 2 weeks i’ve been gone u have been working overtime every single day spewing ur ‘knowledge’ which further blinds the populace my friend,,,no one has said is skerro dat responsible but we all have gut feelings,,,you all already guilty so allu guess right,,,its skerro n d.l.p peeps must be referring to hhhmmmm,,,while u n some others try to come across to put balance allu can’t refrain from also implying that mr emanuel n the opposition are indeed culprits how wicked can allu be,,,u even questioned why was mr linton present at the scene while he was absent at a previous happenings involving the same individual hhhmmmm,,,so allu want to tell people who n where to visit too papa,,,well i guess u should tell me ‘welcome to the next level’

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      • Anti-hate
        December 28, 2010

        Retard do you know what it means to rant, that’s all you do, you’re all over the place with disjointed points.

        Previously I thought you were intelligent but based on some of the dumb points you’re making i’m seriously re-considering that assessment.

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    • Anonymous
      December 27, 2010

      Wat happen you want to leave and you want to stay? Is you that say that if labour in it you leaving them. Garcon I dont know who you are but you seem like plenty of DLP supporters, a simpleton. You ever heard of conspiracy. Leave my mind open my boy it could be either and not because you area poto diehard cannot find fault labourite it doesnt mean you are privy to all the machinations of your party. From your postings you will never leave labour.

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    • just facts
      December 27, 2010

      You ever heard of conspiracy? Not because you are a party hack that doesn’t mean you will be privy to all the machinations of your party? You looking for excuse for you not to leave labour not true. Why cant your mind fathom labour burning down de man house and it can fathom workers doing it. Garcon stick to your labour ok. You will leave when they ask you to bring daughter or wifey for them.

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  17. c bruce
    December 27, 2010


    1. FETE FETE AND SEWO SEWO (as it was back then( AND i know some illiterate jerk is going to say there was no sewo back then))




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  18. c bruce
    December 27, 2010





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    • Screen GENERATION
      December 28, 2010

      You say “god is stronger than evil” , but according to you evil seems to reign in Dominica.
      Maybe god loves it this way?

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  19. dominican born NYC
    December 27, 2010

    you are a damn ppl put politics and the prime minister in everything he has nothing to with.its a shame my ppl are so narrow minded and are so easily carried away and not having a mind of their own

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    • LOL
      December 27, 2010

      just seat back and relax and NYC as the news unfold into the new year and you will see who narrow minded.

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      • ?????
        December 27, 2010

        If you are lost somewhere in New York go find the International Red Cross for help…YOU ARE PRESUMABLY ONE OF THOSE WHO WERE GIVEN A PLANE TICKET TO COME HERE AND VOTE FOR THIS DICTATORSHIP..

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      • salop
        December 27, 2010

        your wish will hunt you smart.people like you will try to bring down the DLP by any all never accepted defeat anyway.make sure you all check you all blood pressure for the new year.more solid development in you all face haters.judge not

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        • truth be told
          December 28, 2010

          Why is there a move by Tony Astaphans who runs his mouth on everything and everybody he doesn’t like, to gag people talking about this matter publicly? I wonder why

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      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        December 27, 2010

        It is not seat back, and relax!

        It should be ” sit ” back and relax; a seat is what we sit on and relax.

        I am sitting in front of my computer critiquing your English, get your shot gun, and fire away at me!

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

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        • Warren
          December 27, 2010

          Francisco you are stupid dude but I have to say I dig you man.

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        • LOL
          December 27, 2010

          I doh even worry with you Francisdo…hahahaha

          Just keep listening…as you will bow your damn head in shame…

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        • Lizavier4Jesus
          December 28, 2010


          I am doing the same thing as well, but quietly, as I would have to correct almost every comment which I read.

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    • hehe
      December 27, 2010

      you ever wondered were skerrit got money to bring ppl like you to steal the elections?????

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  20. hekeke
    December 27, 2010

    modine see how they almost executed a partner there boi make it look like an accident tv really teaching people thimgs wi boi

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  21. met yo
    December 27, 2010

    position yourself for it

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  22. One Love
    December 27, 2010

    :( after the charges are finally read . . . . . . “NO BAIL” . . . . . .such men are dangerous

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  23. Roller ton
    December 27, 2010

    Al u believe them people easy is this same Lawyer together with the Pm that was asking some good freind of mine to help him overthrow Pierecharles government.

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  24. A UWP Position
    December 27, 2010

    I know that many persons might be forming the view that the alleged perpetrator of the fire at Mr. Emanuel’s residence is likely to be the one that Mr. Emanuel now has a court battle with. However we must also look at the circumstances in which the incident took place and the following questions must be asked.
    • Could it have been an insider generated exercise?
    • Could it be one of the any clients that Mr. Emanuel has refused to give their file after they have clearly stated to him that they have no confidence in his green Jamaican attorney?
    • Could it be one of the many disgruntled clients that Mr. Emanuel had refused to refund them their money, since with him at age 85 or his .. Jamaican attorney, could not continue their case that Mr. Isidore started?
    • Could it be one of the many disgruntled clients that Mr. Emanuel had refused to hand over their Land Title and Wills?
    • Could it be one of the many disgruntled clients who have already paid Mr. Emanuel and cannot get their work done?
    • Could it be one of the many disgruntled clients whose confidential information has found itself on the streets of Dominica?
    • Could it be one of the many disgruntled clients whose confidential information was delivered to political henchmen Lennox Linton Matthias Peltier Angelo Alleyne and the likes?
    • Could it be one of the many disgruntled clients whom the very green Jamaican Lawyer has caused them to loose their court case due to her lack of skills?

    One must say that they are disappointed in Mr. Emanuel to have taken Mr. Isidore’s Hard Drive which is the nucleus and deliver it to Lennox Linton, Angelo Alleyne, Matthias Peltier, Trevor Johnson Ron Green with client’s confidential information. It must be that Mr. Emanuel is losing his bearings (Senility Kicking in).

    This leaves me to wonder why a Chief Magistrate could institute 42 criminal indictable matters when he aught to have known that a private individual cannot institute private indictable matters especially after the CID have launched a full fledge criminal investigation into the matter and reported that to him that there was no evidence of any criminal elements in the matter. This should have been the end of the matter.

    Probably someone close enough to Mr. Emanuel to advise him that at age 85 with senility already kicking in that he might just be making things worst for him health wise because it will be a long legal battle for years to come.

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    • c bruce
      December 27, 2010


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      • %
        December 27, 2010


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      • editor
        December 27, 2010

        aha I agree with c bruce it makes too much sense to be a uwp position

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      • truth be told
        December 28, 2010

        You are nothing but a coward to claim that you are speaking from a UWP position. You are also an idiot because anybody who reads your post will see that you are not speaking from that viewpoint when you make those negative connotations re Ron Green the leader of the party from whose viewpoint you claim to speak

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    • c bruce
      December 27, 2010


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    • Anonymous
      December 27, 2010

      That is plausible

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    • hehe
      December 27, 2010

      it seems that your comment was planned well in advance!!!!

      the police should investigate you!!!!

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    • Papa Dom
      December 27, 2010

      Now why would you be so foolish? i suggest that you go back and review all that you’ve said above, discuss it with a proper lawyer and then come back here and apologise for your silly comments.

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      December 27, 2010

      you wish you could speak for us wheel barrow head; A UWP POSITION, My foot, be brave enough and speak on your name without pretening to be us, we are not in your class, you USED UP VIRUS; USELESS FOOL; FIRE GO BURN ALL A YOU with your own hands like you’ll try to burn MANO; IN JESUS NAME;

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    • The Watcher
      December 28, 2010

      Could it be his “You Follow” days following him?
      It is easy to assume that one of his victims whom he gave his usual excessive punishment while he was magistrate is out now and decided to make life a little uncomfortable for him.
      With his type of background it could be anyone including himself.

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  25. Sout Man
    December 27, 2010

    This case has already been tried in the court of public opinion and sentence has already been handed down. Those associated with the high profile case and the current administration are guilty; or so we are led to believe. To think otherwise means that you are a fool and a blind DLp supporter!!

    Is that the new approach to criminal investigation? No stone must be left unturned in seeking a solution to this obvious crime. Even the victims of such crimes are subjected to scrutiny. Imagine how Mr Emanuel would defend a perpetrator of a similar crime and would cross-examine a victim of such crime. So is it too much to ask the questions that “What If ” asked?

    Check this: ” Shortly after DNO arrived on the scene, scores of persons turned up to show their support and sympathies. Several of these persons express anger and boldly claim that the fire was was politically motivated.” Of course, it was and the perpetrators have achieved their objective; the public sentencing of the DLP administration. It is not a coincidence that these are the same folks who want revolution and unrest in Dominica. The boycott of Parliament has failed. So has the People’s Parliament and the dismal demonstration at the Financial Center. Red Day at Macoushrie was a success so it’s obvious that the UWP strategy was not working. So there is that possibility for malice to accelerate chaos and unrest.

    You may call me idiot, naive or plain old damn fool but the CID must look at every possibility. Even the possibility of the wife’s insurance coverage. This is an investigation folks. Mr Isidore is definitely a person of interest but he cannot be the sole focus of any investigation. I suggest we bring in the Scotland Yard to investigate.

    Finally, let me remind folks of two historical events. 1) In 1898, the Americans sank their own warship, the Maine, in Cuban waters to get a pretext to go to war against Spain and to prevent Cuba from gaining independence from Spain. They gained Guantanamo and Puerto Rico as a result. 2) President Kennedy was assassinated by powerful forces in the USA who hoped that Fidel Castro and Cuba would be blamed. They were, but the evidence pointed otherwise.

    So be patient folks. Do not rush to judgement and do not believe that we are all fools for exploring every possible motive. It is strange that a plastic bottle with traces of gasoline survived these powerful flames in the driveway.

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    • Sout Man
      December 27, 2010

      By the way, I forgot to note that this is the original Sout Man not the new sout man.

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      • Donna
        December 27, 2010

        why don’t you give it up? Nobody is believing your crap that the opposition could be responsibile…

        what is annoying is when all you try to make it seem like all you care about the bigger picture ie Dominica, when clearly the only concern is your messed up party, the DLP.

        And btw, for someone who speaks about investigating from all angles you seem pretty decided on the two historical incidents you cited. Historians remain divided on the 1898 event. Aren’t these both speculation? Conspiracy theories? yet you believe them! But you want us to ignore the likelihood that the Emmanuel incident was engineered by a DLP operative!

        Labour will continue to make all you deparlay while trying to defend wrong. Go on!

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        • Sout Man
          December 27, 2010

          Yes, Donna, I think that I should give it up because you, as investigator, judge and jury, have completed the process and a verdict has been reached. Now, you also want to be executioner !!

          By the way, it is a fact that Americans killed Kennedy and Fidel was blamed, initially. Some wanted immediate revenge and retaliation. On the 1898 issue, why won’t they declassify the pertinent documents. Why was their battleship in Havana, in the first place? Do you have confidence in the same historians who told us that the Caribs were “savages and cannibals” and who tried, and are still trying, to justify slavery?

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      • c bruce
        December 27, 2010




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    • hehe
      December 27, 2010

      you should change your name to the SORT MAN!!!


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      • Anti-hate
        December 27, 2010

        @ hehe: your IQ is very low. Every point made by Sout Man was logical and well-articulated. He even provided historical examples. This is the level of debate needed on DNO, well-reasoned and thought-out points.

        For you to read such a comment and come to the conclusion that he should be called Sort Man to me means that you are pretty close to retarded, and can’t recognize a strong argument if it punches you in the face.

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    • Anti-hate
      December 27, 2010

      U’re a wise man Mr. Sout Man.

      I can see you took your brains out of the packaging and make use of it, unlike the many idiots who jump to conclusions without thinking.

      I will say though that a lot of people making idiotic comments and ignoring the other possibilities are not actually stupid. Dominicans are intelligent people (for the most part). They’re just being opportunistic and using this for political mileage.

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    • The Watcher
      December 28, 2010

      Well Sout Man, I don’t think he could be that cash strapped to go for his wife’s insurance. But then again, how come he has not insured that fancy house of his?

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  26. Anonymous
    December 27, 2010


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  27. loud
    December 26, 2010


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  28. Anonymous
    December 26, 2010

    ok after a hard days work,you simply park your car in your garrage where you think its safe right?sometimes you so tired you just want to go in the house and relax,therefore any documents from work you may have in the car you might be in a habbit of just leaving it there because your car is safely park in your garrage plus you are so tired, with that said i think the target was the car hoping that he left
    documented evidence in there what those idiots didnot realise that the house would have burnt down to
    plus they left the bottle,Don’t these guys look at CSI hmmm, i think someone hired some inexperience
    arsenist and in the process almost killed the man and his family

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  29. yout
    December 26, 2010

    with the current police chief and the PUPPET PRESIDENT WE ARE Feduck FOR JUSTICE

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  30. watch i watching
    December 26, 2010

    Is it also COINCIDENCE that Tony astaphan is suddenly leading Isidore’s defense team? or was he ordered to do so by some higher power?

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  31. watch i watching
    December 26, 2010

    But Dominica have coincidence too wiii!! it was a COINCIDENCE that when mr. emmanuel reported that he was robbed that no Police were available to investigate the crime scene at his office. It was a COINCIDENCE that when a warrant was issued for the arrest of Isidore, the commissioner was out of state hence he cold not sign and authorize the warrant; it was a COINCIDENCE that when Isidore was supposed to be in court, the case of 6 other seasoned criminals were also being called so the security had to be beefed up with SSU soldiers; it was a COINCIDENCE that when the case preliminary hearing was scheduled, the chief justice had to order the magistrate NOT to read the charges; it was a COINCIDENCE that the person taking Isidore to court had his car burnt down and almost :murdered: in the process.

    What coincidence will be next?

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    • :-)
      December 28, 2010

      You are so right and correct that I would kiss you.

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  32. mouth of the south
    December 26, 2010

    ay ay but how come all of a sudden,,,,it have mouth of the east,,,,mouth of the west,,,mouth of the north,,,,just now i’ll see mouth of north north east etc etc ay ay i’m the original ‘mouth’ so allu better get original with allu names,,,,no offence but i have to protect my trademark lol :lol: :lol: :lol:

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    • c bruce
      December 27, 2010

      HEH HEH

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  33. mouth of the south
    December 26, 2010

    don’t be hypocrites we all know who the ‘responsible’ culprits are,,,,don’t let me name names :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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    • vex
      December 26, 2010

      go right ahead because we in Dominica are always quick to judge. But I guess you have Don-C and the other lawyers on your side.

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    • Gary
      December 27, 2010

      It is so funny and easy to have big mouth. Here you have an alleged crime and your are saying that you know who is responsible and who the culprits are, saying this here is not going to do anything, take the evidence
      to the proper authorities that is where it belongs. What amuses me is that you are one of those who always find people guilty without a trial or court case where evidence is not used but hearsay Why is it you do not let us know who the names are you would be a instant celebrity.i would recommend you as man of the year there is still a few days left for a nominee. I guess now you understand the importance of evidence. This is the same thing you always disregard when you accuse other people.

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    • Sout Man
      December 27, 2010

      MOTS, I have refrained from commenting on your posts. I give you your respects although we are on opposite sides of the political spectrum. I’m not refering to blue vs green vs red but pro socialist vs anti-socialist like you. You have openly called for unrest and arson in DA. Be careful son. You have just made yourself a person of interest in this high profile case. The CID may want to check you out because you can name names. Can you see what you are getting into?

      Original Sout Man

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    • Anti-hate
      December 27, 2010

      So now it’s being a hypocrite to not accept things at face value? Did you see the turn-out at the UWP democracy rally or whatever its name was? No-one was taking these guys seriously except for their remaining 60 die-hard supporters.

      This event forces people to start taking them seriously. So who really benefited the most from this incident? For you to say ‘we all know’ who did it shows your extreme bias and lack of critical thinking skills.

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  34. Billy
    December 26, 2010

    We should begin to ask for help with that investigation from the FBI to Scotland Yard. I don’t trust that police force under Carrette. He should recuse himself from all aspects of that case. He is as unprofessional and political as they come. He is a no body as far a leader is. Dominicans we should clamour for outside help. I smell a rat already. Our country is dying fast.

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    • JIM
      December 27, 2010

      @Billy I would not have said it better…The public has lost faith in the police, since they to are doing the biddings of Skerrit and his gang…Outside help is obviuusly needed..

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    • prissy
      December 28, 2010

      I don’t see the reason for the FBI or Scotland Yard since we have all the forensic experts right here on DNO.

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  35. Anti-hate
    December 26, 2010

    If it comes out that Skerrit and co had anything to do with this then that’s where my DLP support comes to an end.

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    • T
      December 26, 2010

      You are standing on your brain,guess you will still continue till you are trapped.

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      • Anonymous
        December 26, 2010

        There is no way I will even put Skerrit and co in this none sense even if I don’t suppot him. However, how are we going to know who did it? You don’t expect political leader Carrette and his police force to investigate it and you sure don’t expect Skerrit to push for an investigation. That’s why you could make that statement because we all know that this one is going to be one of the unknown crimes. You guys are so political that even if you knew who the culprit was that still would not cause you to change so stop trying to be smart buddy. If the wife of Pero stayed so faithful to Skerrit after the things Tony Astaphan said during the passing of Peirro, then I know it’s going to take much more than that to change.

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      • follower
        December 26, 2010

        There is no way I will believe Skerrit and co were involved in this non sense even if I don’t support Skerrit. However, how are we going to know who did it since no one saw? You don’t expect Political leader Carrette to investgate it and you sure don’t expect Skerrit to push for an investigation. That’s why I believe you said that because you know it will go down as an “Unknown Crime.” On the other hand, it doesn’t matter what Skerrit does you guys are not going to change. If pierro wife did not change after the accusations Tony Astaphan made immediately after the death of Piere Charles (The St. Joseph meeting), you guys will just not change. This is politics at its best in DA.

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    • jim
      December 27, 2010

      You are claiming to be a DLP supporter who you think you can fool. why put our beloved PM in your crap!!!! you hater, we will find you out

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      • follower
        December 27, 2010

        what do you mean by “You hater, we will find you out.” You sound like a hater too and you are making a threat. Who is that “we?” Why are you guys taking things so personal buddy?

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      • c bruce
        December 27, 2010


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    • ahwa
      December 27, 2010

      You lying! You bluueeeee. Doh come so.

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    December 26, 2010

    To Mr Emanuel, I’m very sorry that your home was burnt down. No one deserves that, at christmas or at any other time.

    Was it was an accident or a arson attack. Lets leave it to the fire department and the police to investigate. The fire department should not have left the premises until they were positive that all was well.

    Again people are comming to their own conclusions, and puting politicals in everything. Why do some judge everything in red, blue or green. After reading the comments , you would think that some are wishing for ethnic cleasing. Down with anyone who does not support/agree with your views/party.

    Mr Emanuel why was your vehicle insured, but your home was not. As an educated, financially well off man, surely you should have insured your home and its contents.

    To anyone who has not taken some sort of insurance cover on their property, please do so. Your only insurance should not be a barking dog.

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    • only
      December 27, 2010

      It wasn’t insured probably because he wasn’t expecting someone to come in and set off explosives to catch things on fire.
      Insurance is required on vehicles but after a couple of years, if it is destroyed the insurance company won’t give you enough to replace it.

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  37. FxckYourLife
    December 26, 2010

    This is a shocker

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  38. Anti-hate
    December 26, 2010

    The obvious and reflex reaction to this would be to think that it was done as an act of intimidation due to the ongoing court case.

    However, anyone who dismisses all the other possibilities and immediately concludes that’s what it is and commences to bash Skerrit and talk about dictatorship is a TOTAL IDIOT. That’s my two cents.

    Cuz for the life of me I can’t see why anyone in the DLP would sanction something like this. Edison James and co were talking a bunch of crap about getting ‘taken out’ and no one was really taking them seriously, why would the DLP do something which now makes it seems like their fears were legitimate?

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    • Dominicans!!!!!!
      December 26, 2010

      Because they are above the law……and as far as they are concerned…….no man can touch them…But there is a higher power and I call on that power for justice and to save my island home Dominica.

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    • One Love
      December 27, 2010

      8-O what other possibilities :?:

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      • Anti-hate
        December 27, 2010

        Other possibilities:
        -Planned by elements in the opposition in order to turn public opinion against the DLP.
        -Done by a disgruntled former or even current client of the lawyer and unrelated to politics.
        -Done by some lunatic DLP supporter without knowledge or consent of party hierarchy.

        That’s just off the top of my head there could be circumstances none of us know about. We don’t know if the lawyer or his wife have enemies from their personal or professional life.

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    • only
      December 27, 2010

      Because there is a lot of other stuff that might be uncovered and they want to protect themselves.

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  39. negre bord la mer
    December 26, 2010

    Whichever way you look at this incident it is troubling.
    I don’t believe in luck and therefore i don’t gamble. I don’t believe in coincidence and therefore i look at reasons behind things.
    Many people of the age of Mr. Emmanuel and his wife have died in house fires of this nature! So who would benefit from a quick departure of Mr. Emmanuel.
    6 million dollars is a lot of money. Quite a lot of money!
    Then we must consider how many and whose secrets are being held in the details of these magnificent flows of money.
    Let us just take one example. All of a sudden, amidst all the clamour for Dominicans to exploit the geothermal potential of the island the big man suddenly gives a contract to take the best. simple as that. So i told my good partner…..a poto laborite that the bobol must come out. So when i heard the story that Mr. Isidore in his attempt to explain why West Indies Power paid almost two mill to the big man’s lawyer that he claimed working for over 5500 hours for that company.
    i chuckeled with my partner but he is a good enough friend to know that i do not believe in co……
    So how much more stuff is going to come out in court. Is there a cd with details of all the payments made to all …..
    The fact that we had 19 police officers around the court for Emmanuel’s case is indicative of where the powers that be have aligned themselves. And yes I took my time to listen to Mervin Paul’s reasoning that a the legenday “Alcapoon” and a number of other murderers were being brought to court for bail. I thought it was a whole lot of hot air.
    Have you seen Al recently? Any reasonably feed 2nd former could beat him in a fight. I never knew that i could have felt pity for him, but when i saw him in court…..
    The stakes are high and we are now seeing the ground rules being changed.
    I would be surprised, really surprised if any meaningful arrests are made.
    One last thought. Isidore has a number of lawyers like Tony and his side kick Heather defending him. I looked at this case and i suddenly felt that isidore might just be the rat in the aquarium with the snake as he needs his own lawyers with their allegiance to him not higher up.
    Just hope he did not sink all the coins into more concrete on the hill in st Joe. He might need some for his top shot lawyer now.

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  40. ws
    December 26, 2010

    what the hell is happening in Dominica!!!! Straight from a motherf^S%^king movie screen, sound like something that would happen in Africa or one of those nations with no government.. WOW!!! Lack of leadership.. Worst is yet to come it seems kind of tings that happening there nothing will amaze me.

    But if the guy stole a dime from him regardless of what ever happens he has to have his day in court… Dominicans too like something for nothing and this if what happens when society is focused on handouts….
    10yrs of madness 2011 will be twice as bad…

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  41. St.Joe
    December 26, 2010

    The fire started in the garage.
    The garage is close to the man’s bedroom.
    His wife is in a different bedroom.Was it only for this particular night she was in the other bedroom?
    After this massive fire the man found a plastic bottle!smelling of petrol?
    The jeep was insured,and was completely destroyed,but the house wasn’t insured and suffered minimal damage?
    Check these facts as reported by the reporter.Something is strange here,god help Dominica.How far can some people go to destroy others.
    “U follow”………….can do anything,won’t put it pass……….”U FOLLOW”

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      December 27, 2010

      Sherlock what do you mean, Watson not understanding?

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  42. Gary
    December 26, 2010

    It is a tragedy, no one wants to have their house destroyed by fire in a time like this. It is something that none of us would like to experience and so our hearts should go out to Mr Emmuel and his Family or any other Dominican losing their Home especially at a time like this. I did not want to be sucked into this but after reading some of those comments I’m forced to. It looks like we are at a moment where Partisan Politics and emotions are used in seeking the truth, to attain justice and even to determine guilt and innocence. No longer are people lead by reason and commonsense, it even looks like soon there will be no need for the Judaical System, people will be found guilty and judged by hearsay as to what was said on the radio. The word evidence no longer applies to us as Dominicans any more It is replaced by hearsay and by what we believe based on the Political Party we support, even God is drawn into this, people are praying to God to take sides in their Politics as though God is some kind of football.

    Finally, let us not forget the greatest friend of truth is time, her greatest enemies are hearsay, ignorance.
    tunnel vision and opinions which are not facts but based on Partisan Politics. Do we want to see the lynch mob mentality operating in our society or the rule of Law which was presented to us in our constitution.

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  43. anonymous
    December 26, 2010

    i wouldn’t put anything pass these people dere .. u team up with lennox, groovybat thats wat u get … they are so fixed on destrying the PM and will do anything and use anyone to destroy the PM .. this case dere emanuel doesn’t have any proof aganist isidore … all the time he was gaining all the big money and now when isidore decide that he had enough of u … he working so hard, he bringing in all the money for .u . so now he decide that he is fedup now u filing law suit against him …. give up emanuel u know ur chambers was nothing before isidore came in …. the truth will prevail in the court .. wat happen maybe a strategy for u to delay the same case u file .. cause u have realize that u don’t have enough evidence to condemn isidore… Good luck to u cause i’m certainly not fooled and so are many other dominicans out dere

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    • Billy
      December 26, 2010

      Will you keep quiet and just relax for a second? Nobody will destroy the PM but himself.

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    • One Love
      December 27, 2010

      hee-haw ; hee-haw ; hee-haw ; hee-haw ; hee-haw ; hee-haw ; hee-haw ; hee-haw ; hee-haw ; hee-haw ; hee-haw ; hee-haw ; hee-haw ; hee-haw ; hee-haw ; hee-haw ; hee-haw ; hee-haw ; hee-haw ; hee-haw ; hee-haw ; hee-haw ; hee-haw ; hee-haw ; hee-haw ;

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    • hehe
      December 27, 2010

      omg…. i cant believe there are still people in dominica like you…..

      what totaol garbage

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  44. watchthat
    December 26, 2010

    There is no justice in this land. GOD u said you shall have no other God expect me. Father my Lord save your people.

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  45. Ras Lavawete
    December 26, 2010

    I try to keep an open mind but I am inclinned to believ that this incident is directly linked to the upcoming Isidore case. It is stupid to assume that the arson was self inflicted considering that the victim is a law veteran.
    I am inclined to think that this incident is meant to be warning that alot is at stake. In the interest of party politics some can’t even see past their noses. Should this case go to the courts the secretes of some big names will come out. Take that to the banks

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    • .........................
      December 26, 2010


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    • mette veyai
      December 26, 2010

      people get this straight, all these young lawyers in DA is just thieves they pray on on people steal their property for representation..i don’t want to sound too harsh but a young man like Isidore with less than 20 yrs practice how the heck did he get so rich so quick? I admire his hard work and his profession, but Negro please! all of them are sakwai vorlair, let them fight each other like pigs because when they were in their good time they didn”t care about the poor people property they aquire.. I say put them in WWF ring and let them fight no reffree,, kitai yow trai cor yow.

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      • Young but not Dumb
        December 26, 2010

        I totally agree with you that there is a lot at stake. Its very sad to see that persons who are “Intelligent” can’t reason past party colors.I hope that the case is called and that justice with prevail.

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  46. Believer
    December 26, 2010


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    • Dominicans!!!!!!
      December 26, 2010


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  47. bata kalinago
    December 26, 2010

    this nonsense have to stop politically motivated or not too much too much

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  48. emanuel
    December 26, 2010

    GON now is the good time to claim the house of your brother in St Aroma. you so full of greed

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    • Draci
      December 26, 2010

      Aren’t we charming!!! Merry Christmas to you too. I reckon the turkey didn’t go down too well!!!

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  49. emanuel
    December 26, 2010

    i hope a damn big man like GON did not plan his crime and make it look like it is someone else. he capable of doing anything. and i can’t believe a big time lawyer and well known man has gone down in the gutters, to have lennox and groovybat at your home. it is a shame mr emanuel

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    • .........................
      December 26, 2010

      Stop your rubbish on DNO…Make a sensible contribution even if it’s for a single time..

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    • LOL
      December 26, 2010

      boy allu people amazingly stupid in Dominica….

      you actually listening to yourself?

      Politics have allu that foolish?

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    • bubbles
      December 27, 2010

      would you burn your house if it not insured?… dumba$$

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  50. emanuel
    December 26, 2010

    :-D that is pure bull……….where does Skerrit and Isidore come into that house fire in St Aroma. envy and jealousy of Skerrit and Isidore. GON is full of …. greed.

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    • LOL
      December 26, 2010

      allu will find out…

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  51. Reason
    December 26, 2010

    Let us look at the possible options of this case:
    (1) It was an accident based on an electric fault or something such in the car or home.
    (2) It was a stupid anti Emanuel DLP supporting idiot who wanted to vent his anger. But why would any DLP supporter want to do this as it would be a very bad reflection on the government that he supports? It would also stir up unneccesary trouble for government.
    (3) It was a planned action by an individual or small core of individuals intending to provoke an outcry and disturbance in Dominica as a result. Here you have a crucial court case in the news. One of the people involved in the case has been associated with the Prime Minister. If you throw a fire bomb at the car of the person who is taking the case, you hope it will appear that members of the government party (DLP) are involved in the attack. As a result people will be outraged with government members and accuse them of evil desperation. Then the little core of trouble makers will have acheived their goal and rub their hands in glee as they continue to plan the destruction of the government.

    This is not the first time such things have happened. In the 1970s Patrick John showed reporters damage from a gasoline bomb that exploded on the porch of his house in Cornwall Street, Newtown. The same questions were raised as above. Was it an act of terrorist intent, or was it an attempt at gaining sympathy and blaming the opposition DFP?

    A stick of dynamite wrapped up in the anti government “Herald” newspaper was found on the porch of government Minister Ronald Armour’s house in Canefield. Was it an act of terrorist intent, or was it an attempt at gaining sympathy and blaming the opposition?

    Mr and Mrs Emanuel are clearly victims in this case. But is someone attacking them in vengence, or is someone attacking them to use them in a bigger scheme of things and to create national disturbance that will help bring the government down?

    Oh My, here we go again! Back to Dominica in the 1970s! Those who experienced those times remember how detrimental it was to Dominica as a whole politically and economically. Let us not go there again.

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    • Believer
      December 26, 2010

      tRUE WORDS WITH REASON. This is a serious and positive thinking individual. But i realise that some Dominicans dont like to be told the unbiased way as they are always clouded with political thoughts! WHAT A SHAME!

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    • prissy
      December 26, 2010


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  52. THOMAS
    December 26, 2010


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    • Dominicans!!!!!!
      December 26, 2010

      Lol…sounds that way

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    • Draci
      December 26, 2010

      By gum you need to see a psychiatrist.

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      • T
        December 26, 2010

        There are many such people in Dominica who really believe that SKERRO can save….ha ! ha ! ha!

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      • Lizavier4Jesus
        December 27, 2010

        To Draci

        You are right about that for sure!

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  53. anonymous
    December 26, 2010

    @what if.’
    What if indeed! I ve learnt over the years to take anything in this country with a grain of salt. This story is one of them. Unfortunate yes, but a smokescreen it is(no pun intended). On another note, someone of this caliber and the house is uninsured? Credibility in question if you ask me.

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  54. amazed at our ignorance
    December 26, 2010

    i wonder how many people actualy read the story befor posting?????

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  55. citizen
    December 26, 2010

    Let’s all remember that nothing happens without the permission of God. That is a clear manifestation that God is present in this land. No amount of money, influence and power can make anything happen if God disallows it. Remember the evil one sought the permission of God to attack Job. Again God was glorified cause Job never turned against God. To all the prayer warriors keep on praying for our beloved Dominica. Lets put politics, greed and selfishness aside for once and look at the big picture……These things have passed politics it is a bigger thing going on now. Where is the days of sorrel and gingerbeer, sewenal etc. instead groups of people are divided. No love, caring and togethernes. This is the 2nd Christmas season that our country is going through strife, anger and rancor. What about how we were all raised and values taught especially now at this time. GOD IS GLORIFIED HE DID NOT PERMIT THE DEATH OF THIS MAN AND FAMILY.
    to the perpetrators of this crime know this that THE HANDS OF GOD ARE ALREADY UPON YOU!!!!!!! People please lets put DOMINICA first “all for eah and each for all”

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    • Draci
      December 26, 2010

      Oh paleeeeeeese

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    • Lizavier4Jesus
      December 27, 2010

      To Citizen

      You have said it well. If we were living through sunlight for 24 hours a day, in Dominica, we would have a great problem ahead of us. But now, we are faced with difficult circumstances–the thorns of Satan, the enemy of God and His people–but it is through Satan’s work in our lives that God trains and disciplines us to live the Life that gives Him delight. Just we sometimes need to spank our children to teach them discipline, it is the same we all need a spanking from God, that we might learn to walk the path that leads us to Life–our stature of Love.

      Job’s example is a perfect example. Job had faith (he believed) in God, but he used that faith for his personal honor and credit. Our faith in God must give Him the glory. Job maintained the sin of “self-righteousness”, a sin that keeps people separated from the guidance and teachings of God’s Holy Spirit, as they believe they are being good by their human wisdom, understanding, and strength.

      Because of His Love, God needed to bring Job’s nature in the right shape. Unfortunately for Job, the surgery was painful, but he learned how to use his faith for the glory of God. And the things that he encountered was not too much for him to deal. That too, is the way God trains and discipline us. He does not beat us or cause us to suffer anymore than we can bear.

      Yes, the circumstances that we have been encountering in Dominica, are the patterns of God’s discipline and training in our lives, as He allows Satan and his messangers to buffet us to the door of death, that we might turn around and surrender to Him for Life, by faith in His Love, through His Person, Jesus Christ.

      It is sad that many of us do not understand this truth, speaking foolishly, calling for the damnation of our own country, even in times ahead of us. Someone “stupidly” declared that Dominica has “gone through ten years of madness and “2011 will be twice as bad”. Who needs the prophets and prophecies of Satan in these days and times?

      Draci, I am reading the comments from up to down, otherwise I would not have supported your above comment. For I may have misunderstood your sentiment.

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    December 26, 2010

    After reading all these comments i really realised that Dominica have freedom of expression at their will. Praise God the “Constitution” of this beautiful island. I love this island.

    After reading the story I believe that this incident was not an accident. My sympathy goes to the Emanuels. I believed that it was staged.

    I must asked the question “Why was Edison James and Lennox Linton seen at the scene at St Aromant and when there was the robery at Isidore’s home at Morne Daniel where his ailing mother (may her soul rest in peace) was tired they were no present? Was not the incident at the Isidore’s residence a gruesome act as well. I smell a rat, you hear.

    I BEG to agree with “WHAT IF”. I want to add that what if there are clients who are pissed off with Mr GON Emanuel for giving Lennox Linton the HARD DRIVE which contains clients confidential documents? What if there are clients who want their file which are not available because it is in the hands of Lennox? What if there are clients who gets a hardtime retrieving their files from Mr. Emanuel unpon several request.

    What if this incident was staged by persons concerned when it was observed that this Ambitious case handled by this Jr. Lawyer does not hold water after they were served with a COUNTER CLAIM?

    I am watching from all angles

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    • Billy
      December 26, 2010

      Edison James lives near by.

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    • Truth, Justice & Righteousnes
      December 26, 2010

      You people entertain some really evil thoughts!!

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    • LOL
      December 26, 2010


      So you want to tell Lennox and Edison who to visit?

      Boy allu mad we…allu crazy we in Dominica…

      They try to kill the man in his home..burn his vehicle…and u vex because lennox and them go to see the man?

      out of alll the other people who went there to visit the man in his time of stress…you have a problem with these 2 going there?

      allu think allu have good head?

      Watching from what all angles?

      allu doh tired talk rubbish on DNO?

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    • The Watcher
      December 26, 2010

      I agree with all the ‘What Ifs’ above. And would like to add, what if his being in the headlines have caused his “You Follow” days to pay him a visit. He was infamous for dishing out ridiculously maximum penalties and had to be relieved of his post. It is not unheard of that someone who is finally out of the Labasse would take the opportunity for revenge.

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    • prissy
      December 26, 2010

      Someone must have informed Mr Emanuel that he could be sued for turning over clients personal files to the media without their consent. So he staged a distraction in order to get the public’s sympathy. Obviously he is not getting that public outcry he intended to. So what next?

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  57. For Justice
    December 26, 2010

    We need CSI MIAMI here now tell the CID to watch some csi tapes them man cannot investicate all they doing is drink rum and arrest man with lil spliff

    The man and another have a case in court as a matter of eliminating suspects arrest the man he have the tie with

    i don’t believe in any coincidence the man office was burglarized now his home set on fire ah wah

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  58. forkit
    December 26, 2010

    carrette, police commissioner speach,
    we have had an unfortunate incident of arson and attempted murder of mr emmanuel and his wife at their home in st aroma.. i was not in island when the incident occured and will not investigate the matter since no one was injured…. lol

    a bunch of baboons :wink:

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  59. posse massive
    December 26, 2010

    that is what you get for poking your nose in our business

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    • Draci
      December 26, 2010

      Go directly to Kindergarden and do not pass Go.

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      • january till december
        December 26, 2010

        agreed… lol lol u are real funny draci i enjoy ur posts..hehehe.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :-P :mrgreen:

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    • ailing
      December 26, 2010

      Are you for real? Is that what your moher thought you?

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  60. PoKeSa
    December 26, 2010

    An outstanding lawsuit pending…

    D/ca is steadfastly becoming a litigious society. There seems to be plenty of money around. Therefore, it beggars the question: why can’t all the monies, expended by the PM, Ministers, Business /Professional persons and Civilians (alike) be spent on the betterment of our beloved nature isle? In my humble opinion D/ca possess no effective attorney/barrister/solicitor/lawyer – they all lack integrity and are just money grabbing parasites.

    Consequently, to sum up this calamity it’s a case of somebody being despiteful. Somebody has shown malicious ill will and a desire to hurt; motivated by spite. A vindictive person (somebody) has chosen this occasion for resentment.

    There’s only one winner in this sad case of affairs – the useless attorneys/barristers/solicitors/lawyers in D/ca.

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    • prissy
      December 26, 2010

      My sentiment exactly.

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    December 26, 2010


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  62. Patat
    December 26, 2010

    @ Law-Abiding

    From your post I kind ah get that you want a war in this country.
    Nobody wins a war.
    If you can at least understand that then you will never become a fanatical political supporter of any political party.
    It is always better to be passionate but never fanatical. Your problem is that you cannot respect other people’s passion – it infuriates you, it makes you envious, it may even lower your self esteem.
    To be blunt you do not understand politics. Leave it alone!!!! It is not good for your health.
    Every politician, activist, and citizen has a right to express his/her opinion on any matter without fear!!! No one has to look over his shoulders when expressing his/her opinions. If Mr. Emanuel was attacked on Christmas Day it should have never happened. The man has a right to have access to food, clothing, shelter, belongingness and love like all other Dominicans. Food, clothing and shelter he has worked over the many years in his carrier to secure and he has a right to enjoy them and not be deprived in such an unfortunate way as the pictures from DNO has revealed. In terms of belongingness he has a right to associate with any group of persons that he so chooses and wishes at anytime. Unlike you and me who enjoy freedom and democracy and take it for granted, Mr. Emanuel actually fought for our freedom during world war two against Germany.
    All politicians are friends with each other. You will be surprised to learn who intends to cross the floor next year to come join the DLP!!! Why? Go to your meetings on Cork Street and observe the body language of your padna. Just a hint….
    Do you honestly believe that Mr. Isidore is behind this incident? Do you have any evidence to prove so?
    You will be surprised to learn that Mr. Isidore was the son that Mr. Emanuel and his wife never had biologically. Let me explain something to you. Mr. Emanuel’s wife is from St. Joseph, the very same village Mr. Isidore is from as well. Mr. Emanuel wife’s sister child works in the office of Mr. Isidore. You must understand that the close family ties and bonds are still there. The fallout is not personal; it is only business. If you see Mr. Emanuel today associating with the UWP these days that is only smart politics on his part. Remember his law firm previously enjoyed being of service to Skerrit and the government of Dominica. That was a lucrative client lost to Mr. Isidore!!! It is only natural that Mr. Emanuel will actively seek new clients that can be as equally lucrative. You must see these things as an investment of confidence on the part of Mr. Emanuel. If you fail to read through this game plan get out of the realm of politics – you are way too emotional. You will be jumping from one political party to the next giving blind support and losing yourself respect in the process.
    The investment in time, intellect, and resources by persons associating with a political party is always seen or viewed by rival parties as corruption – especially towards the party in power. Why? Simply because opposing forces or competitors are not getting a return on their investment – whatever that investment is – appointment to ambassadorial positions, advisors to government, chairman of boards, securing consultancies even though you have to tender ,head of the public service commission, head of the police service commission, securing contracts, positioning themselves to be succeeding political candidates – a heartbeat away from incumbent ministers by gaining experience as Senators first and those ready to serve Dominica if called upon to do so as future Senators and in other capacities. Such a diverse base of human resource strengths a political party and swells its numbers of supporters in the process. As long as the rules of engagement are adhered to no one looses. Trust me investigative journalists ensures that the rules of engagement are complied with. But even they as journalist seek a higher order of needs than just food, clothing, shelter, belongingness and love. Many seek prestige an medals and space in the history books of our country.

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    • truth be told
      December 26, 2010

      What a confusing episode

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      • prissy
        December 26, 2010

        No confusion at all. Just very informative.

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    • The Watcher
      December 27, 2010

      Your points are well taken.

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  63. What IF
    December 25, 2010

    What if some malicious person did this act to bring attention to themselves? What if that is done to provoke unrest? What if the redress through “Social and Political Means” which Arthie Martin spoke about at the Citizen for Good Governance Forum last Thursday at UWI was not a call for mischief making? What if some Optimists who could not have their way with the justice system decided to use take advantage of a seeminly good situation (the lawyers court case) to make it appear like it’s politically motivated? What if there are persons who want to creat chaos for their own selfish benifit? What if there individuals who are seeking to draw the churches, other christian communities, groups and unions into speaking out since it is alledged that they are silent? What if there is a carbal of brain-stormming activist who want power at ANY COST? It could be either

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    • Lizavier4Jesus
      December 26, 2010

      To What If

      I am sure that you have pointed out at least one motive, but there could be two or three, even four among those motives you mentioned above. For this wickedness could be the plan and conduct of a group of persons.

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    • village girl
      December 26, 2010

      stop being foolish!! what if what if ?? bloody nonesense!! this is 4 real n other should look out. some people need 2 invest in CCTV camera otherwise they will perish 4 de sake of freedom of speech.

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    • smart dominican
      December 26, 2010

      what if anyone who threatens the existence of the establishment is removed by any means

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    • well well well
      December 26, 2010

      suspicious indeed… just my thought but someone in power must have ordered that to be done.. just wait i bet you that the person(s) aren’t going to be caught!

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    • just facts
      December 26, 2010

      What if you are one of the trouble makers?

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    • For Justice
      December 26, 2010

      you are just too bias it seems like the partner is ur partner

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    • Kay
      December 26, 2010

      What if you are just a blind Labour bat who won’t see what is staring you right in the face?

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    • WHAT IF MY A$$
      December 26, 2010

      wishful thinking my friend.

      THEY know all about what happened.

      But doh worry man…doh worry.

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    • truth be told
      December 26, 2010

      What if you are just trying to put a spin on this because it makes those you support look really really bad

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    • Dominicans!!!!!!
      December 26, 2010

      What if Dominica is in serious trouble and we refuse to do something about it. because we are more in love with a political figure than concerned about our own children s future.

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  64. humble
    December 25, 2010

    Honestly I think we should allow the matter to be investigated and wait on the result of the case. We may just be damaging someones character. Lets put ourself in these men position. one has lost his property while the other is being blamed. what if investigations unearth an accuse who admits? Let us all be balance ok

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  65. The "T" Part-E
    December 25, 2010

    I was So alarmed when I heard the news. I just hope that we can get to the “TOP” of this incidence and bring the “REAL” criminals to “JUSTICE?”

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    • forkit
      December 26, 2010

      with carette as the commisioner, forget these words not at this time or i was on vacation leave

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  66. CHUCK
    December 25, 2010

    Everyone talking and minding foolishness. these so called lawyers, so called politicians and all of these evil minded persons are only demonstrating the signs of the times. where is blackmore and ian douglas with their “NEXT LEVEL” quotes. and another murder? my my my. dominica you are going down due to the mind and deeds of foolsihness. and u think the police is going to come up with a result? no way. not under a radio dj like weeks or a nervous condom collector like carrette. no way

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    • blackmore
      December 27, 2010

      your jacka*** you will always stay so

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  67. wELL SAH
    December 25, 2010

    what the hell the Police take the bottle for they cannot even do fingerprinting, they will loose it of course them SOB all of them in it but doh worry GOD SEES ALL KNOWS ALL AND HEARS ALL

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    • desie
      December 26, 2010

      if you was interested in dominica you would know they doing fingerprinting now

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  68. OMG!!
    December 25, 2010


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  69. Anonymous
    December 25, 2010

    wow this so sad stay strong sir,clearly from what i read in the above article this was no accident it appears the fire started in the vehicle.I don’t think anyone wants to kill this man,if that was the case
    they would have suceeded,this appears to be someone trying to get rid of documented evidence or
    just want to send you a message.

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  70. Rolle
    December 25, 2010

    Time to get those criminals out of office. Skerrit think that we are afraid of him and his bunch of coward goons, but he is mistaken. The real men of Dominica are comming for you Skerrit.

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  71. Kay Cord
    December 25, 2010

    Why don’t you get lost. If it is distasteful, don’t read it. The “story” looks better than you. Isn’t Barbados entertaining enough?

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    • Kay Cord
      December 26, 2010

      Distasteful, you say? I see that you will not learn

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  72. hmmmm
    December 25, 2010

    well this is a sad situation :cry: :(

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  73. FIRE
    December 25, 2010


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    • FIRE
      December 26, 2010

      Yo fire i find u getting soft.That’s not u.

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  74. BAD MAN
    December 25, 2010

    I don’t know much about politics, but it look like skerro and his boys don’t play. But if i was skerro i would do the same thing.just business.

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    • editor
      December 26, 2010

      Anything to keep ‘you and me on air’. After all the citizen thing was getting boring.

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  75. Mr. Marlon Giraudel of Jimmit
    December 25, 2010

    is a good thing I talk a-ready…..

    Let time continue to tell…

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    • Anonymous
      December 28, 2010

      AA u have mouth den?

      Stupes, ur case call already nah? U back at d bank nah?

      go n put dem ppl cookie back in dere jar before u open ur trap!

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    December 25, 2010




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    • village girl
      December 26, 2010

      these guys need 2 invest in CCTV camera otherwise they’ll end up like emmanuel or worst!!

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  77. warma
    December 25, 2010

    DOMINICANS, you need to get away from that POTO-political party disease that you’re afflicted with; it is driving the country downwards. Far too many Dominicans are willing to accept the malfeasance perpetrated by individuals aligned to the political establishment which they support.


    I always hear the excuse that “oh, the other party did it when they were in power” – WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? That it’s OK? Don’t you think that it should STOP? Only ignorant people say things like that, and the propensity of A LOT of people to relish that ignorance is staggering; it’s as if they’re happy they’re stupid. Unbelievable.

    This is not only a crime against Mr. Emmanuel, it’s a crime against DOMINICA. If it could be done to them, what makes you think you’re so special that it cannot be done to you or a member of your family in the future? For whatever reason? YOU ARE NOT SO SPECIAL!

    This is a shot against the individual liberties and freedoms of everyone; whomever is responsible must be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.

    But quite frankly I am not too optimistic of Dominicans forming a logical opinion on this at all; these are the same people who, knowing full well that the constitution that THEY THEMSELVES APPROVED upon gaining political independence from England, specifically states that someone who holds the citizenship of and who has sworn allegiance to another country CANNOT be a member of Dominica’s parliament, let alone be the leader thereof, is more than willing to ignore that fact JUST BECAUSE the individual who is in violation of the constitution is of their political party, so it’s OK. How’s that for the rule of law. A classic case of “DOH DO, LET ME DO”. really? I don;t think so.

    99 days for the thief, 1 day for the guard…

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  78. JIM
    December 25, 2010

    Just listen to the two grown men Copeh Lapin and Copeah Tig on radio,and tell me if Dominica is not long gone..They are like two attack dogs,once you are not in their criminality “BAM” YOU ARE UNDER ATTACK… THIS IS CALLED ‘THE NEXT LEVEL’

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    December 25, 2010


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  80. Anonymous
    December 25, 2010

    I thought I was reading this news about a remote country in Africa. To think this is Dominica on Christmas Day 2010. If we were not afraid now we must be afraid, be very afraid.

    Bondieu meter la mien!

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  81. Real Dominica
    December 25, 2010

    It is kina orly to say what was de cause of de fire but I hope it is not what is being speculated if it is then we can now understand blessings saying when you chase an animal or a human when it, he or she gets cornered de next choice is to attack you, if that is de case then we need to disable de elevator that is taking us to de next level because levels is ether up or down this one seems to be taking Dominica down.

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  82. only
    December 25, 2010

    This was no accident. He is getting to close to exposing the corrupt and they are letting him know it.
    Time to expose and lower the boom on corruption before something more serious happens.
    It isn’t that hard to figure out why this happened and who is involved.

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  83. pedro
    December 25, 2010

    Top me op baby top me op,, top me op baby.

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  84. sout man
    December 25, 2010

    Very suspicous in all ways.Emanuel could have burnt his own house who knows.Wouldn’t put nothing past these lawyers nah.

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    • Jepter
      December 25, 2010

      Well if the property is well insured, this is one of the things that we can’t rule out. For that matter nothing can be ruled out.

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    • prissy
      December 25, 2010

      That’s my sentiment exactly. He is playing the sympathy card. Don’t get caught up in this, my people. I smell a rat and it stinks to high heavens. Funny that his car was so bably burnt but he
      was able to find a bottle with petrol scent. The length people will go to deceive the public.
      We must ask ourselves what is the main reason and why now? Look how he already have people
      crying foul.

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      • village girl
        December 26, 2010

        u fooool !! wake up n stop being an idiot. Execuses like yrs have D/CA at a stand still as is today , cause u n others like u refuse to learn. Bloody hell man.

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        • prissy
          December 26, 2010

          My goodness, look who’s talking. Just the other day I noticed a capital ” F” on your bloody forehead and i’m quite certain it’s not for food but for “FOOL” As for idiot, that’s exactly what you are. .

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    • JIM
      December 25, 2010

      Stop ;talking rubbish!!! You are a buffoon of what !!

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    • yout
      December 25, 2010

      Well sah really and truely allu ppl really badmind fire go burn allu do worry

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    • Anonymous
      December 25, 2010

      r u dump who would set dere suv on fire u kno how much da … cost

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    • PAIN
      December 25, 2010

      For no insurance. or you think he’s owing the bank?

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    • curious
      December 25, 2010

      common i think we have more sense dan dat nobody not goin to be a ass to do that ok…so dismiss that thought u sound very foolish

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    • truth be told
      December 26, 2010

      Didn’t you read? The property was not insured so why would the man damage his own property, what would he collect from the insurance. Read and understand before follishly posting. It is better to be thought of as a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt

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  85. ....
    December 25, 2010


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  86. Anonymous
    December 25, 2010

    Spoon whoever you are I pity you because you are just ignorant. Obviously you have never seen the inside of a school that is why you can barely spell. I don’t like insulting people but you leave me with no choice. All lawyers are devils ????? I hope no member of your family will ever need an attorney to defend you or your rights in court. Wake up, pick up a book and read. Educate yourself and learn to think people. Stop repeating things that you may have heard another ignorant person say and if you can’t say something sensible pleaaaaaaaaase don’t say anything.

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  87. stupesist
    December 25, 2010

    Yes Dumbnicans! You have arrived…..Devil-upment is beginning to show its true colours…..

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    • curious
      December 25, 2010

      why say so…and u are a dominican

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  88. simple mind
    December 25, 2010

    Well, well thats the next level 4 those who did’nt know,we’ve now join hands with past Haiti,the sudan,Somalia,Burundi,Rwanda &Ivory coast to name a few. @Gaddez we are not lopsided,but do you have another angle that we should look from?Well, am sorry….we can’t look in any other direction except the top,and you know exactly what we talking about…..untill such times.

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    • editor
      December 26, 2010

      Simple is a synonym for foolish. You could not have chosen a better name for yourself.

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  89. ZERO
    December 25, 2010

    I am not surprised at all..I do not smell one rar but several rats.THIS IS DEFINITELY “THE NEXT LEVEL”, a term i have always been sceptical of using,since those who do so profusely,are the same ones who are destroying lovely Dominica,and and in a subliminal way fuelling their flock,to be impacient with dissent..LET THOSE WHO HAVE EYES TO SEE OBSERVE “WHAT IS HAPPENING” and i can say for the sake of our nation particularly the youths “it is NOT so exciting”..I doubt that the TOTON MACOUTS will successfully investigate this one…ONCE A COUNTRY HAS POOR LEADERSHIP,IT IS DESTINED TO DISASTER,UNLESS THERE IS DIVINE INTERVENTION…

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    • Dominicans!!!!!!
      December 25, 2010

      And we pray for divine intervention.

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  90. Nuts
    December 25, 2010

    Poor Mr. Emmanuel.. those ppl could have died in that fire. We are truly livin in the last days Only God is the Supreme Judge.

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  91. spoon
    December 25, 2010

    Reading those coments all You Dominicans realy wicked to think politics that cause that, this is not the first time fire burning houses in Dominica or any other place, if it was a poor mans house there would be no coments,`. but is MR. EMANUL a big shot how you know is not sone thing that went wrong in his house. We know that all Lawyers are Devils, thives and liars. and greedy for money how all you know is not the Devil that come for his payment so much dangerous criminals those lawyers have freed on our streets when they very well know that those drug dealers, thives, killers and all murders should be in jail or hanged but they defend them just for the love of money, those lawyres just start to pay for their crimes against humanity.Dont blame the Government or the Labour party.hope all ypou remember when the registry got burnt.stop blamig SKERRIT for every thing.Q95 had the thing is like they saw some body there if mat or Angilo or lenox lington know so promptly what or who that cause the fire they should be arested for questioning.

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    • ?????
      December 25, 2010

      I dont know whether all lawyers are devils,thieves and liars,but i do know that some of our politicians are liars,and thieves..Leave Matt,Lennox and Angelo out of your thing…THE ROOSTER IS COMING HOME TO ROOST!!!

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    • for love of country
      December 25, 2010

      read the article in detail then make your is better than being thought of as a fool

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    • taboon
      December 25, 2010

      High level of ignorance. Read the news clipping again, there was a bottle of petrol. This cannot be an accident.

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      • yout
        December 25, 2010

        wicked dem labourites wicked the seeing what happening my GOD put down all colors for LOVE of COUNTRY open your eyes eh lass BONDIEU take CONTROL

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    • peace
      December 25, 2010

      allowed the word of God to corrrect your miss-understanding may the God of truth be with you

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    • curious
      December 25, 2010

      we judge a call lawyers devils…i wonder if u have judged ur self…and we are not blind..yes there is a possibility the fire cud have started otherwise…but plz use ur common sense u cud clearly see that someone burnt down the house…this is a case of arson

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  92. Dominican and Proud
    December 25, 2010

    Lord Have Mercy!!!!!

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  93. PAIN
    December 25, 2010

    Mr Emmanuel and family be strong. You have lost your vehicle, your house and a peace of mind.
    Who laught last, laugh the best.

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  94. follower
    December 25, 2010

    This sought of criime on Christmas Day only happens in the Middle East or in godless countries. I did not expect to hear such wickedness in Dominica, on Christmas Day, a day after I heard Peter R Augustine saying that Dominica was dedicated to God. I tend to wonder when that dedication was done and who did it. This act sure does not the claim made by Peter R. These men of God must stop mis-representing the gospel and call wrong, wrong instead of playing politics. On the other hand, how could our nation be dedicated to God when our political leaders don’t vow to keep that pledge and when they do things that are contrary to godliness, they are not being condemned by those who are making such claims. Dominica is in serious trouble and I blame our politians on all sides, the church for not speaking against wrong when wrong is as big as the sun, and our stupid party politics in Dominica. We need God more than ever before because it is Godliness that exalts a nation and SIN is a reproach to any people.

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  95. c bruce
    December 25, 2010

    Dominicans were warned!!!!! WARNED!!!!



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  96. Q95
    December 25, 2010


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  97. mr. wung futin
    December 25, 2010

    IN the Name OF the FATHER the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT;O FATHER HELP DOMINICA!LIKE you always do Give us the strength to rise above such action, and bring the perpetratories dowm; AMEN. JAH BLESS;

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  98. naturelover
    December 25, 2010

    Sympathies to Mr, Emmanuel, know how it feels, but my people please just keep an open mind,,,,arson can be self-initiated too ,many cases of that here too—-i just waiting and see

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    • curious
      December 25, 2010

      not even a dumbass wud do that to himself for any money common ppl…u sound really foolish

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      • Anonymous
        December 26, 2010

        Anything is possible and from a dumb.. to a jack… could have initiated this. Let us await the outcome of the investigations.

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    December 25, 2010

    That’s the beginning of things to come. The writing is beginning to show on the wall. Let’s pray for a peaceful year ahead and hope this year’s end evil do not affect us in the new year 2k11…is something happening?

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  100. Always Concerned
    December 25, 2010

    I hope that this will be handled and investigated as a felony as opposed to a dispute that is politically motivated with not clear outcome. If these allegations are fact based, an attempt has been made on the gentleman’s life and that of the other person(s) in the home. At the least, a felony has been committed and according to Inspector Weeks, the full force of the law must be brought to bear on this crime. More over, I pray that law enforcement in our beloved Dominica can become a neutral body that protects and serves all. This includes the protection and services to political offices as opposed to simply acting in the best interest of the political party in power. That is weak and does not allow for growth within the law enforcement body. Please protect and serve DOMINICA and not just a person or a political party.

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  101. Truth, Justice & Righteousness
    December 25, 2010

    Skerrit said Jerry Brisbane was a terrorist for writing letters to donors asking them to seek accountability with their money.. :?: I wonder what he will say that the person or persons to attempted to muder Mr. Emmanuel is?? This is what terrorism is about Skerro!! What are you and your going to call this one? God’s punishment to Mr. Emmanuel for daring to take your compael to court. I bet the idiots that are following you blindly if you say that! haha. All you will kill me in my Dominica..

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  102. Dr No
    December 25, 2010

    Fellow Dominicans. We are being played off against each other. Please exercise temperance in your political response, re this criminal act.

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    • prissy
      December 25, 2010


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  103. Q95
    December 25, 2010


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  104. Always Concerned
    December 25, 2010

    Happy Holidays to all

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  105. Concerned
    December 25, 2010

    I wonder whether this will be handled and investigated as a felony as opposed to a dispute that is politically motivated? If these implications are fact based, an attempt has been made on the gentleman’s life. At the least, a felony of some sort has been committed. Per inspector Weeks, the full force of the law, to include all the available resources, must be brought to bear on this crime. Above all, I really do hope that our beloved Dominica can move towards neutral law enforcement (police force) that will protect and serve. This includes political offices as opposed to performing actions that are strictly politically motivated

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    • Concerned
      December 25, 2010


      I did not realize that someone was always using the name “Concerned”. Going forward I will use “Always Concerned”.


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  106. Shut up
    December 25, 2010

    This should not be happening in Dominica. We need to stop being a talking nation and focus on being a nation with action and results. Sto blaming politicans for our downfall and criminal activities.

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    • curious
      December 25, 2010

      @ shut up…u cannot decide that

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  107. baggai mon
    December 25, 2010

    that happen well easy papa

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  108. Billy
    December 25, 2010

    When the souls of a people are in trouble, democracy is in trouble, we all are in trouble……Next level you’ll. I am sorry Mr. Emanuel for your troubles on Christmas Day. Where are the Bishop and all the clergy? Where are the so called pillars of our society? They are all quiet—next level is here.

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  109. In Too Deep
    December 25, 2010

    Conspiracy theories are abound…Oh is Labor / Oh is Paul / Oh is James / Oh is Doreen / Oh is Lennox.

    What exactly happens we will not know until more is released……………but it is a fire and he did not die or get hurt. His family is safe, the car and house can be replaced.

    It is always the thought of ‘Certain Party’ supporters to think of the ‘Big Bad Wolf’ first.

    Unless some folks do not get the answer they want, they will continue this behavior.

    The truth can stare them in the face, but they will drive past by whistling as it does not serve their purpose.

    Let the facts play out and the Police will investigate the matter.

    Merry Christmas to all.

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  110. Honest Dominiacn
    December 25, 2010

    God, plz intervene. Our leaders and their bodies get too greedy, therefore they will do any and every thing to protect themselves. We r only passing on this earth for a short while- then y all that greed and accumulation of wealth, boy! leave me as a humble ordinary man.
    Dominica has now become an African country where those in power will do everything to stay in power and get wealthy-by leaving their people poor. NOTHING LAST FOREVER

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    • Ras Irie
      December 25, 2010

      What we have become is another “BANANA REPUBLIC”

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  111. Concerned
    December 25, 2010

    The next level…be warned!

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  112. Leadership or Statemanship is needed
    December 25, 2010

    Where are our leaders and statesmen/Staeswomen today? We do not have a Bob Marley to unify our country as was the case in Jamaica. When I look at this situation being prejudice is easy, but I will restrain myself and allow the law to run it’s course. Although, I am attempting to be objective here what about the masses who are joined at the hip by political motivation and the need to take a side to continue getting a penny bread. I was just asking a friend this morning whether he saw good prospects for my return to Dominica given my background is Civil Engineering. I was taken aback by how open yet obective he was by stating that if I am tagged to be against certain policies of the present government it will be very difficult, otherwise if I meet with the right people who do not concern themself with politics it can be rewarding. Therefore, fellow Dominicans we all love our country and would like to return, but as the level of violence and political partisan increase it complicates people decision to return home. My appeal is for calm on both sides and for either party to not use this unfortunate situation to further divide an already fragmented country. If you do, it will show poor taste and further errosion in the pool of potential leaders in our country which amounts to the hopeless situation in Dominica.

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  113. salop
    December 25, 2010

    Everything is politics,What about someone just think is the right time to do a stupid crime and get away seeing all what is going on with the dude right now.their is wicked people who just wait for the right time to cause harvoc.We drag politics in everything.

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    • Really
      December 25, 2010

      salop as i can tell right now you sounding very bad for your Gov’t knowing what is going and deep down you feeling it also so stop hiding in this camp and get out befor it to late

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      • salop
        December 25, 2010

        The only thing i feeling deep down is plenty development fool.wolves and leopards trying to kill the sheep and the sheep and shepherds.

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  114. Patat
    December 25, 2010

    Today is Christmas Day – probably the most important Christian holidays after Good Friday and Easter. It is a day when families come together and show a lot more kindness to each other including the less fortunate. For once in a year the teaching : Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers … that you do unto me takes centre stage in the lives of many Christians the world over and right here in Dominica.

    My computer was off for the better part of the day and was forced to log on after getting a phone call from a friend explaining this terrible incident.

    The facts may not be established at the moment but suspicion is very much rife.

    I am calling on the Dominica Bar Association and its members including Mr. Isidore to express their sympathies to Mr. Emanuel. I am also calling on the judiciary the world over to condemn such an act if it was not an honest incident.

    The investigating arm of the police should immediately get hold of all telephone records from all telephone companies to see the level of telephone traffic four hours before and 4 hours after this incident and question persons of interest as to their whereabouts when this incident took place.

    All persons with CCTV cameras equipped with infrared night vision LEDS on their premises within a half mile radius of this incident should invite the police to take a look at their recordings of the last 48 hours.

    I call on our Prime Minister to publicly express the Nations sympathy and outrage on this incident.

    Today is Mr. Emanuel and we must all be concerned about each other’s safety and that of our Nation in general. We are a Nation of Laws and must never strive to become a Nation of Lawlessness.

    I am again calling on all political supporters to temper their passionate support for their political party and refrain from becoming fanatical supporters.

    When political supporters become fanatical supporters matters are usually taken up without communication by politicians and so there becomes a lack of respect for law and order, for individual civil liberties and enjoyment of freedoms and comforts. This results in chaos, confusion, and full blown civil unrest.

    If this is the new reality in Dominica at this time, I am calling on the powers that be including the Minister of National Security to institute a curfew that would restrict the movement of persons throughout the Commonwealth of Dominica.

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    • jah guide
      December 25, 2010

      Wonderful idealogy,just the next level.

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    • Law-Abidding
      December 25, 2010

      Patat, stop being the hypocrite that you are. So often you hail and praise the administration and defending corrupt practices, now you sounding surprised? Didn’t you expect such roguish behaviour from corrupt people? Only now you seeing the lack of respect for law and order? No Constitution, no law could prevent other rogues from burning, maiming, stealing, lying, cheating. So Be It? Didn’t you realize that others heard that statement that nobody could touch him even when wrong is done and think they could take the law into their hands too? You all ain’t see nothing yet. The Dominican Society is a LAWLESS state. Take it or leave it. Time is the reveler.

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      • Patat
        December 26, 2010

        Law-Abiding, from your post I kind ah get that you want a war in this country.
        Nobody wins a war.
        If you can at least understand that then you will never become a fanatical political supporter of any political party.
        It is always better to be passionate but never fanatical. Your problem is that you cannot respect other people’s passion – it infuriates you, it makes you envious, it may even lower your self esteem.
        To be blunt you do not understand politics. Leave it alone!!!! It is not good for your health.
        Every politician, activist, and citizen has a right to express his/her opinion on any matter without fear!!! No one has to look over his shoulders when expressing his/her opinions. If Mr. Emanuel was attacked on Christmas Day it should have never happened. The man has a right to have access to food, clothing, shelter, belongingness and love like all other Dominicans. Food, clothing and shelter he has worked over the many years in his carrier to secure and he has a right to enjoy them and not be deprived in such an unfortunate way as the pictures from DNO has revealed. In terms of belongingness he has a right to associate with any group of persons that he so chooses and wishes at anytime. Unlike you and me who enjoy freedom and democracy and take it for granted, Mr. Emanuel actually fought for our freedom during world war two against Germany.
        All politicians are friends with each other. You will be surprised to learn who intends to cross the floor next year to come join the DLP!!! Why? Go to your meetings on Cork Street and observe the body language of your padna. Just a hint….
        Do you honestly believe that Mr. Isidore is behind this incident? Do you have any evidence to prove so?
        You will be surprised to learn that Mr. Isidore was the son that Mr. Emanuel and his wife never had biologically. Let me explain something to you. Mr. Emanuel’s wife is from St. Joseph, the very same village Mr. Isidore is from as well. Mr. Emanuel wife’s sister child works in the office of Mr. Isidore. You must understand that the close family ties and bonds are still there. The fallout is not personal; it is only business. If you see Mr. Emanuel today associating with the UWP these days that is only smart politics on his part. Remember his law firm previously enjoyed being of service to Skerrit and the government of Dominica. That was a lucrative client lost to Mr. Isidore!!! It is only natural that Mr. Emanuel will actively seek new clients that can be as equally lucrative. You must see these things as an investment of confidence on the part of Mr. Emanuel. If you fail to read through this game plan get out of the realm of politics – you are way too emotional. You will be jumping from one political party to the next giving blind support and losing yourself respect in the process.
        The investment in time, intellect, and resources by persons associating with a political party is always seen or viewed by rival parties as corruption – especially towards the party in power. Why? Simply because opposing forces or competitors are not getting a return on their investment – whatever that investment is – appointment to ambassadorial positions, advisors to government, chairman of boards, securing consultancies even though you have to tender ,head of the public service commission, head of the police service commission, securing contracts, positioning themselves to be succeeding political candidates – a heartbeat away from incumbent ministers by gaining experience as Senators first and those ready to serve Dominica if called upon to do so as future Senators and in other capacities. Such a diverse base of human resource strengths a political party and swells its numbers of supporters in the process. As long as the rules of engagement are adhered to no one looses. Trust me investigative journalists ensures that the rules of engagement are complied with. But even they as journalist seek a higher order of needs than just food, clothing, shelter, belongingness and love. Many seek prestige an medals and space in the history books of our country.

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    • curious
      December 25, 2010

      the beginning of ur statement not makin no sense…

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      • Patat
        December 25, 2010

        Curious, where are you going with that double negative?

        Many thanks for informing me that the beginning of my statement makes sense!!!!

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  115. worried dominican
    December 25, 2010

    if it is arson whoever did it your day will come,the lord sees everything

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  116. vibes
    December 25, 2010

    this stuff doesnt surprise me! thats why i love Jerry stuff what he did about writing the letters, i think its time the opposition bite the bullet and forward letter across the globe about the situation in dominica as its creeping late…..the only way labour will feel is by tough hard actions the callers to the radio must realise that calling wont bring and calm and they have let dominica slip away by not coming out when the call and appeal is there!!

    absouletly no where in the World the citizens would uphold this slackness its just show how coward weak,timid dominicans are and will let one man the ruler for the next 50 years uphold control and direct his ways…

    their are dominicans in the US they need to do the right things alert the UN and other agencies of the crisis dominica is undergoing…. Labour is a hard knot to crack and must be given a tremendous and hard blow with no stones untouch

    maybe the US state department may be looking to impose scantions on dominica as the rule of law is being broken and citizens are under pressure from the labour mongoose gang!

    interesting times in Dominica…..wonder how can we overthrow this government quickly before this island sinks!

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    • mr. wung futin
      December 25, 2010

      you are getting too emotional and judgemental without evidence;I also comdeme all sort of political violence,but you too quick to want to point finger, and the type of action you want is not what Dominica needs.You must be breathing too much hot air in your apartment, step out the house and breath some cold air to calm you down, or come to D A for some clean air, and have no fare, you doe have to go Africa, the shit is happening in America more than you will want to belive.You forget the season we in?I recomend 2 our father 1 hail mary and 3 I Belive, you need spiritual intervention.

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      • Lizavier4Jesus
        December 26, 2010

        To mr. wung futin

        I am out, on the our father, hail mary, and the I believe–for the spiritual need. For me, faith, humility, obedience, trust, Love for our fellow men, and God’s Holy Spirit is the key. But you are absolutely right with the rest.

        The fact that this commentator gets a “well loved” rating, confirms the truth that Dominicans are foolishly speaking for all sorts of bad things to happen to Dominica and a some of her people, because they think that they are in control and is untouchable from destruction.

        What is even more annoying is that those same persons turn around and call for God to intervene bla bla bla bla. God will intervene alright; but I sure hope that all warmongers and strong giants will be able to stand His wrath, through His judgment against evil and wickedness

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  117. jah guide
    December 25, 2010

    Wrong move,what message are we sending to our kids??? “ORGANISE CRIME” is the only way out? the order of the day is “STAY OF EXCUTION OF ARREST WARRANT” in my view the justice system has to take some blame,no justice no peace.

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  118. Attorney
    December 25, 2010

    DNO I smell a big rat on this one. Only yesterday Senior Counsel fine an application to strike off the case in the high court. Today the man car burnt down. Is this a coincidence? something is fishy.

    This morning on Q95 Lennox Linton said “Emmannuel house was SETon fire. That is before the police or fire officials made any comments. I smell a big dead rat on this one.

    When you out to get someone anything goes

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    • Gary
      December 27, 2010

      What you smell, see and hear depends a good deal on where you are standing; it also depends on what sort of person you are. This i will tell you, the highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about. Keep on smelling rats still.

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  119. Urban Maroon
    December 25, 2010

    I smell a BIG stinky Rat….Dat is all I going to say for now…. : :

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  120. Anonymous
    December 25, 2010

    Dominicans we have to put down our knees and ask the Holy Spirit to intevene. Right now i am beginning to be afraid for Lennox. Jeffery Brisbane and Matt. I know Angelo good for himself he will take care of himself good and proper. But let us pray That Prayer daily, Holy Michael the Archangel defend us in the day of battle

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    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      December 25, 2010

      The holly Sprit will not intervene when there are people at this moment holding information that can help the police in solving this crime, but prefer to remain silent!

      God, only protects baby’s ( infants) and fools!

      The rest is up to an intelligent nation to stand in unison, and condemned such an heinous and barbaric act against one of our citizens. The people of a country has the power to change every wrong; when we find officers of the law who are not upholding the laws as they have sworn to uphold it, then the people in unison must call for the removal of these obstructers of justice from the position they hold.

      To complain without taking actions, is nothing more than a total waste of time.

      Anyone who has evidence or information which could aid, and assist in the solving of a crime, and did not come forward with the information they have, are themselves aiding and abating the perpetrator’s of such crimes.

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

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      • Lizavier4Jesus
        December 26, 2010

        Yeah Fete, God’s Holy Spirit only protects babies–the humble, ignorants, weak, and innocents. These are all babies in His sight; not those who parade around with the “fullness of themselves” that seem like an everlasting robe on their bodies.

        If people walk with humility, trust, and obedience to God and His Word of Love, there will be no reason to fear. But fear is the sword that Satan hands out to the proud, haughty, and arrogants. They will be given their rewards for the work of that sword in their lives.

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    • PAIN
      December 25, 2010

      Let us pray daily, Dear Jesus ……………

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      • You dont say
        December 25, 2010

        You’re so right “Dear JESUS!!!”

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    • VIbes
      December 28, 2010

      So Angelo will protect his self and papa God Will have to take care of the others…..No! we must ask papa God protect us all including you too. All of DOMINICA at this time.

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  121. christine
    December 25, 2010

    this we must say the fire department did are great good heart of to these young men and women who put there life at risk .they save two lives .skerritt take care of these courageous officers t,they have your back. did dominica listen to q95 as it happen they says it .

    they need insurance, skerritt take care of these officers please.
    love Dominica the world is watching an listening
    from Demark.
    prove Dominican

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    • Shut up
      December 25, 2010

      you sound like an a……………must you guys put Skerrit in everything

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      • Shut your %4*&
        December 25, 2010

        but its true can you believe fire men and women who put their lives at risk are not insured..what a low down dirty shame

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  122. Naturally Dominican.
    December 25, 2010

    This is unbeliverablle in Dominica, wow there is so much suspicionas surrounding this its not funny. Why would this man’s home be burnt down in the middle of a high profile legal battle. Is this what Dominica has become.

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  123. sweets
    December 25, 2010

    stop making accusations, pepole, 70,0000+ in Dominica and we already know who did it, remember, when Rosie died the day before, people were accusing Rosie about addressing the nation because of bad weather, and when they heard he died, HYPOQUITE CHER SAL, change the subject to SYMPATHY : :twisted: stop sayung thing we know nothing about. let the police do their job, and let un hope that they catch the PERSON that did that. may is one of all you that writing on this post, :?: :?: :?: : :wink: God bless Dominica and protect us all from MANMADE DISASTER

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  124. Oh My!!
    December 25, 2010

    Those criminals chose Christmas morning to do this, but if it was Lennox that was doing between You and Me today, they would have much to say. I am having a hard time believing this really happened. But time will tell… All criminals will have their day..

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  125. Lougawoo Mem
    December 25, 2010

    What I see, is a … gone mad. Look out Dominicans! you have not seen anything yet. Soon you will understand that you are dealing with, a bunch of criminals who are willing to do anything to silence those who opose their policies.

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  126. Concerned
    December 25, 2010

    Dominicans please don’t jump to conclusion so quickly. If this is politically motivated, it surely is no help for the DLP. Only bad press could they get on this. The question is, who stands to gain the most politically? The opposing parties. As soon as this comes out people are out here blaming the Govt. The Govt. is no saint but I am not impressed by these behavior. Would we as a people do anything to bring down a Govt. What’s happening in Dominica?

    You politicians and supporters alike please put Dominica first. Whether it be a supporter of labour, freedom or UWP this nonsense must stop. You are playing with a someone life. Allow this country the peace and tranquility that it deserves. Respect the people wish and allow the Govt. to govern the country. We will get a chance to vote them out if we do not want them. We are taking politics to the next level which is criminal and taking Dominica down to the gutters. No one political party should be blame but all. Dominicans need to stand up against all these political parties and demand that they put Dominica first and their selfishness and greed last. To many of our hungry brothers and sisters are desperate for power. They are destabilizing our beautiful country.

    On this Xmas day let us all call for peace and unity. Lets get to a new year with love and respect for each other. Lets all put Dominica before our selfish and greedy ways. Lets all pray and those who can’t or wont, sing the National anthem.

    Peace and love to all.

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    • Kay
      December 25, 2010

      bull…! stop burying your head in the sand with your fake a… talk about who have more to gain…

      this is so transparent. you damn well know its suspicious but you trying to shift some attention from the more obvious possibilities to the opposition while masking it in fake concern about Dominica’s political state.

      is all you like that, that will have those things happening! Damn soutiwe!

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    • Truth, Justice & Righteousness
      December 25, 2010

      This is OBSCENE!! How dare you? Aee you suggesting that the oppsosition tried to KILL the Emanuales to make The Gov’t look bad? How twisted? But what else could come out from Labour party stoogies? This is ridiculous! Who stands to gain if Mr. Emanuel is dead?? and the answer you come up with is the opposition? Are you kidding me? Come on! Enough idiocy alreday!

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      • don't hate loooooooosersssss
        December 25, 2010

        can you just shut up!!!!!!!
        this is why i always say this dno is just full of a handfull of workers with nothing good to do or say…… you trying to tell med that the P.M had something to do with this just cuz of the case?

        this could have been an act of any person who ever had an issue with the man or his family and they chose this time to act………or are you telling me that someone else is too dumb to come up with that simple plan…….. you all really need to grow out of that shitty talk about blame the government for everything….

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        • Truth, Justice & Righteousness
          December 25, 2010

          Somebody is sounding very hateful to me!! WOW! watch your blood pressure… Analyze! Analyze, put two and two together, you can only come up with FOUR!!!! Handful of workers? Yeah right, it seems it is only people associated with Workers who are thinkiong in Dominica, and if it is a handful, that does not bode well for the country.. Remoce your rose tinted shades man Dominica is in big, serious trouble!

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    • warma
      December 25, 2010

      you’re an idiot

      …listen to yourself – “don’t jump to conclusions quickly” but you immediately conclude the opposition is the beneficiary of this heinous crime….really? and we’re supposed to take you seriously?

      I am not the least bit surprised that degenerates such as yourself are predisposed to blame the ills in society upon those you do not agree with…its always someone else at fault, you bear no responsibility at all.

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  127. massacre
    December 25, 2010

    WTF i cannot believe this … DOminica has evolved I am scared to say that. No longer a democracy people being intimidated now.

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  128. As I See it.
    December 25, 2010

    The whole situation has changed over the past few years and we are quickly becoming a Jamaica where party political colours calls the shot.

    First we had the Lawyer Isidore, Attorney for the Prime Minister situation where his house at Morne Daniel was broken into and the only item stolen was his personal laptop containing all his legal files etc. no other item disturbed, not even cash was taken. No one was caught or prosecuted as far as I know.

    The Prime Ministers email was hacked and documents read on a radio station before the Prime Minister himself read the document and now the burning of Mr. Emanuel’s residence. I believe also there was an attempt to break into the office of Tony Astaphan.

    All political parties and persons of Goodwill must condemn those activities and give the police any info that one has to help put away the culprit or culprits.

    There is cause for concern at all angles. Merry christmas one and all.

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    • chupes
      December 25, 2010

      Tony Astaphan’s office is in the Astaphan building, so you have to get into the building to access his office, so explain this attempt please……

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  129. Anonymous
    December 25, 2010

    This is not funny at all, DA is in deep ………sad sad sad for Dominica

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  130. the truth
    December 25, 2010

    This is a set up. No one nos who did it. It could have been done by either faces of the coin.but we all no who will get the blame but we are standing strong

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    • chupes
      December 25, 2010

      why would Mr Emanuel set fire to his own HOME? Come on put on your thinking caps please.
      This case would open up a HUGE can of worms reaching far and wide, some people would like to see Mr Emanuel go away. That’s for sure!!

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      • prissy
        December 25, 2010


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        • Anonymous
          December 25, 2010

          IRON WOMAN

          Come on, stop being so stupid. The man is a very intelligent man and has been winning numerous cases. Do you really think he needs to burn down his own uninsured house to gain sampathy. Think intelligently before speaking. What kind of human are you? On this very special time of the year, the gentle man’s life has been threatened and you think he did it himself. Sorry to say it but you are extremely, extremely, extremely foolish. Go back to school and learn make educated decisions and solve problems critically.

          YOUR DAMM FOOL

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    • Annonymous Reader
      December 28, 2010

      keep dreaming, keep fooling yourself my dear. you remind of the story of the boy who was afraid of the dark, so he used to whistle…keep whistling my dear, keep whistling.

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  131. Trevor Johnson
    December 25, 2010

    Those who have eyes will see and those who have ears will hear….

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    • Solon
      December 27, 2010

      Trevor it is not only about hearing and seeing, Theses two senses which were given to us by the creator can be manipulated by people for their agenda. When you talk about hearing, is it the stuff put out on a continuous basis on Q 95 and the seeing thing is, you see what i have been saying. What you are suggesting is that you want people to hear what you want and then tell them you see i have warn you.

      The incident that took place is tragic and we do not know what the facts are, so pointing fingers and making cleaver suggestions it is not going to do any good. There are procedures in place to deal with an alleged crime. I know you are one of those who do not like the way these procedures are handled and have been complaining about how the process is not working, which of course you have a right to your opinion and believe what you want to, or have a Political agenda. The fundamental thing you have failed to gasp is that people guilt and innocence is not proven on radio show with hearsay, it is done in a courtroom where evidence is given and examined and cross examined under oath and then based on the credibility of that evidence innocence or guilt can be decided, what is wrong with that you do not understand, beats me. .

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  132. JCR
    December 25, 2010

    The last paragraph was not needed

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    • Trevor Johnson
      December 25, 2010

      Why not?

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    • Oh My!!
      December 25, 2010

      Yes that last paragraph was well needed so that readers can know what is really going on and what is behind this crime. I hope that this criminal is caught and sent to jail.

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  133. Gaddez
    December 25, 2010

    :roll: You people are so lopsided. Everyone jumping to the same conclusion. How many people writing these responses? One mind? You never hear of people burning down their own properties or staging a burn down for a greater purpose? Oh ‘..the good Lord knows why he even woke up mister Emmanuel’. Yea! I am not saying this is the case here becauase none of us know for sure. All I am saying is that you are all acting like horses with blinders and heading in one direction like dancers in a chorus.

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    • neil joseph
      December 25, 2010

      demon do not bring your evil here today, we do not need you especially on this day……demon of the plague that is gripping our country right now!!

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      • Gaddez
        December 25, 2010

        Neil Joseph. Please explain yourself. Who you calling demon?

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      • %
        December 25, 2010

        Your Devil…Go and Pray !!!!

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        • Gaddez
          December 26, 2010

          Buffoon :lol:

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    • PAIN
      December 25, 2010

      Gaddez, mr. Emmanuel said his house wasn’t insured. Burning your property means you need more money or moneywise. I’m not seeing your point there.

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      • The Watcher
        December 26, 2010

        But his housd was not burnt. Look at the pictures closely, In the kitchen only the side adjoining the garage was burnt. Even the table cloth is still white on the table in the kitchen. so what is the point about house burning and insurance? It will probably cost him a couple a hundred dollars to recover the counter top and repaint the burnt side of the house.

        The car was insured and the car was burnt. That is only one of the things that a proper investigator would look at. There are several other clues that dont add up.

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  134. looking in from the outside
    December 25, 2010

    yessa papa.
    I knew that next level wasn’t one to take Dominica higher, but lower. The whole world is watching us on this beautiful nature isle….what are we coming to?
    It may take a few days, weeks, months or even years, but “those” responsible will be caught.
    Thank God the occupants of the building are physically safe and secure.
    We are heading in the wrong direction my people……which direction you might ask…..i am not too sure, but time will tell…!!!!!

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    • only
      December 25, 2010

      I guarantee you that the whole world is not watching you. Most people don’t know anything about DA or they think that you are talking about DR.

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      • looking in from the outside
        December 26, 2010

        There are Dominicans all over the world and are educating people . These people are getting a bit wiser and are able to differentiate between the Dominican Republic and Dominica. And almost anything or anywhere can be found on the internet. So do not think Dominica can hide forever

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    December 25, 2010

    thats a crime scene not a regular fire……




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  136. The real 100% Dominican and Proud
    December 25, 2010

    We have long lost the Christ in Christmas. Good Lord, we call for your URGENT intervention in Dominica at this time as persons no longer can differentiate between right and wrong. We are on a slippery slope to major disaster. May you provide the Emmanuels with comfort today and in the days ahead.

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  137. The few..the proud..the marine
    December 25, 2010

    boy oh boy…why do i smell a rat!!!!

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  138. dayday
    December 25, 2010

    everything of this day and age happens for a reason. The good Lord knows why this occured on this particular morning…the good Lord knows why he even woke up mister Emmanuel during this drastic accident….anything could have happened…he’s got to say THANK GOD HE CAME OUT OF TIS ACCIDENT ALIVE cause anything could have happened….fire bon the mastermind behind this accident..mister Emmanuel…be strong…keep up the faith..the good Lord will see you through this

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  139. very unfortunate
    December 25, 2010

    This is a most unfortunate incident.
    To a most respected legal proffessional.
    To an elderly couple.
    To an unassuming, quiet, responsible, god fearing couple.
    On Christmas morning.
    At their HOME!! in a quiet residential neighbor hood.
    I believe this is serious and of grave concern.
    A year ago I said it was a dark day for Dominica and it has only gotten darker.
    Warmest wishes to Mr and Mrs Emanuel and Merry Christmas to DNO readers.

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  140. Anti-hate
    December 25, 2010

    This is quite disturbing..

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    • disturbing?
      December 25, 2010

      Anti-hate do you really mean what you say? Disturbing to you? surely not. You have been a defender of corrupt activities throughout always expressing hate for honesty, righteousness and bad governance. The perpetrator must have told himself that no constitution, no law could prevent him from committing that horrendous act. With Emmanuel out of the way, or made to be scared like hell, the case would be dropped. That’s the thinking behind that criminal act. But think again. Jah is not a policeman. I wonder if the investigation would be stalled dead in its track as is happening with the Rubbish Bin Bobol. If the criminal is ever found will he be prevented from being ARRESTED like EZDOOR? Mark my words. Many ‘BIG Boys’ name will call in that classic Isidore case. So Dominicans put ONE and ONE. Think about that. CHAOS in our land. Remember ‘COKE’ in Jamaica and how he was being protected? ‘Coke’ was the close friend of ‘BIG BOYS’.

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  141. Oh My!!
    December 25, 2010

    Well well well, Look what Dominica coming to. We all know this was politically motivated, those criminals will do anything to shut up sensible Dominicans. But one Day!!

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    • don't hate loooooooosersssss
      December 25, 2010

      who is the sensible dominican?……why does the sound of a court case where it involves the gvt is always considered won by the other side AND BY FOOLS LIKE YOU ….. why not let the actual case be called first……. STOP TRYING TO SOUND SMART CUZ YOU JUST COME OUT TO BE SIMPLY DUMMMMMMM…………….POLITICS MY A*****************

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  142. chemist
    December 25, 2010

    PAPAMET on this Christmas morning….. I’m just happy that God woke him up and he and his family was able to get out safely!!

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  143. hmmm
    December 25, 2010

    Mr. Emmanuel you have been warned. Alas look at what Dominica has come to…smh……
    We need to get back to the days of praying and dedicating our lives back to God because if we dont then Dominicans I am sorry for us with all this corruption AND ABOMINable acts that are taking place. So this is what someone would choose to do on Christmas Day? magwaysa

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  144. Truth, Justice & Righteousness
    December 25, 2010

    I tols all you a long time ago that all you were in very dangerous times in Dominica. CRIMINALS in high places, the writing was on the wall but you people refused to see it.. Soon people will start disappearing just like the days of the ton ton Macute in Haiti and the Mongoose gang in Grenada.. People open your eyes.. What are the odds of two Prime Ministers dying in little Dominica in one year! Both Suddenly? I do not want to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but from that time, I began to question many thgings occuring in Dominica.. People open your eyes, your country is in danger… And the perpetrators are getting away with the lot of things, and are being adored on it. The more they get away with, is the more they will do.. NEXT LEVEL?? There is a lot at stake for those in power. They cannot afford to lose power! they will do anything on earth to hold on to that power!! It is their protection!!! Open your eyes.. Have a merry christmas and a bright, prosperous, and ENLIGHTENED new year!!

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    • Dominicans!!!!!!
      December 25, 2010

      Man you saying a lot of stuff here. you just let my mind run…..thinking….Rosie and Pierro …….I am even scared to imagine what you might be saying. But yes it is weird the way these guys died., in such quick succession …..The situation that forced the labor party under this present administration.
      But I believe in a higher power and I still have faith that there is hope for Dominica.

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      • wat????
        December 25, 2010

        wat he was saying was ok until he star abour roosie and pierro who were well known to have had heart desease

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        • Truth, Justice & Righteousness
          December 25, 2010

          Oh yeah, both of them had heart disease? How do you know that? I suppose you will also say that Mr. Emmanual tried to burn down his house to.. Anyway, this was just something to think about! Which does not happen much in Dominica,

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    • Lizavier4Jesus
      December 26, 2010

      You are no theorist, whatsoever! But you certainly sound like a prophet of Satan, speaking for the destruction of your own country–unless, of course, you are not from Dominica.

      I suggest that you change your name; it does not suit the attitude of your mind.

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      • Truth, Justice & Righteousnes
        December 26, 2010

        I may not be a theorist, but you are surely having some problams with COMPREHENSION, which means that you don’t understand what you read.. If you can conclude from what I wrote that I am calling for the destruction of my country, you need to go back to school.. You suggest that I change my name because it is not reflective of my words.. and you call yourself Lizavier4 Jesus? Are you kidding me? By the way what is a theorist?

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        • Lizavier4Jesus
          December 27, 2010

          You wrote: “I tols you all a long time ago that all you were in very dangerous times in Dominica.” I assumed in “your vision”, that your saw: “CRIMINALS IN HIGH PLACES” as you claimed, “people refused to see”.

          You asked “what are the odds of two Prime Ministers dying in little Dominica in the same year! Both suddenly? You continued: “People open your eyes, your country is in danger….” It disturbs me to read that you are indeed from Dominica, as I say it again: “your prophecies for my homeland are disgusting” and they are not from God Almighty, but from Satan who lives in your mind.

          It is seem as if it is you who piled up words without understanding the message you were sending and not realizing that you were revealing you character to a few of us, as many of those who read your post neither understood or noticed those facts.

          A theorist is a person who speaks objectively, or expresses his/herself through strong thoughts, logics, or philosophy–viewpoint. If you truly do not know what the word means, now I know why you used the term “conspiracy” before it, as you said: “I do not want to sound like a “conspiracy theorist”, and claiming that your are speaking for the benifit of Dominica. But you think that you can compare your writing with my level of comprehension. You are kidding me as well!

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  145. Dominicans!!!!!!
    December 25, 2010

    Come on…….!!!!!

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  146. eddie
    December 25, 2010

    i really cant believe is this dominica?well gone a the days i used to say our crime rate is very low

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    • profiler
      December 25, 2010

      Remember the Carnival fire.. The Registry fire.. Dominica in the past is not too different from the present..Perhaps most people posting on this board were not yet born or too young to remember..

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  147. Azu AzuwAy Shou SHOT JAUN SORT
    December 25, 2010


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  148. wat????
    December 25, 2010

    the worse thing that happen was to give the police the bottle for evidence……. they going to loose it….. we have reached a frightening stage in da…. lenox watch out…

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    • hmmm
      December 25, 2010

      For real oui… soon they will try to take out everyone that opposses their policy!!!!
      But be assured that God is in control

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    • don't hate loooooooosersssss
      December 25, 2010


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      • seenthru
        December 25, 2010

        I find for an individual that names his/herself ‘don’t hate loooooooosersssss’ you sure have some mean demonic expressions to use each time you write. To God be all the glory in everything that happened, is happening or will happen.
        At least people stop taking sides when you don’t know and seek God’s face on the matter and other matters affecting us here in Dominica.

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    • c bruce
      December 25, 2010


      since the corruption of skerrit has deeply infiltrated the bowels of the police force!!!!

      he should have at least taken a picture of the bottle or something because they may very well conveniently “lose” it.

      I don’t trust the police anymore!

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  149. a girl
    December 25, 2010

    but wat showdown is dat na aaa dat da is de christmas dere na

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  150. Anonymous
    December 25, 2010

    but wat showdown is da na aaaa

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  151. forkit
    December 25, 2010

    hmmmm i smell a rat

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  152. Wow
    December 25, 2010

    Lord Jesus! Have mercy.

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  153. Reon
    December 25, 2010


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  154. jessica fletcher
    December 25, 2010

    this one call for perry mason matlock jessica fletcher there investigation should include stolen laptop death of a lady M S

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    • youthermist
      December 25, 2010

      @jessica fletcher

      How about wikileaks

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      • gwo bek
        December 25, 2010

        No man this just another coincidence that’s all…

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