ANTIGUA: Baby falls in cistern and dies

A one-year-old girl sadly died after falling into a cistern at her home in Antigua and Barbuda, in the community of New Winthorpes

The child’s mother was with her when the accident happened. She realized her daughter was missing and started searching for her. During this search, she found her daughter in the water of the cistern.

The mother called for help, and the girl was taken to the hospital shortly after. Unfortunately, doctors declared her dead soon after she arrived.

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  1. Ronan Willis
    January 17, 2025

    OOH MY GOD :( !Sorry for the loss

  2. Satellite 🛰
    January 16, 2025

    Seriously, how can a 1 year old fall in a cistern, is the mouth of the cistern on the bed? Fishy 🐟!!!!!

    • A Girl is No One
      January 17, 2025

      The entrance covers for most cisterns in Antigua are usually on the gallery, or sometimes in the kitchen. If it’s open for whatever reason, it’s easy for any one to fall in, much less a baby who’s most likely wobbling around on their belly

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