Coordinator of the National Fair-trade Organization Amos Wiltshire has expressed concerns about a statement that Dominica’s produce is referred to as “garbage” on the regional market.
Agriculture Minister Mathew Walter announced that Dominica’s produce is being referred to as garbage by some regional countries because of the way it is presented.
“I think we have ourselves to blame. Dominicans farmers have met up with certain standards over the years…we have been selling some of the best products. But recently, especially after the passage of this very serious drought, things have went down,” he said.
Wiltshire said the Agriculture Minister has failed to effectively communicate with farmers on the island.
“The ash fall damaged several of our crops and that was coupled with the drought. We have some areas that are unable to produce some products but the minister has not come together with farmers to hear their concerns,” he said.
I wonder why the Dominican Republic people are still hungry if they're the Bread Basket of the Caribbean? The run to Antigua for food, i just can't understand it.
I am not disputing that fact my friend,all i am saying is the Govt.of Dominica have to do a hell of a lot more to help the farmers than what they are doing now.Yes the farmers themselves need to step it up,but they need help.The weather condition is not that much of a difference.I know the terrain might be. But i am quite sure, the Govt.of the Dominican Republic is doing a heck of a lot more to assist and facilitate its farmers,than the Govt.of Dominica is doing for the farmers of Dominica.
The same farming techniques and advancement in organic farming that is used in the D.R.,can be taught,learned, and applied in D/ well. Wouldn't you agree.They need to acquire the skills,tools and machinery.And there, my friend, is where the Govt. come in. Instead of throwing them under the bus,give them the help that the truly need.
Thank you…and Peace to you.
the government have fail the farmers. for eg you give the farmers no help on imputs and things that they need for production the gorvernment should be looking in giving farmers assistance in irrigation and also water pumps to farmers that have plantation near rivers or streems man you all depend on this tell your government to be involve what you all vote for this should be the number one issue not party politics and you are suffering please that why we change government in trinidad take an example good luck we love you guys
Correction… Presently the Dominican Republic is the fruit basket of the Caribbean. All of the islands that cannot grow produce because of the weather get their produce from the DR. Do your research or go there and see for yourself. They have EVERYTHING. Every fruit and vegetable that is known to mankind grows there unlike in Dominica. Their unbelievable farming techniques are advanced and organic. Basically Dominica has to step up.
Have we taken a look at the people who the governmet has in key agricultural policy crafting and delivery positions? from the CTO upwards and futher down the line? dosen't that explain it all?
I am in total agreement with you,Wiltshire. The Minister of Argriculture has not only failed to communicate with the farmers,but is doing too little to help them. The Govt. have to do much more to facilitate the farmers in their plight.
Workshops,depots,proper handling and packaging,need to be addressed,and implemented.Also presentation.This is very important as well.
What ever happened to “Dominica-the fruit basket of the Caribbean”?.I suppose that is a thing of the distant pass..GOD forbid…Dominica have some of the sweetest and best fruits and produce in the entire world. Period.
Truthfully,i was a bit perturbed by the attitude of the Minister, and the way in which he said what he said.That, to me, was throwing the farmers under the bus.
Let us do more to help our farmers,and Argriculture, as well as rekindle the image of Dominica at home and abroad.