Agriculture ministry signs contracts for construction of boats and rehabilitation of fish landing sites

Fisherfolk will soon be able to better ply their trade with the signing of contracts by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Blue and Green Economy, for the construction of boats and rehabilitation of landing sites on the island. The signing took place on Friday, September 6, at the Ministry of Finance Conference Room.

At the ceremony, contracts were signed for the construction of 50 boats and the rehabilitation of 3 fishing landing sites. This is one component of the World-Bank-Funded Emergency Agricultural Livelihoods and Climate Resilience Project.

Under the Agricultural Livelihoods and Climate Resilience Project support is extended to the agriculture sector through the provision of boat engines, equipment, training for boat builders, renovation of boat building facilities,  and construction of boats and canoes.

Minister of State in the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Blue and Green Economy Julian Defoe says the implementation of the Dominica Emergency and Livelihood Climate Resilience Project will mark the commencement of a key deliverable under the fisheries component of this project.

“Post Hurricane Maria, the Government of Dominica made a strategic decision to contract from the World Bank 25 million US dollars for the restoration of the Agriculture sector in Dominica which includes fisheries.

This ceremony is just another milestone in the project life span but most importantly demonstrates government’s firm commitment to those who matter most which are the key stakeholders, which are our farmers and fisher folks. To be more specific, component one is investing 5. 4 million for the restoration[of] fisheries livelihood and an additional 2 million from the additional investment from the government of Dominica through the Contingency Emergency Response Component (CERC). Through the World Bank as a response to Covid 19,” Defoe said.

According to Defoe, it is through this direct investment and others in fisheries that we are truly creating the enabling environment for a robust and resilient sector as articulated in the overall vision for resiliency by the Prime Minister of Dominica.

He stated that investments in infrastructure training and equipment bolster our capacity to weather challenges not just today, but well into the future. He added that fisheries in Dominica is much more than an industry, it is a way of life a cornerstone of our economy, and a heritage we must protect and preserve.

However, he emphasized that we must also provide the means for transition to using modern technology and meeting national and international food safety standards.

“The interventions taken by the government are aimed at restoring production capacity, enhancing climate resilience, and improving the livelihoods of our fisher folks. Through the restoration of fisheries livelihoods and resilient infrastructure, we are ensuring that vital [sectors] can withstand the impacts of climate change, recognizing from the
inception the importance of the fisheries sector for the reasons of employment, food security, and the potential for improved contribution to GDP.

Through its exports it was apparent that special focus and attention was necessary, to this end we have implemented several strategic interventions aimed at addressing gaps and challenges in key areas of human resource capacity infrastructure and equipment,” Defoe stated.

The landing sites serve as the lifeblood [of] the fishing industry providing essential services such as storage, vending, and equipment maintenance.

Upgrades to locker rooms, storage facilities, and other critical infrastructure will ensure fisher folks have the facilities they need to operate safely, hygienically, and efficiently.

The intention of the revamping is increased fish sales, restoration of livelihoods, and greater community resilience. By focusing on climate resilience we are not only securing the sustainability of our fishers but also creating pathways for becoming the first climate-resilient nation in the world, “where sustainability and resilience are not just words but the guiding principles in the development of our efforts,” Defoe added.

Meantime, addressing the ceremony, Finance Minister Dr Irving McIntyre stated that the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the Agricultural Emergency Livelihood and Climate Resilience Project is viewed as a milestone, another step in its contribution to creating the economic infrastructure for our socioeconomic development. This project is meant to catalyze agricultural outputs so that the country achieves key resilient goals such as food security, reduction of importation of food items, enhanced capacity to produce food, the modernization of processes and infrastructure in agriculture, and the creation of jobs.

“The success of the PIU consequently are incremental steps for the realization [of] these goals and…all who work in the unit or facilitate this work must be commended. The contract signing is the step towards achieving the type of macro development outcomes that I detailed in the recent budget address,” McIntyre said.

The construction and distribution of the boats and the rehabilitation of the fish landing sites will allow fishers to catch larger loads so they can reduce reliance on imported seafood while increasing their earnings and providing for their families.

“The ministry is ensuring that the investment in our blue economy circulates in our society benefiting not solely the fishers but all those who form part of the ecosystem of the blue economy. This investment is also part of our broader objective to advance national food security and contribute to our nutritional goals for our population. By ensuring a
steady supply of fish both for local consumption and export we are securing our food sources and encouraging access to high-quality protein that supports our effort to promote healthy eating and combat CNCDs.

The investment did not come easily. It is made possible in part through borrowed money from the World Bank. This investment is meant to further catalyze output and facilitate the growth, the flow of capital through communities and households across the island,” McIntyre noted.


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  1. Putin
    September 10, 2024

    Many more reasons for many to smile: jobs, food on the table and in the market, and more money in more pockets.

    This is what we call a working government!

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 1 Thumb down 8
    • Putin
      September 11, 2024

      Ignore what this fake Putin is saying . We all know that these boats are going to smugglers who claim that they are fishermen that catch 45k of fish in a day .

  2. Roger Burnett
    September 9, 2024

    Fifty boats, each equipped with outboard and ice box, that will spend time and fuel toing and froing from sea to shore, is surely a Third World solution. It would be better to invest in five seagoing vessels, with navigation aids and crew quarters, that could stay at sea until they return with a full catch in their freezer hold.

    • Pat
      September 12, 2024

      Oh Roger, you always think outside the box 📦, there’s no one here getting paid to do that.
      Gotta go home at 4 pm, the boss is also inexperienced but running this kiddie show. Next year we’re throwing $13 to $65 million at it AGAIN, that should hold them.

  3. Mei Daba
    September 9, 2024

    Stupes tan with with what we have passing as government and their Fairy Tail style story / news. So that’s what Skerrit was about to do when he came talking about a so called fisherman that he said told him that he sold $45k worth of fish in one day? But if the two had their fish story, whether is red fish, kawang, dolphin, cocaine fish, ganja fish or whatever type of fish. All of a sudden the catch, according to Skerrit, was good enough to make the government go and invest $25 million dollars in the fishing industry. Boy look jokes wii with that joking government. Oh, but Mahul Choksi also came to Dominica on a boat even if they said it was illegal entry and, election coming so they need boats to go get voters because you remember they said is our culture to come backdoor by boat, by pweepwee even on bwa flow. So now I understand why government was quick to sign $25 million dollar loan so their friends could go anywhere, in any country to catch $45k worth of fish and more

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 5 Thumb down 3

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