Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit has said the decision to extend the runway at the Douglas Charles Airport in light of the construction of an international airport was not an easy one.
Speaking on Kairi FM’s The Heng program, the Prime Minister said he was not originally convinced that money should be spent on the project.
“I spent some time determining in my mind whether I should go ahead and spend the money knowing that we are building the international airport,” he said.
“But in my discussions with people who are advising me on this, I was convinced–originally I was not convinced–that I
should spend the money on this.”
According to the Prime Minister, he was eventually convinced that the government should go ahead with the project in order to sustain existing flights into the island, especially those from the US mainland.
“What you do not want is to lose those flights and lose the opportunity for additional airlines coming in,” he stated.
“If I had American (Airlines) coming seven days a week and if I were able to get JetBlue to come in three days a week and I can keep them up to the construction of the airport, what you think is going to happen?”
The runway extension project was first announced by Tourism Minister Denise Charles at the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association’s (CHTA) Caribbean Travel Marketplace in Barbados.
“What we are currently doing right now is embarking on a project to expand our runway, so we will be able to attract many other airline partners to the destination, like Delta and JetBlue,” she explained.
But the news did not go down well with many Dominicans since a one-billion-dollar contract was signed between the government of Dominica and Montreal Management Consultant Establishment (MMCE) for the construction of an international airport.
Many believed it is a waste of limited resources. However, Skerrit said the runway expansion project will lessen the possibility of airlines reducing their services to Dominica, because if they do, it will not be good for the island’s
tourism industry or the economy.
“And that’s not good for the tourism industry,” he stressed.
“That’s not good for the economy, that’s not good for all the people who invested in hotels and new taxis, new vehicles. And restaurants are picking up and tour guides are putting their businesses in place. It’s not good for the small businesses, it’s not good for agriculture, it’s not good for the fishermen.”
He stated that the move is to ensure that the island secures the investments that have been made and the business that Dominica is getting but also to keep the confidence in the airlines. Skerrit mentioned that at least one airline has been asking about the schedule for the implementation of the extended runway. “Because they have said that they are keen, but they want to get that schedule: when will we start, when will we be completed,” he said.
When you look into other Carribean islands with “international” airports, Antigua, Granada, as examples. Even Barbados has trouble paying for their airport. Most do not make a profit and are underused and subsidised heavily, at the cost to their citizens. Dominica does not have the accommodations, nor the infrastructure to support an airport. The standards to maintain an international airport can never be met at any price. Extending the runway is okay to serve the tourism market.
We are being mislead by the present government. Give the people of Westley and Palm Tree their property back. And do something better with our money
The worrying thing for me is that all contracts are being given to just one supplier: MMCE, based in Dubai. Looking back at the quality of their previous contruction project in Bellevue that was subcontracted out to the chinese I worry that this is just a cosy arrangement between parties which ends up in substandard work and the money being spent is actually just another bobol.
This should have been done when the extension was done 10+yrs ago. They could easily add 400-500 ft to runway 09 (runway approach from mountain). With an additional 400-500 ft we could potentially attract A319/A320 in addition to E175 planes. Might also change approach from runway 09 primarily to 27 (sea) which in good weather is a better approach/land on Dominica.
Foresight is a term that’s not embedded in the brains of this so called government. They have much bigger fish to fry that only benefit them but not the country. The same thing now with that nonsense they started in Wesley. Al you will never see an airport there but all you will see that this prime land will eventually be sold to people that ultimately shouldn’t be in our country. All you wait and see. Let’s talk again in 4 years.
Just be sure to put decent bathrooms in that puppy, no more of that latrine thing you currently have that makes one feel like going to pee outside in the bush. Research conventional ways to setup bathrooms to today’s standards. Seriously!
Ahead of its inaugural flights to the BVI on June 1, American Airlines Embraer E175 aircraft this week conducted a successful test flight to the BVI’s Terrance B Lettsome International Airport on Beef Island.
The captain said it was a comfortable flight. They took a lot of videos to do continuous training because this will be one of the shortest runways they’re landing on.
NOTE: Beef Island Airport has a runway length of 4,645ft, whereas Melvin Hall Airport has a runway length of 5,761ft.
Alhough AA is a bully after Obama welfare when they needed help, it’s abandoned military base like Grenada, no need for long take-offs.
I! Yes I. This is an indication that there is no democracy in Dominica. Every other word coming out of the Prime Minister’s mouth is I.
You have a cabinet of ministers; or ministers locked up in cabinet? can’t seems to figure that one out. The reality is no way in heck Dominicans are going to see international airport. The land being cleared out are for friends with benefits. Just wait and see, the Prime Minister has been taking us on a ride for over 22 years. Someone says he should get of his high horse, I would agree with this sentiment, except, he has been riding us like a Donkey. The question is when will we as a people’s get this donkey of our back?
Imagine how long this government has been in office…just to tell us they are confused about building Dominica….putting this bunch of bananas back into office will turn Dominica into spoil milk…not me again…Dominica is dancing a one stroke front and two stroke backwards dance….
Who is going to fund that project, and how much it gonna cost, concern citizens want to know.
Skerrit you such a LIAR , when Ross approach you to do things about that same airport you did nothing the they left Dominica after 40 years. The people who invested in that same area still voted for you .
I was in Barbados a few days ago i went to the area where they houseing Ross University i stayed with my mouth wide open could beleive what i saw, its like a houseing scheme , the people who invested and work in that area take a trip to Bardabos and see for your self .
Skerrit, Ian, Austire, Nantan , Saverin these guys have to pay for what they did to Dominica and the people from that area, but again who cares .
The little thing they say thats coming back is a show ,its like a crying kid, you put a pacifier in its mouth to shut it up, then the crying stop thats what going to happen to the people from Possie is school all you want look it ,what a shame. Karma is a B.
So wait, Is it MMCE undertaking the expansion? If so, It’s not really you who had to be convinced but rather the developer, ie MMCE and Anthony Haiden. Boy the more I listen to this, and everything linked to MMCE. It just points to the OUTSOURCING of our entire development plans as a sovereign nation, to a corporate entity. In the U.S which is so hated and scapegoated, there exists anti trust laws to ensure that the influence of large corporate entities on politics etc are kept in check. How many more passports will the developer be given to undertake this expansion or will he be using money out of what he has already accumulated towards the international airport. I wonder If we can keep track of and get out of this MAZE of subcontracting and voodoo economics?? No wonder there is no single vision of unity that we can gather behind. We never have a say, The man said whether “I” should spend that money. when he should have said whether “WE” AS A NATION, should spend that money.. SMH
I wonder who is the biggest shareholder in MMCE, apart from Haiden? Could it be that same man that runs things in DA. Another Ponzi Scheme right in front of our eyes.🙈
This is a prudent move. A four or five year wait time for completion of the new airport is very long, when one considers our overall tourism product. We need to attract and increase the total number of tourists who are visiting via air. Reliable air travel coupled with competitive pricing relative to our neighbors is a key selling point. Those who are critical of this move do not understand how international air travel works and they fail to understand how cut-throat developed nations are with their employees, productivity, and time off. While unsuspecting storms or other disruptions are part of the traveling experience, minimizing them increases the confidence of would-be travelers to Dominica, knowing that arriving and leaving on time would be the norm, instead of the exception.
The success of any legitimate private or public project worth its salt is always dependent on the execution of collaborative ideas and plans.
That being said, be skeptical of any individual who proclaims to be chief, cook and bottle washer of any enterprise requiring an all hands and minds approach. Such a person is most likely suffering from delusion of grandeur.
It’s one thing for my flakey cousin to claim that he has a bridge to sell me but it is a total travesty when a head of state engages in peddling sixes for nines!!!
Expert advice? Cost benefit analysis? Fiscal oversight? Cabinet or parliamentary discussion? No – Skerrit makes all these decisions himself. He is a dictator. And we all know how that ends.
Actually makes a whole lot of sense to do so. Airports cost a lot to run. Imagine building a new airport without having airlines for it. It’s wiser to grow customer base while building a bigger better shop. Also will be good for building experience for handlers and other personnel. I work at an airport, there’s way more going on behind the scenes than people coming and going. This is an exciting time for Dominica. Any development big or small should be encouraged, we should get out from the peanut gallery and do our part
That’s the end of the new airport already. We did not get past placing machinery on the site and appointing a chief executive to oversee the Fata Morgana. Once again, millions wasted and nothing to show for it. Can our country still afford to have a PM like that…?
Shouldn’t be any changes to the current airline slots in place at Melville Hall? continual flights should be expected.
Does anyone know if a feasibility study (a preliminary exploration of a proposed expansion project or undertaking) was conducted to determine the merits and viability prior to the expansion project starting? This type of report helps when considering all pros and cons in advance, way before any work commences.
Equally important is to invest in access and development to local attractions and parishes so they are primed and ready to accept the tourist. Additional improvements to include better & safer roads, well constructed bridges, excellent sidewalks, improved street drainage, decent public toilets, etc. are equally important developments not just for the tourism sector but also for local residents; Especially for those who are disabled and struggle to get around. What happened to the city plan for the redevelopment of Roseau (announced in GIS 08 May 2014)?
Bottom line is feasibility study is the 1.5 years of American Airlines flying in/out of DA. If DA does not upgrade runway AA will cutback or drop DA altogether. Government has no choice of leverage…I just hope AA doesn’t have government spend money and ultimately drop DA because the cost of an airline ticket to DA is 2X or 3X the cost vs travel to our neighboring islands.
“But in my discussions with people who are advising me on this, I was convinced–originally I was not convinced–that I
should spend the money on this.”(Roosevelt Skerrit).
Roosevelt if you took the advise of someone advising you to extend the Melville Airport which is useless anyway in light of you made the claim that you are building an International Airport less than three miles away in Wesley; I am sorry but your advisers has made a royal Jacka.. out of you again, they played you for a fool once again!
If you have enough money to lengthen Melville Hall Airport to accommodate hundreds of flights per day, your priority should be to build one large enough to accommodate more than one Runway on the New International Airport, do something as we see at Heathrow in London; Kennedy in New York, or LAX in Los Angeles!
You are a very complicated ignorant incompetent man, wrapped up in everything crooked and confounded.
Why is this extension needed?
I agree with the Prime Minister that the extension of the Doug;as-Charles (Melville Hall) Airport runway is necessary to keep the airlines currently scheduling Dominica and attract new airlines.
1. How long is the Douglas-Charles Airport runway?
2. By how many feet longer longer will it be extended?
3. Will the extension be done on both ends of the runway, or, one end of the runway, and if one end, which end?
4. What is the duration of this runway extension project? Projected start date, and, end date?
5. Will the airport runway extension project create any potential disruption of existing flights?
6. Are there any information of the potential for increases in the current schedule flights in and out of Dominica?
7. Are the any information of the number of new airlines coming to Dominica once the extension of the airport runway is completed?
8. How much will this project cost?
Lord I need this information for my Principles of Business (POB) School Based…
We need to add at least 400-500 ft to runway bringing total runway up from a little over 5,700 ft to over 6,000 ft. Having experienced firsthand landing on runway 27 (from sea) during rain & cloudy conditions on AA, I can tell you it’s a nerve wracking experience. Knowing an additional 400-500 ft of runway is available helps to lower the blood pressure.
Just remember that Satan is a liar and everything that Satan of Dominica says is lie according to Cheko.
I thought I was the only one who picked up on the “I, I, I” from the prime minister. In his cabinet the only opinion that matters is his.
What do you expect? You have democratic governments, socialist governments, communist governments, but in Dominica, there is an ‘I-man’ government. Dominica is unique for all the wrong reasons.
Let us not forget Roosevelt’s infamous statement, “I run things in Dominica.” There is no “We” with this Lying narcissist.
One time he gave a short address to the nation. I started to count the many times he repeated the pronoun ‘I’. When I reached forty nine (49) I got tired and stopped counting. Inarticulate dunce.
Have any of you guys ever heard of a president or prime minister, saying we,we,we, bloody idiots get a life and a job bunch of good for nothing idlers.
Mr. Prime minister Skerrit, you and your administrations has been doing a good job for the Dominican people you are blessed with good visions from day one in the top job, on like ugly Lenny, and his Halfwit Dribblers all they can do is blah blah blah blah that lot is a waste of time they so stupid they even shot their selfs in the foot by not taking any part in the last general election, now they in third place ugly Lenny, is talking about taking his country back my A**.
All of us occasionally make grammatical and spelling errors in talking and writing at times. Having said that, the frequency and simplicity of your errors clearly reveals that you need to get help.
Look at these in your post:
*administrations has (have)
*on like ugly Lenny (unlike)
*their selfs (themselves)
I am simply pointing these out because you are referring to erudite people as stupid. You, Dog Biter, to accuse anybody as being stupid is equivalent to a skunk calling a rabbit stink.
No human being is ever too old to learn. For your personal growth, get yourself in an adult learning class. Do not let foolish self-pride to deter you from elevating yourself.
Ibo, go look after your mothers pudding it’s on fire 🔥 you lots are all screw up just like ugly Lenny, and his blue monkeys.
@Man bites dogs
A lot of garbage…You first need to attend night school to learn to write properly. Noone understands you.
When you are able to pay for the cost of removing the cataracts from your distorted and fade vision, only then you will see how blessed and a visionary that corrupted crook Roosevelt Skerrit whom you worship!
Man Dog, get smart, and realize in the event Roosevelt is lengthening Melville Hall Airport, you can bet your miserable life that is the International Airport you will see in Dominica!
Haven’t you heard that Roosevelt was told where he said he and his company Montreal Management are going to build the airport is not suitable for such a project?
“The Federal Aviation Administrator is the regulator of all the nation’s civil aviation activities, including management of air traffic in U.S. airspace.
If Roosevelt build where it is not suitable, will the FAA allow International Passenger flights to fly to a death trap?
Barron sang a calypso in which he said “Ah Biting Me Elbow:” When you and all Roosevelt supporters eyes open it is not only elbows you all will bite!
“they so stupid they even shot their selfs in the foot by not taking any part in the last general election,”(Man Dog).
I’ll show you one correction it should be “themselves” not (their selfs) and that is not a simple error.
In any event ugly Lenny would not write such a stupid comment in such poor diction, you see! When you both were growing up on the same street, and Lenny went to school everyday, you left home and went down on the water front, stayed there all day until it was time to home!
And so ugly Lenny master the English language, whereas try as hard as you may simple English evades you in other words you can neither read, write nor spell properly.
And so I must asks where is your ghost write?
Well, I know sometimes I am fragmented, and words a missed, when you discover my errors, do me a favor and throw them in my too; and that is if you are capable of identifying any errors.
So all decisions are made by one man? Democracy in action! Some forward thinking/planning, even budgeting, might have been useful, but hey, this prime minister can magic money out of thin air.
Corrupt governments and politicians around the world make their millions mainly from no bid construction projects. The extension of the Douglas Charles airport is a perfect example.
This is just one of the many projects to allow Roosevelt and his lapdogs to feather their sticky nest. The rich is being made richer while tens of thousands of Dominicans are reduced to yard fowl poverty. They have to scratch the dirt to eek out a living.
First the project will not happen for some time. Given how projects evolve in DA that may be another two years for completion. Secondly, and most important, If American Airlines can’t sustain a 7 day a week cycle why would Jet Blue want to come in? And if they do why would they stay? Do you remember the fanfare about AA some time ago? The only saving grace for this project is if its “sold” as a necessity is to improve safety. The business imperative is not necessarily there.
De opposition was the girst to make de suggestion……it was ridiculed
I’m hindsight skerrit has proven that de opposition was right on this one!!!
Nuff said
That picture is the best
If you look carefully there is a preponderance of people dressed in red, like a DLP convention, walking along the airport fence. A not so subtle propaganda message then.
This is my problem with this man, he hasn’t mentioned not one time this is a collective decision by the cabinet of Dominica or a Government of Dominica. Is “I was not convinced” “I was not going to spend ” ” I decided to” my boy Dominica doesn’t belong to you. Dominica wasn’t will to you. You speak and behave like those Communist Dictators like Sadam, Puttin and Assad. What is wrong with Dominicans allowing this guy to psychologically indoctrinate this in their heads. This is sickening
My sentiments exactly, so many “I”s in what Skerrit saying RastarMarn wonder if he gonna be running the project himself, from operating the heavy construction equipment to laying the blocks and pounding the nails,,,
Mista Sounding like is he alone wi dat is the Whole Governmental Body,,,
How can a Leader of the masses be so narcissistic???
lemme tell allyou this cause is not mista that believe he high and mighty yeah is those people that surround him that making him believe he is “The Deity” dat come to save Dominica,,,
But all that was risen to the highest Highs one day came crumbling down with that foolish mentality that they alone is supreme,,,
The higher your climb is the hardest you will fall especially when the Feds looking at you from distance,,,
1st of all you cannot lose what you do not have. Dominica is ran by an A.Stro Nutt. The lies above tells the vision in leadership. It’s only geared at self enrichment and anything said is to deceive the people. What a nuisance!!!!
In the 7th paragraph you will see why I name the double doctorate dude ‘im-the-people” leader. “if I, if I, if I”… Man you need to realize that tourists coming to Dominica is not because of you, airlines coming to Dominica is not because of you. Businesses go where there are opportunities for them to make money. Get off your high horse with this “if I ” nonsense talk.
If the extension work at Melville Hall will satisfy the big airlines coming to Dominica, then the decision to spend over $1 billion on an international airport is moronic. I don’t care how much you spin it, that’s just a dumb decision. Wilful waste makes woeful want. I’m not surprised because honorary doctorates don’t count in the world of academia.
“I spent some time determining in my mind whether I should go ahead and spend the money knowing that we are building the international airport,” he said.
Does Dominica have a prime minister who can do whatever he wants independently of his cabinet, or does the cabinet run like a house of cards? The Minister for Finance should be embarrassed.
That comment just gives credence for what he once beat his chest about – ” I alone run things in Dominica.”
One-man-ism introduced in Dominica by the parasitic Liar (Roosevelt), has demolished our once healthy and thriving democracy.
To my mind, improving the Melvin Hall Airport is not a problem, but the rationale for the new airport is.
To believe anything that this despot deposits in the public realm, is like believing an addict who has been on hallucinatory drugs for most of his life.
If the new international airport were to be realised, then the extension of the Melville Hall Airport would be a gargantuan waste of well needed, tax payers’ money. This is financial recklessness and insanity at the same time.
Where common sense is needed everything else is needed. You can’t legislate common sense into people.
What Roosevelt is saying here is not common sense, it is common non-sense.
This is just BS to the highest level. Skerrit knows why he approved the project but will never say. Can it be just another ploy to put kickback money in some people’s pockets? I am just asking!
If all along AA, Amerijet and others were using the runway at its current length why will they not continue to use it knowing full well a new airport with longer runway is being built? Come on man! Education is not common sense. Like the late Lt. Bernabe would say, ” the man that called this “elusive trait” commonsense must be burning in hell. Rightfully, he should have called it rear sense instead”.
So let me tell Bool-Sheeter Skerro that it would cost less to subsidize the 6 seats AA would have to block on certain days for take off purposes than to add to runway length. I am an idiot but can see right through his nonsensical argument. I can see some cabalist lining up for their share of the kickbacks. SMH

MMCE again you all using that cheap and inferior building company, just take a look at the houses they built in less than 4 years they are literally falling apart, all you have to do is take a trip Bellevue Chopin and watch the houses the iron and walls are literally disintegrating