Sir, for 15 years now I have been noticing your style of leadership and one thing for certain is that you have deliberately refused to answer pertinent questions asked of you. Be minded sir that Dominica is not your family inheritance and one day, whether you like it or not, you will no longer be in charge. Now that you have announced general elections, do you intend to be re-elected by constantly ignoring the people? Why did you not address the nation on such an important issue, the Aljazeera documentary? Are you that guilty that you refuse to even clear your name? Yes we enjoyed the sewo and the cool-outs but don’t think for one minute that we are stupid. We care about our country and the future of our children more than sewo and cool-out. I wish to warn you that your refusal to satisfactorily answer the following pertinent questions will automatically result in your demise at the polls.
1. Why did you not ensure that Dominica received electoral reform before the next general elections in order to be a guide for all governments in the future? You had the money, you had the time, why did you not adhere to the recommendations submitted by the joint mission (Commonwealth Secretariat, Caricom Secretariat and OAS Secretariat) which you contracted to do the review?
2. Why have you not made a clear statement on your association with alleged criminals (Ali Reza Monfared, Ng Lap Seng, Allison Madueke etc.) with whom you were allegedly associated?
3. Why do you keep sidelining our certified local building contractors on state projects?
4. What happened to the 65 million dollars received from the World Bank towards revitalizing agriculture? Why are poor farmers required to match the assistance afforded to them?
5. What happened to the money that was being collected on a monthly basis towards the construction of the international airport?
6. Why to this date, you deliberately refused to apologize to the students for not heeding to their request at the National Youth Rally?
7. Why was no recognition given to or no mention made of Mr. Patrick John at the Independence Day Parade activity? This is the Prime Minister who led us into independence and who is still alive today?
8. Where is the accounting of the 1.2 billion you promise the nation some months ago? If you are still calculating, please say so.
9. What is your true net worth sir? Having been Prime Minister for 15 years, how much do you really worth? Even O.J. Seraphin don’t know your true worth.
10. What happened to the immediate appointment of junior clerks and teachers sir?
11. Where is the Medical School that was supposed to replace ROSS University?
12. Where is the cargo boat for the farmers?
13. Where is the US$60,000,000.00 or EC$160,200,000.00 received for the sale of the extra 300 passports that you said was given to Range Developments? Range is only accounting for 500 passports sir but you said they were given 800 passports.
There are many more questions to be asked such as what happened to the gold bars and monies you received from Monfared, however, I really do not expect a satisfactory response. My question to Dominicans is, after searching your conscience, are you satisfied with the continuous disrespect and poor leadership qualities demonstrated by Honorable Roosevelt Skerrit? I don’t. I now await your honest responses.
Hands off Dominica, the Dominica Labor Party and the Roosevelt Skerritt Administration. Those opposing the rule of the DLP are merely opportunists casting their covetous eyes on the goodwill and other assets which the DLP has commandeered in the name of Dominica and all its people and are committed by all means, to have those resources at their hands to mismanage them. The DLP is obviously doing a good job evidenced by the improvement of the housing stock just after a devastating hurricane, construction of a hospital and now with the construction of an international airport which will thrust Dominica into a position of greater advantage. Your whiles and machinations against a team dedicated to the advancement of Dominica will Fail, surely, against committed, dedicated, results oriented leadership obvious in that of the DLP. Your conniving with forces outside of Dominica to bring about the downfall of a super team is doomed to failure. We are watching you naysayers. God Bless Dominica.
“he doesn’t see himself as a servant of the people @Eddy A
That is not the problem of PM Skerrit the problem is with you all–the UWPites. “PM Skerrit is not your servant”.
He has asserted time and again that he is the “Servant of God”–not the servant of you people– His guidance is from God alone
The work that PM Skerrit doing is God’s work for the people; he knows that he has to answer to no one but God.
That is why he said you all’s ” unscrupulous” mentality against him is against God, Himself–your judgment will come from Him.
When he said that he is a disciple of Jesus, he meant that he is doing the work of Jesus for our Nation, as it is commanded to him.
If anyone is doing wrong it is you all, who think you can turn PM Skerrit into an acrobat, to satisfy your carnal demands.
You all are the ones who are proud at heart with no respect and reverence towards God–His judgments will come when you all are least expecting it. Mark my word!
Skerrit is a gangster and imposter with a French passport the same way Gucci is an imposter with a Canadian passport.
And you… no wonder people call you a hypocrite
Are you high or just super foolish? I believe in God, but I know for a fact that God doing Gods work would = 100% good. Dominica would be a glorious place, peaceful and devout to the rule of God. Stop call God name in all you nonsense.
Now this friday you guys gonna make a decision. If this regime continues to rule, then Dominica is finished. This is it, officially a dictatorship and as such I personally will accept that. However remember this is what you and the rest of them wanted. Handouts, good time, easy life at the cost of our children and our nation. Worshipping a man!
Well written and questions asked are on point!!
I have no political affiliation but as a young person I listen to both sides….The PM shows no accountability, he is very disrespectful, dishonest and more BTW he made himself Mr of Fiance for a reason as we can clearly see after years thanks to aljeezra
..He has no degree in economics or financial management yet He is a financial Minister…..
My eyes are wide open and as a young woman I stand for morals and good values…..This PM is not example to the youths ….
(Excuse any typos, no time to proof read)
Persons who continue to condone PMs choices will definitely suffer as He is….You cannot say you serving God , reading your bible and involved in the hidden works of darkness for so many years….God will not be mocked and I am praying and time will unfold and He will be dealt with accordingly, the PM is too stubborn and childish and he is almost 3 decades Older than I am
Will the Skerritt apologists ask him a question about Monfared? Please do. For our sake. Just ask him and let him reply public. Impromptu. I dare you, Ma St Joe. Stop being a coward. Ask him publicly and let him reply without a written statement. Go ahead Ma St Joe and others. I dare the lot of you! We can ask Lennox any time!
Your commentary is based on lies, insults and your political biases. The majority of the Dominican population have a different prospective and we are the majority. Mr. Skerrit accomplishments is well founded, but your leadership and the UWP operations is riddled with substantiated facts.
How can you defend and deflect the corruption of the UWP to make Skerrit look like the scapegoat. Mr. Skerrit records is well proven by international agencies, therefore you are conducting personal vendettas against the DLP. Just as you are educated, we are also educated and will not go back to Payless Paydays. ……………………………………………..The IMF refused to grant loans to Dominica because of defaults. We Dominicans Refuse to turn backwards, forward let’s go. DNO good journalism is also accepting other people’s opinion.
I don’t know where is your source of information….. but I can’t say I feel sorry for you.
Alot of us non DLP supporters know how to use our brain… just remember after DLP spent how much millions in 2014 general election they went from 18 seats to 15.
DLP actually lost 3 seats last election!!!!
Some weak brains got fried in the process….. again, can’t say I’m sorry for you!
Mr. Skerrit has the country last, bottom, derriere position in the Eastern Caribbean, in fact, in the wider independent English Speaking Caribbean. This a man who wants to build an international airport with empty shipping containers, increase civil servants salary just by a change of title, use a simple machine to do invasive surgery. The man needs to scrub his odorous tongue with Clorox, Fabulous, Pine Sol and Harpic combined. He said in his most recent pronouncement quote, “Linton in his boxers all day, holding his balls and watching cartoon.” Is this the person to lead the future generations of Dominicans? Lies are this man’s pillows, vulgarity his bed and evil his sheets. The Ship of State is sinking. Let’s throw the Captain overboard this Election..
At least Lennox Linton have balls to scratch according to Skerrit whereas he himself has only two worthless doctorates. You are a ball breaker Instead Roosevelt. Your vulgarity and disrespect of people is disgusting. That is the example you set for your own children then?
Lolzz….how I wish your response was true!!
You are just a empty hungry hyena… You remind me of animal farm…. You guys are hungry hyenas eating under skerritt table…
One thing is clear … Allll labourites are hungry n corrupt n deceitful….
You alll are a group of pagans n demons……
Dlp Devils Liars Party.. Dlp….
You alll are bought…
A group of fresh balawoo n kieyeee in market…
I smellimg Sulphur. I smelling de devils alll over led by the chief…. Sulphur..
Christians are rising to take over.
America is paying attention
Oas paying attention
United Nations paying attention…
God has to teach you alll a lesson again, then go cry n beg the world….
Ungrateful set of people.
No wonder you alll last… Kakarat. Whole day Skeeritt had diarrhea on kiari.
Vince had it
Karessa had it
The whole laboir party got diarrhea……
Your devious political rampage have no merits. We are intellectually capable of making our own decisions, therefore ask the same to Lennox. Why is Lennox apologizing, the day of reckoning will come sooner than expected.
Your questions may be valid, but my questions are also valid, how can a man full of scornful behavior, vile, hatred, ignorance, and propaganda wants to assume leadership position?
The lawyers, Doctors, Nurses, School Personal etc. how can you follow such an uneducated person. The many restless nights burning the night lights studying doesn’t mean anything! Where are your prides values and morals character to follow such a disgusting incompetent person.
The DLP isn’t perfect, but you editors are advocating on the behalf of a incompetent high school dropout. Yes intellectualls we will listen to your message, but it cannot be from the Bullyman nor powderpuff. Don’t take over the party, because we will view you as the remnants of the UWP.
Great letter, now keep asking until the next election while you get your facts straight, create an effective opposition and not wait for election to call before trying a thing!
@Fedup, this is a great response!
The problem we have in Dominica boils down the widespread level of poverty where people have to depend heavily on the government (which they equate with DLP) to meet their basic needs. Many of them do not think beyond the next meal. Therefore when they have to make the calculation between the devil they know and that which they don’t, they will take their chance with the known entity.
The questions you posed resonate with independent minded people who have the means to take care of themselves, ie those most likely to support UWP.
Skerrit understands the relationship between his handouts and the support he gets from those who he assists. All the talking about policies and the like is just wind blowing in the forest to these people. It makes little difference to them.
Skerrit does not have to answer any of these questions. A well educated and independent electorate would answer those questions themselves.
You hit the nail right on the head…
Zondoli your comments are baseless and unfounded. What country doesn’t have poverty? The DLP has brought the island back from the realms of Hunger to glory days. There isn’t a place where poverty and homelessness doesn’t exists. What’s the crime rate, what is the GDP. Dominica cannot be compared to the French Antilles, the Virgin Islands 🇻🇬 🇻🇮 nor the Dutch Antilles these are all territories. How many families are staving to death in DA. In Dominica you have more busses than passengers. The poverty rate is so alarming that certain households have 5 or 6 vehicles 🚗.
@zandoli, you may not be living in D/ca, or you would think twice before your words here
I won’t say there is no poverty in D/ca–it is a worldwide case. But if you ask “Pedro Karam” who runs Acme Garage, about the price of cars, you might take back what you said above.
The last time I was in D/ca, 2013, there was hardly a pace for pedestrians the sidewalks were filled with cars.
In 1974, people were more concerned about bumping into a cow than a car; they were so few.
Pertaining to food, clothing, and shelter, those who are lacking in this commodity have chosen that lifestyle for themselves. Toronto is a big example for me
There are shopping units all over in Roseau, no longer just the Marketplace & Astapnan’s Shopping Center
In my school days, a new exercise book & pencil was luxury to me, now think of the technological advance which is available for the students of schools.
The talk of POVERTY in D/ca is another exaggeration
Elizabeth, I not live in Dominica. I left DA close to 40 years ago, but I am in DA quite often. I was in DA this year and I will be there in Feb.
I know my people very well. We are masters at painting a picture of success to our neighbbours. Just because you drive a car and wear some nice looking clothes, does not make you well off.
I know people in DA who others thinks are doing very well, but if you peel the outer layer of the onion, you will see the truth of the facade. I know a guy who appears to have it all. He has cancer and needs radiation and cannot afford to set foot outside DA to get treatment.
Don’t let the glitter fool you. There is a lot more poverty in DA than you are led to believe.
I agree, dominica is worst off today than the 80s and 90s. Only people that bragging about Dominica are usually those who havent left Dominica for and instant.
How can you politicians travel and come back and accept this this is what’s good for our people. Build 4 low lying bridges in town and then get surprised when river wash them down. Not to mention all the bridges that missing or get rebuilt the same damn way…. resilient or bullheaded. I think they’re one in the same.
Coulibistrie look like a warzone, colihaut christ, mahaut, blackmore want to transform it, same damn mahaut I used to pass through in the 80s just now theres no more dcp. No more ross. Downhill the place going but only people seeing improvement are the red clinic fans. Dominican dictatorship
Very good questions; and I don’t expect any answers, but the voters can resolve that problem on Friday December 6th, 2019. Also, have the (TTO) Take Them Out Pill for them. Make the pen more mighty than the mouth, and vote them out.
14) Where is the money that was given to the Kalinago and when you were asked your response was “My brother I am the PM that did the most Caribs in Dominica”
15)Clarify MyDominicaTradeHouse, a company that is said to be operating in Dominica, Did your Ministry of Foreign affairs write a letter to ceased using our Country name to push a company which appears to be a front cause I am not aware of any Limo Service in Dominica.
16) Where is the briefcase of money that you mentioned you had to start an international airport in 2014
17) What is written in the MOU between us and China
18) Can you clarify a statement made from Venezuela when they mention our debt was forgiven, yet you said we had no debt.
19) What assets are being declared by yourself and your ministers to the integrity commission(Or do they still exist)
These are the questions we need answers for , It’s not about Red or Blue or How pretty Melissa is(like that means something) It’s about corruption by…
Democracy dies in darkness @ Washington Post
He will tell you is Linton fault.Skerrit is a scam,and one day God will free the poor people from this corrupt regime.
Don’t you think the PM have more important things to do but joining in rumors every one should have their own thoughts about that video I watch it and made my mind up where it come from in your letter which you have a right to your opinion it is clear that you are member or supporter of UWP and the PM does not have to answer to you because Linton made a statement does not mean that the PM have to so just take your little self you have a choice to vote for who ever want you don’t have much of a choice any way chose one UWP or DLP making a statement does not clear one name you could lie or tell the truth and I think the PM did the right thing let sleeping dogs lie.
Since you know where the video came from educate us please.
@wallace hussey, tell it to them! Those Twilight zone dwellers know nothing about the World of Civilization, they think that a man like Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has the time to jump up and down at their un-etiquette (lack of mannerly) call whenever they do so
This letter asks many pertinent questions that the people have a right to know for Mr. Skerrit is a public servant and is accountable to the people.
What about his Ministers? They,
too are complicit in the corruption charges leveled against Mr. Skerrit by their unconscionable silence. All are in the same boat, just as corrupt.
It is this very corruption that has Skerrit and his cronies filthy rich and the masses dirt poor. It has the country in last place position in the OECS in terms of economic and infrastructural development. Public servants in Dominica get the lowest take none pay. Minimum wage is unconscionably meagre.
The Skerrit led Administration, by any standard, has been a COLOSSAL FAILURE.
The question is- how can anyone with a conscience or even an iota of common sense vote to return this total embarrassment of a government back in office? Complete ridiculousness!!!
” how can anyone with a conscience or even an iota of common sense vote to return this total embarrassment of a government back in office?”
Venezuela is in worse shape than Dominica, yet these very poor people love their Maduro. Despite their suffering, these people have been conditioned to believe that is the best they can do. This is no different from a woman who stays with her abusive partner after he buys her a bottle of perfume and professes his love for her while she nurses a black eye.
All the questions will be answered only after he is kicked out of office by the electorate.
This guy has made an absolute mockery of leadership..
The people need reform before the election!!!!
Whey is di money?
Whey is di money?
Whey is di money?
What a load of cabbage.
A people get the Government that they deserve! If Dominicans re-elect this Prime Minister, I am washing my hands off Dominica and let Dominicans take what they get. Also, having seen how politicised the rationing after Hurricane Maria was, it broke my heart to see Labour Party politics used to provide or deny support to all Dominicans after the hurricane! Are we not our brothers keepers? Are we not all Dominicans? Don’t we have a democratic right to support the political party of our choice? Whatever party people support, as Dominican citizens, we are all afforded the same care and protection of the Government of the day, whatever party they may be! But this PM never understood that. It is time to vote Labour out before we lose ourselves and our beloved country!
“I am washing my hands off Dominica and let Dominicans take what they get”. @Truth Be Told
And who are you, may I ask? What authority do you have to decide what Dominica will get or not ger, with clean or dirty hands?
You people make me Laugh my belly out.

Very good letter with questions that have to be answered. A failure to do so would equate to a admission of guilt. So, let’s hear it Skerrit!
I thought the government was dissolved after the date for general elections was announced!
Skerritt is not the PM at present. That’s my understanding. I’m I wrong?
ADMIN: He is still the Prime Minister.
Well written and well articulated. The sad thing is you will not get a response because as he has told us before “it not our damn business”.you see for too long Roosevelt Skerritt has DISRESPECTED us as a people and we have accepted it and allowed it. It is now too late to correct this mistake other than to vote this criminal and his colleagues out of power.
The problem Skerrit has is that he doesn’t see himself as a servant of the people but he rather uses them as his servants or in other words he believes to be the king of Dominica. Let’s teach this king a lesson on Election Day that he will never forget!