New Jersey train crash: 1 dead, 100 injured

Scene of the crash. Photo: CNN
Scene of the crash. Photo: CNN

A New Jersey Transit train plowed through a major station in Hoboken during Thursday morning’s rush-hour commute, killing at least one person and injuring 75 others, some seriously, local officials said.

Witnesses said the train slammed into a bumper block, went airborne and plowed through a passenger concourse at about 8:45 a.m. at the terminal, one of the busiest transit hubs in the New York metropolitan area.

Images posted on social media showed severe structural damage at the terminal and part of the roof appeared to have collapsed.


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  1. Tell the Truth
    October 3, 2016

    I heard on the News the woman who died is a young mother. RIP.
    I have not yet been able to telephone anyone I know who resides in N.Y.and New Jersey. I wonder if there were any Dominicans among them.

    September 30, 2016


    In my view, it is inappropriate for DNO to include foreign news of no relevance to Dominica into its national news forum. May I suggest that, as all other leading newspapers have, you have the following sections in DNO:

    1) International News
    2) One World Government/ UN
    3) Public Health
    4) Climate Change
    5) UK News
    6) USA News
    7) Jamaica News (I am a Jamaican living in Dominica).

    In these sections, you would be able to include breakers which I am sure all of us would appreciate.

    If you need help with this, please email me at: [email protected] .

    Best regards,

    Perry La Mitcin

    • Dorival John
      September 30, 2016

      Stop being small minded.

      I know two people from Dominica who work at that station. News is news.

    • Tell the Truth
      October 2, 2016

      I cannot believe that you would be so bold. Do you own DNO? Do you have shares in DNO to make a public statement as this? You are looking for a job?
      We are pleased as it is. DNO is not CNN.
      Who are you anyway? You are out of place to dictate to DNO what News is appropriate and what is not and how it should be posted.
      For goodness sake it is international news and it is quite appropriate. Even though there is Internet and TV, the people need to be informed.
      I reside in Ontario. I hear news from all over the world. Also Mexico and wherever else in the world.
      I heard of the hurricane/storm Matthew in the Caribbean. Am I to inform the local TV and Radio Station that it is of no relevance to Canadians to post in the same area as local news?
      Canadians are warned not to travel at this time to Cuba, Haiti and Jamaica until TS Matthew dissipate.
      The people need to be told! Keep it up DNO as it is! Pay no attention to one who appears to be out of his mind.

  3. Tell the Truth
    September 29, 2016

    People never know when an accident will occur and who will be affected. It is sad to note what occurred. I imagine how chaotic it was.
    So far there is one loss of life and many are injured. I wish the injured God;s healing power.
    My heartfelt sympathy to the deceased family, friends and co-workers. May her soul rest in peace. Amen!

  4. Concerned
    September 29, 2016

    Hope no Dominicans were among any of the injured. Lots of dominicans live in these parts and commute to work on these trains.

  5. Bumbble Lee
    September 29, 2016

    Building constructors are (no doubt) already working the phone lines calling the Governors and Mayors and politicians to place their bids for the job to rebuild the damaged station. Some politicians will score BIG TIME. This project will run into the tens of Millions. I can already see all those wh-i-te workers making the overtime money like crazy. Come see if there will be any Bl-a-ck folks working dia.

    • qstorm78
      September 29, 2016 harsh as some might find your comment to be its also very true..

      • Bumbble Lee
        October 2, 2016

        @ qstorm78 Thanks much. Listen, I’ve been around long enough to see and know how the “system” operates. Sometimes my heart hurts real bad, when I go around and see all sorts of projects with not a single worker my complexion. They won’t hire us so we could have some dignity and to support our family – Then they turn around and say, “Black P-ple lazy.” Another thing. My black brother Oh- Bama brought the unemployment rate wayyyy down. Meaning, people were getting jobs and businesses were hiring. But who were they hiring? Jobs were opening all over the place – But who were the people filling these positions? Then, they turn around and make excuses saying, that people must be qualified for the jobs that are available. Hahaha…. That means, Black folks weren’t “QUALIFIED.” Oh Lord, help us.

    • Proud Dominican
      September 29, 2016

      Let’s learn to be positive. I commute on this transit five days a week for work along with many other Dominicans, Caribbean people and people of all walks of life. You have yet to sympathize with the grieving families of those who lost their lives or yet so wish the others injured a speedy recovery but you talking rubbish. Who cares about the building now? Are you a human? Do you have a heart? My heartfelt sympathy to the families and speedy recovery to those nursing injuries. Let’s continue to pray for guidance on these train and busses especially as winter approaches. And not just for us living in the US but for my fellow Dominicans back home as they go on their daily routine. And to everyone around the world. God bless us all and continue to look over us.

      • Bumbble Lee
        October 2, 2016

        Hello!! The next time I want to comment, I’ll ask for your editorial advice. You only seem to care for yourself; Whereas, I’m concerned about your future, as well of that of your family. This crash is only one incident. The system will continue to be your adversary. And by the way, are you wondering if I’m human? I won’t ask that question of you; I’ve already wasted enough time responding to self righteous nonsense. There is a better way to let folks know you live in the USA – As though they give a hoot about where your ignorance stems from. :twisted:

    • yes sigh
      September 30, 2016

      Stop Posting negative comments for once. Say something positive black folks are prejudice even towards their own so don’t put the white people into this. Think about what you can do for yourself and not what the wh-i-te workers will be making, my gosh!!!

      • Bumbble Lee
        October 1, 2016

        Yes I :twisted:

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