6 locals on beekeeping training in Martinique

Hands-on Beekeeping Training

The European Union and Government of Dominica funded SFA 2000 Framework for Agri Business Development and Enterprise Project (FADE) is providing support for a nine (9) day Agriculture Development programme for local beekeepers from April 28 – May 7 2010.

The programme will be facilitated by international bee-keeping consultant Mr. Gilles Ratia of France. As part of this programme a group of 5 beekeepers, 1 technician from the Animal Health Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Technical Assistance Coordinator of the FADE Project left the island on Friday for a four (4) day beekeeping study tour to Martinique hosted by the Syndicat Apiculteurs Martiniquais – the local bee-keeping Association of Martinique.

The visit is seen as being critical to the further development and diversification of Dominica’s small apiculture industry, since, it will facilitate the provision of technical assistance and technologies in a number of important areas including product and standards development, best practices in bee keeping, enhancing productivity, queen bee rearing, pollen production and exporting honey. The group is expected back home on Monday 3rd, May 2010.

Beekeepers leaving Dominica to Martinique

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  1. Anonymous
    January 28, 2012

    Where are the women ???

  2. dreadlocks
    February 10, 2011

    could be helpful if the names of the people in the picture were mentioned

  3. May 6, 2010

    Hi BUSY! Glad to see you in the group that was selected for the program. Next time, give a smile to the camera.

  4. de caribbean change
    May 4, 2010

    These guys look as busy as a bee. Never been stung by a bee before but by my loved one.

  5. van
    May 4, 2010

    Taken into consideration the decline in the number of bees in some countrie – this has in part been blamed on global warming – it is refreshing to see Dominica taking this positive stance.

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