Antiguan politician Asot Michael responds to bribery allegations

Peter Virdee (left), Asot Michael

Antiguan politician, Asot Michael, has responded to allegations of bribery involving UK billionaire property developer, Peter Virdee. Virdee, also known as “Batman,” is accused of bribing Michael, the current St. Peter MP, from January 2015 to July 2017 when he was the minister for tourism, to benefit PV Energy Ltd, a company of which Virdee is a director.

In a press release, Michael stated that he was removed from the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP) ticket on the assumption that he had a criminal charge pending or likely to be soon pending in the English Courts. However, he clarified that no charges have been laid or are likely to be laid against him, as confirmed by Britain’s National Crime Agency (NCA) in written correspondence to his UK Solicitors Kingsley Napley PLC.

Michael expressed his disappointment with Prime Minister Gaston Browne, who he claims had no information that he was charged or was being charged in this matter. He suggested that Browne used the situation to remove him from the slate of ABLP candidates, fulfilling his “personal” desire.

“So, his claim of feeling vindicated is a total red herring and distraction. I have always faithfully served the people of St. Peter and our beloved Country, at great personal sacrifice and without ill will and I continue to do so. Mr. Browne’s efforts to stop me from doing so continue to fail,” Michael stated in the release, noting that he remains uncharged and innocent of all allegations of wrongdoing, whether in the UK or anywhere else.

Virdee, who made his fortune primarily through property development, has been involved in various real estate projects and investments, contributing to his billionaire status. He was sought in connection with a multi-million-pound NCA bribery probe and has been charged along with the firm he oversees.

Known as an avid donor to the Conservative and Labour Parties in England, Virdee was suspected of giving more than £100,000 to the Tories and £2,000 to Preet Gill, the shadow minister for primary care and public health. Despite his arrest by the NCA, the parties continued to accept Virdee’s donations.

In 2014, Virdee was arrested at Heathrow airport and faced a potential 15-year prison term for alleged fraud and evasion of €125 million ($387.36 million ECD) in VAT. He was ultimately given a jail sentence of three years and three months by a court in Frankfurt in December for his role in the VAT fraud.

This is not the first time that Michael’s name has surfaced in the relation to the law in the UK. He was arrested by the Metropolitan Police at Gatwick Airport in London on the 23rd of October 2017. The arrest occurred upon his arrival in the UK from Montenegro, where he had attended an international conference on Citizenship by Investment.

Following his arrest, an emergency Cabinet meeting was called, and Prime Minister Gaston Browne reportedly revoked Michael’s appointment from the Cabinet. Browne stated, “While I have no firm details of the reasons for Mr. Michael’s arrest, the arrest itself is sufficient for me to revoke immediately his appointment as a Cabinet member and to relieve him of all Ministerial portfolios until this matter is resolved.”

The reason for Michael’s arrest remains unclear, as there has been no official word on the cause of his detainment. However, Michael expressed disappointment at Browne’s decision to relieve him of his official duties, suggesting that the decision was based on “second-hand information, indeed misinformation.”

In a personal statement released from London, Michael attempted to clarify the circumstances of his arrest. He explained that he was approached by police officers at Gatwick Airport on the morning of October 23rd and was arrested for the purpose of questioning. However, he did not provide details as to why he was detained for questioning.


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