Antigua and Barbuda records first homicide for 2025

The neighboring island of Antigua and Barbuda has recorded its first homicide for the year. Police in St Johns reported that a 35-year-old man from Old Road was killed on Thursday morning.

It was reported that the victim was involved in an altercation with another man when he was allegedly shot.

The incident occurred at Mount Obama (Boggy Peak) area around 10 AM on Thursday. A male suspect is in custody.

In 2024, the Twin Island nation recorded 12 murders.

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  1. Hmmmmm
    January 3, 2025

    When so called leaders embrace gang members and bad elements it’s chaos.

  2. Ibo France
    January 3, 2025

    I find in these relatively small Caribbean jurisdictions crime continues to escalate at an alarming rate. The governments of the day seem clueless in implementing any real solutions to this problem.

    Look at all the governments in the region. Instead of devising plans to fix the problems of the country and bring meaningful relief to all, they (politicians) single-mindedly focus on self-enrichment, feathering their own nest.

    The hearts of the modern politicians are dreadfully dark. “Darkness cannot drive away darkness, it takes light to do that.”

  3. Through my fault
    January 3, 2025

    Well, they ahead of us but I know we will soon overtake them because the corruption of Dominica is far far worse

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