UPDATE: Search ends for Boetica girl lost at sea

Jamecia St. Ville

A search for the body of 15-year-old drown victim Jamecia St. Ville of Boetica was called off today.

Earlier today, police reported that search efforts were ongoing. However, Chairman of the Boetica Village Council Jena Guiste said that the search by coast guard officials and residents of Boetica is no longer being conducted.

St. Ville, her 13-year-old cousin Daniel Joseph along with other friends were engulfed by a huge wave during a beach picnic at Riviere Cyrique last Wednesday. While two of their friends managed to escape the rough seas, St. Ville and Joseph were left behind to fight for their life.

Joseph’s body was fished off the coast of Petite Savanne last Thursday afternoon at about 4 p.m, and St. Ville’s body has not been found.

Guiste said family members are trying to cope with the situation.

“Villagers have been looking too. We know she might be dead, but at least we want to know where she is. It’s very hard and painful. We haven’t slept for days. I know the police are doing all they could but it’s frustrating that they can’t find her,” one family member who spoke on condition of anonymity said earlier today.

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  1. Adel
    August 13, 2010

    @Kimi: i am so sorry about this tragedy! its gonna be so hard at first, relly hard but as time passes on its get a lilttle better to deal with. you may never get over it but it will get better with every rising sun! hang in there

  2. August 2, 2010

    @sadness:plzz come home i miss u…without u i am lonely..sometimes i sit and say to my self that u are not dead..u are playing with our pet or u are out shopping…i miss u cuz..i wanna be where ever u are right now…i rly love u.mwaaaaaa…R.I.P… U ae not dead u ae a sleep waiting for a next day to come by my side and watch our favourite shows and laugh togethe…i will miss u and dominica will miss u..i love u…may yr soul rest in peace….

  3. hope
    July 30, 2010

    don’t worry, its either she will be brought back safe at home or shes already home safe. She might not yet be gone as we all presume, there might still be hope, and if she has moved on then dont worry about her body, her spirit is safe with her maker. God bless her family…god knows best, he will do right by her.

  4. July 29, 2010

    my deepest condolences too the family of jamie…… i attend the wesley high school and i will miss her… even though we are not in the same class but this is a part of our school body…… may ur soul rest in peace and may the wonderful lord be with her family and friends…….. all i wish and pray for is that her body could be fished out of the sea just for closure of her mom and dad along with her family…………. R.I.P

  5. baby s
    July 25, 2010

    i love u jamecia i hope ur body will be found comin from ur freind jasmine i miss u soooo muchhh god bless your family to take it easy

  6. Julia
    July 25, 2010

    I pray that they will find Jamecia’s body so that Patsy, James and all our family can have closure. Daniel is buried today and all the family’s thoughts and prayers goes out to Daniel and Ann. we are also praying for Patsy & James and siblings who are grieving for their daughter and sister Jamecia.

    Love from the family In London. xx

  7. wesley live in south florida
    July 24, 2010

    my prayers are with family keep the faith alive. God is watching her family be strong. oh my! gone too soon.

  8. DEE
    July 23, 2010


  9. Anonymous
    July 22, 2010


    Hope they my gurl

  10. July 22, 2010

    My deepest condolences to the family of both kids. I hope and pray that God will comfort both families in this time of grief.

  11. hot pepper
    July 22, 2010

    i knew her from school very nice girl…. my heart goes out to her family. there is a man greater than us he sees all he know all. god will make a way

    July 22, 2010

    i knew that girl from camp and it tore my heart out. the Lord knows best and he is incharge. i hope to meet her in heaven. from the marigot avdntist church we extend our prayers and gratitude. to the family stay strong and hope in god that you will see her again. we have that hope that burns within our hearts. and the lord said that he will give us an expected end so don’t you worry, he is on your side

  13. July 22, 2010

    sad sad sad story..i pray that her body will be atleast be found so that the family have can have some closure..r.i.p and May the lord welcome you into his kingdom..To the family hold on strong and keep the faith..

  14. LawieBawie
    July 22, 2010

    @kerne: Because of the circumstances surrounding this particular news item and the sadness being experienced by the family and friends of this missing girl I reluctantly refrain from being rude to you in this forum. The only practical way to search for a body that has been missing for this length of time is to put divers in the water. Do you have proof that the Coast Guard did not place divers in the water to carry out as thorough a search as is possible under the high surge conditions experienced on our East coast? If not, then I suggest that you shut up immideately and stop making damaging statements to the image of the Dominica Coast Guard and making it seem as if they are still operating like we are in the 1800’s. This is a blow to those officers who put themselves in harm’s way for the past few days in an effort to find this missing young lady and I dare say that they deserve an appology from you.

  15. not nice
    July 22, 2010

    may god be with jim and patsy…all the best

  16. patriot
    July 22, 2010

    i have not experienced the pain of loosing a child, therefore i am not in the position to understand what they are going through, however, i have lost my grand parents and these are very sad moments . may the good lord strenghten you all in these times ,keep trusting in him he will see you through. may dominica pray for you all. GOD bless
    trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding in all yur ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path.

  17. July 22, 2010

    to all thosewho sent their condolences to the famiy wewould like to say thanks.. i know for a fact that thei will always b an empty spot in our life becus they tried their best but cud not get jamecia body.. jamie where ever u are just kno that i love you and will never forget you. to ur mum and dad i want u guys to just hold strong and trust in god cus only he knows y things happen…. jamecia we will always love u . u will always stay forever young…………..

  18. SMDH
    July 22, 2010

    This is some really sad news, Her family cannot even give her a proper going away. May your soul rest in peace. I am sure you are in a better place.

  19. lyn
    July 22, 2010

    No matter the storm, when u are with god there is always a rainbow waiting.

  20. Ray
    July 22, 2010

    Trust in the Lord always and lean not on your/our own understanding. We will never understand why it happened the way it did. But God is in firm control even amidst our great pain. Its human to ask God why he allowed that to happen to our family. But thats O.K

    To all those who are hurting, I say strength my friends. Tanto, tanto. So long

    God Bless.

  21. kerne
    July 21, 2010

    i am not a police but i think that they should exhaust every measure to find jami and bring in outside help if necessary to find her this is an age of technology this is F*****g unacceptable. The loss of her life is a serious blow to the human resource of Dominica given the fact that brain drain is having such an impact on us…is it possible for them to give it some more time? can you Imagine the psychological effect on the parents? oh my GOD!!! Question the coast guard only look above water right? can we source some help for under water? This girl needs to be found…it is not business as usual!!!

  22. shy
    July 21, 2010

    Oh boy it is so sad i pray that they found her body so at least the family can find peace, and if is god will for her to watery grave may her soul rest in peace wherever she is in that sea , to the family be of good courage all is not lost she is in the hands of the Almight watching over everyone of you so find comfort knowing that you all will meet again on that great day, GOd bless and keep you all

  23. July 21, 2010

    awwwwwwww so tragic and sooooo sad

  24. Kernita
    July 21, 2010

    RIP to the family and friends hold strong and be comforted in christ Jesus in such times.

  25. kimrah
    July 21, 2010

    it is so sad may her soul rest in peace .

  26. Rolex
    July 21, 2010

    Absolutely Heartwrenching! May your soul Rest in Peace. Our prayers are with the family.

  27. precious stones
    July 21, 2010

    Keep the faith and hold strong, May God bring comfort to the families in this difficult time..

    July 21, 2010

    this is so sad may Lord have Mercy, to the Parents take comfort in the lord Jesus Christ.

  29. so true
    July 21, 2010

    When i heard of this mishappening i cried so much that i got a headache. and i dont even know the people involved.

  30. Petite Soufriere
    July 21, 2010

    It is so devasting to loose someone and it must be worst to loose them in this situation. My heart goes out to the family especially the mom and dad. It is said that God doesn’t give us more than we can handle and though I share your pain he knows best. So take strength in him and he will guide u through.

  31. virgi
    July 21, 2010

    am sendin condolences to the families of the 15year old thats so sad

  32. child
    July 21, 2010

    this is one of the saddest story i have ever heard ,because i have two children ,one is 13 and the other one is 15(boy 13 and girl 15) so i feel like the pain has hit me directly.i am just praying that they find her body so they can have a funeral ..r.i.p

  33. July 21, 2010

    Jemie its so sad that we cant find u but i pray that God would give us direction as to where u are and there would be closure to this sad times
    u will b missed and to the rest of the family and friends lets just cont to hold strong and lets hope fr the best 2 the friends of wesley high school epecially her class mates hold on strong i kno u all will miss her. Ashlyn G .be strong the father knows best.

  34. BJ
    July 21, 2010

    Oh my God ! How sad !

    My deepest and heartfelt condolences to all the families involved.

  35. Loubiere
    July 21, 2010

    That is so sad, I pray that they get her body at least for closure and that they will have something to bury. My prayers are with you all.

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