Antigua and Barbuda AG knighted in the face of opposition

Attorney General Steadroy Benjamin is knighted on Antigua & Barbuda’s Independence Day

Antigua and Barbuda’s Attorney General, Steadroy Benjamin, was knighted on Independence Day, in the face of stiff opposition in St Johns.

Some constituents of St. Johns City South opposed the nomination of Benjamin for a knighthood, citing his alleged involvement in nefarious activities, charges of criminal conduct, bad advice provided to the Government, and poor representation of the people as the main reasons why Benjamin is unfit for such a high honour.

They also claimed that awarding Benjamin such an honour, despite his poor track record of performance, cheapens the concept of national service and diminishes the accomplishments of other deserving recipients.

Despite the opposition, the government defended the knighthood, stating that as a lawyer, Minister of Justice, and Attorney General, Benjamin made a profound impact on the nation’s legal system, passing important legislation that positively impacted the country’s development.

Additionally, he championed workers’ rights and fair compensation, presiding over increases in the minimum wage, making Antigua and Barbuda one of the Caribbean’s highest-paying nations.

Benjamin’s commitment to sports is also noteworthy, having served as president of the Antigua and Barbuda Athletics Association (ABAA) and sponsoring sports teams in basketball, football, and cricket.

He is also a passionate supporter of the calypso and steelband movements, contributing to the nation’s cultural heritage.

The knighthood was well-deserved, and the Cabinet commends Benjamin’s constituents in St. John’s City South for recommending him to the National Honours Committee.

Benjamin’s nearly forty-year tenure in Parliament is also noteworthy, with only two other individuals having served longer terms.

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  1. Just Asking
    November 3, 2023

    Some opposed the nomination of Benjamin for a knighthood, citing his alleged involvement in nefarious activities, charges of criminal conduct, bad advice provided to the Government, and poor representation of the people as the main reasons why Benjamin is unfit to be knighted by Charles; who is yet to return looted/stolen property, huge amounts of gold, diamonds etc. to rightful owners, Benjamin’s own family.

    Isn’t that how king Charles and his family took/stole everything from Benjamin’s family? Is that an honor?
    After all, it’s not 18²³ you all, it’s 2023.

  2. Zandoli
    November 3, 2023

    Being a career politician who was just doing the job he was paid to do, hardly qualifies as exemplary service deserving of a knighthood. But since Gaston Browne is the king of Antigua, it is within his rights to bestow such honors.

  3. Ibo France
    November 2, 2023

    To be recommended for a knighthood in Antigua, just have the right political connections.

    Minister Steadily Benjamin is one of the most incompetent and indolent politician in the Caribbean perhaps the world. He gets nothing right or done. Many in his constituency think he is undeserving of even an applause.

    Why the big fuss about a knighthood though? A knighthood is just a relic of the colonial era from the former enslavers of our ancestors. Worthless!!

  4. NightNDay
    November 2, 2023

    Knight him! Maybe he deserves to be in the night. All of these Knights business must be something Spooky 👻

    • YestRDay
      November 7, 2023

      It is spooky. To be knighted by thieves that go around taking people land by force and m*rdering them, just because they can, is the spookiest thing ever.

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