Australian citizens returning home from India could face up to five years in jail and fines after the government made the journey temporarily illegal, the BBC is reporting.
The Australian health ministry said the ruling had been made “based on the proportion of people in quarantine who have acquired a Covid-19 infection in India”.
Earlier this week, Australia banned all flights from India.
There are an estimated 9,000 Australians in India, 600 of whom are classed as vulnerable.
This will be the first time Australians have been criminalised for returning to their country, Australian media report.
One doctor told ABC that the government’s move was disproportionate to the threat posed by those returning from India.
Lets make one thing very clear, white Australians are not denied return access. Geopolitics as was mentioned in the initiated NEW WORLD ORDER paper, has finally taken root, “u ent sure to come back if you leave”, the USA uses it in a more subtle way, all the same, it is a bitter pill to swallow for any one. As corona-19 continue to elucidate, Death and Displacement is the end zone for most, the new play book reads, we will pick or take who we want, when we want, no more FREE flow, period. Our ancient South Asian cousins have Historically supported white Power, a people endowed with Brains, but no Heart, have continue to enable the Colonial super powers in all Political forms and fashion, England, USA, and Canada are examples that need noting. Today, we are reading and seeing the demise of a people, who enjoy being USED by the SUPER POWERS, and to be exposed when needed be. It’s truly heart wrenching, Biblical proportions , is living in the midst, most are still blinded.
Citizens should never be banned from returning to their home countries. It’s alright to put stricken protocol in place su h as very strict quarantine but home should always be home. Not even Skerrit that banned Chinese from entering Dominica when covid was causing havoc in China. Though I must say born Dominicans had a really hard time running home. That’s why I love the US, because in times of disaster they lookout for their citizens and if it means they have to send the US Navy to get them out, they will do so. No wonder Roosevelt Skerrit had to get rid of Ross University because he and his Chines MOU didn’t want a US presence on island since they knew they could pop in at anytime, with or without notice