The Drug Abuse Prevention Unit says alcoholism is the biggest concern facing the unit at this time as they prepare to host Drug Abuse Prevention month.
That’s according to Coordinator of the Unit, Jacinta Bannis.
She said in an interview with DNO, that they plan to hold a workshop soon geared at tackling the problem.
‘We are starting with the workshop with the Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) teachers and then to begin to look at policy formulation in terms of alcohol’. She stated.
Bannis also said that advertising of alcohol is posing a more difficult problem for the unit.
‘we have seen too much advertising of alcohol on the television and I don’t see anything nutritional … its alarming that’s what influence our young people and even the way it is being advertised. In the long run it’s going to be a burden on the health sector’.
Bannis told DNO that last year’s theme: “My community, My Choice, No Drugs” will be the same for 2013 “since it is appropriate”.
Activities planned for the month include four school rallies in Calibishie, Marigot, Laplaine and Pointe Mitchel; a candle light vigil at Coulibistrie and drug exhibitions at Dominica State college and Marigot.
The launch of the Drug Information Network (DIN), and a prison study on the relationship between drugs and crime and a walk against drugs are also on the programme of activities.
The Drug Information Network (DIN) report is a drug observatory where all the information from the prison, Acute Psychiatric Unit, Hospital and from the police is gathered and placed in a report.
Drug Awareness Month will run from the 2nd of January to the 2nd of February 2013.
Alcohol is the drug of choice for many people.
It attracts young people at a time in life when they are making their most important choices.
Because of the social nature of alcoholic beverages it has a strong appeal. Kids want to be with others their age. They come together at parties where alcohol is a main feature. Its as if they couldn’t party or have a good time without it. Added to this is the peer pressure. If the others are drinking including your friends and they are offering you a drink it is difficult to refuse.
Alcohol causes liver disease and certain cancers. In Canada over 40% of fatal automobile accidents are alcohol related. It causes child abuse and wife beating, marriage break-up, and job losses.
It is appalling how alcoholic beverages are advertised in the media and at sports events. The advertising should be illegal or at least made less attractive. It is time for NGO to take aim at this advertising.
Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.
There need to be more programes for the youth of this country. Some one mentioned banning alcohol, how do you propose in doing that? You’re going to put people out of business.
seems like the trend is ‘my community, my choice, my drugs!’ lol lol
OUST THEM you are totally righ!they must invite the producers importers and sellers to start a real fight!
Is there a rehab center? Why not?
”Is there a rehab center
Why not :?:”
Same reason there is not an online sex offender’s registry.
Same reason there is not a law requiring the mandatory reporting of the sexual abuse of children.
Same reason professional counseling is not provided for the victims of sexual child abuse.
Same reason counseling is not mandatory for convicted sexual perpetrators.
Every few months when one of these things is in the news the government minister who is responsible for
that particular field will give the media a news release of what he proposes to do in order to buy time and we hear no more about it until the next time. The NGO will issue their news release about how much change is needed. Again nothing more is heard or seen until the next time.
There seems to be no accountability. Nobody even cares if they tell the truth or not.
Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.
DIN; Ithink you should approach the distributers and asked them to come onboard to help in addressing this epidemic.
Because i feel sick to my stomach to hear the amount of “ads” for alcohol on all the radio stations, even bands making songs glorifying drinking far more these days.And to find out alcohol is cheaper than water,in a country that bost it have 365 rivers,one for each day of the year.
How can you fight this MONSTER effectively if you don’t get the distributers onboard with you in this fight.GOOD LUCK.
So much stress in d place, that’s the only ‘legal drug’ the youngsters can get their hands(mouth) on, so what do you all expect?
Advertising or not, they will partake in it. People can drink and drive so why not?
To curb the use or abuse of alcohol, the laws needs to be enforced, but banning it totally…never going to happen.
Raising the legal age for buying and drinking alcoholic beverages with proper enforcement and penalties would help.
Spot checks on roads on Saturday nights for drivers who have been drinking would make a difference.
Laying charges instead of merely issuing warnings would have an effect.
Bring the offenders to court and let them face the full force of justice. Let it include proper counseling.
An education program in the schools on the problems created by alcohol with the proper educational tools – videos, DVDs, real stories from people who have suffered loss because of drinking, etc. – would go a long way.
The alcohol problem will never be completely eliminated nor will any other such problem. But it could certainly be cut back to the extent that precious lives would be spared.
Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.
I will say it again and again! That we are heading into the days of the Great Tribulation that is spoken in the Word of God—I believe that we are at the beginning that era, based on the gruesome reactions of those around us on a daily basis and from one end of the world to the other. We simply cannot go through these hard times by our own strength.
We need the “divine intervention” and we have to acknowledge that fact. The stress is getting heavier and heavier, but the mind, which is carnal, feeding to a body that is weak or vulnerable in all sorts of forms will cause our defeat—if we go at the fight alone.
We can conduct all sorts of seminars and meetings; but if the leaders of those meeting sessions will not advise people to seek the solace of the God of Life, then nothing positive will come into effect.
It is a treacherous world out there; the battle is knows as spiritual warfare—which is the revolution of the mind; for the mind is the battle ground of Life.
We need to put on the armor of God, if we are going to win both the battle and the war. It is just a shame, that only a few of us are taking heed of this destruction coming our way.
I can only ask You, Lord God, please have mercy on the innocent and show Your compassion to the ignorant. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray! Amen!
The battle is known–not knows–as the spiritual warfare.
Thank you for this comment!
You are right. Tribulation days are coming. The skies are growing dark. There has never been a time in all history like this time we now live in.
Alcohol and drugs are two of the evils Satan is using to keep the minds of people off spiritual things so they will not seek God’s salvation. If they do not surrender to the Lord, and believe that Jesus Christ died for their sins on the cross, and that God raised Him from the dead on the third day – if they do not receive Him as their Lord and Savior – they will not be taken in the rapture that is described in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. The Word of God plainly declares ”…then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” (Matthew 24:21)
The Lord Jesus is the ONLY Savior according to John 14:6 and Acts 4:12. Those who receive Him by faith become His children according to John 1:11-12.
Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill…
If no constitution nor law can keep them from doing what they want how are you going to close speak easy ‘s and shandel mourir(s).I agree with you 100% OUST DEM BUT WE NEED TO DO RADICAL SURGERY ON OUR LEADERS FIRST.
Same story, different day, no action….just blah, blah, blah.
Assertive, NOT Agressive!
You are so RIGHT!!!
Good luck Cos Jacinta
well a unit is needed/wanted so they got one. A hand full of peeps getting a salary and nothing happens. D/can alcohol consumption increases yrly. The ages are dropping, our lawyers are top ingesters of the distilled product.
Two of our so call good guy were directly or indirectly died from complications and asistance of the distilled product. Everynight has become happy hour now happy hours. X-mas/New yrs, carnival behind, fete innocent, fishermen fete easy door(not the lawyer) fete San sauveur, first communions bapitisms, confirmations cricket at the stadium, easter week end, August monday,Labour day week end even union stenght was thrown out the window with Charles Saverin conversion to DLPism. There is no rest for Rumails lol before they would take cooling coclier etc now there is no time to drink the coling bushes. new activities which allows more alcohol consumption has taken the coolin time.
This OUST THEM Comment makes sense.
Some people who enjoy appearing on the front lines of the battle against a social evil want it to appear that they are doing something to bring about its demise. At the same time they don’t dare take aim at
the people responsible for creating and promoting the problem.
What we have are individuals and organizations that for the sake of publicity issue a news release once in a while informing us how bad the problem is and how it is getting worse. They occupy themselves with a
token effort, a mini project here, and a mini project there, that serves no purpose except to keep their names in the media.
Those who could make a difference have no desire to confront those responsible with the truth and demand change because they’re afraid of making enemies. In some cases they themselves are ”users” (in moderation of course) or they have a vested interest in the product, so they must not push the envelope too far.
Sincerely, Rev…