‘Build Back Equal’ project launched, aims at economic resilience of women in region

PM Skerrit with regional partners alongside Dr. Cassandra Williams

The Ministry of Health, Wellness and Social Services, in partnership with United Nations (UN) Women and United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), launched the ‘Build Back Equal’ Project in Dominica on Monday.

The project was launched at the Intercontinental Cabrits Resort and Spa.

The project is being implemented in Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines with funding from Global Affairs Canada.

The four-year joint project will contribute to the economic resilience of women in the Eastern Caribbean by addressing the barriers they face to economic empowerment and providing increased sustainable opportunities for growth and independence.

“We all have to play our part in ensuring that we bring to sharp focus that there still remains some degree of inequality,” Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit said. “And sometimes it’s not because of policies or programs, it’s simply because sometimes we overlook them as a society and we need to bring attention to this.”

According to him, as a region, citizens ought to be careful how they react to government’s policies and programs

“When government puts policies and programs in place people call them handouts, not understanding the fundamental justifications for it,” Mr. Skerrit remarked.

He made reference to Dominica’s National Employment Program (NEP).

“And what we have…to do is to target housewives, but to seek to have them employed in the communities where they reside, so that they are able still to be there for their children at crucial times during the day,” Mr. Skerrit explained. “In the effort to end the cycle which exits…”

He asserted that we have to be a more compassionate society.

“If there is no compassion then this program will not bear fruit,” he stated. “If we are doing it just for the record it won’t bear fruit.”

Meantime, Minister of State in the Ministry of Health, Wellness and Social Services, Dr. Cassandra Williams said the Build Back Equal Project will complement the country’s national efforts by taking a comprehensive approach to addressing the barriers women face to economic empowerment and provide increased sustainable opportunities for women’s economic growth.

“Economic empowerment continues to be a key pillar of our work,” she said.

She continued, “Investing in women’s economic empowerment sets a direct path towards gender equality, poverty eradication, elimination of gender-based violence, and inclusive economic growth.”

Dr. Williams pointed out that the project will bring Dominica and the other beneficiary countries closer to the attainment of the sustainable development goals, in particular goal 5 which speaks to unpaid care work and the elimination of gender-based violence and discrimination.

She also mentioned that the government is looking forward to project implementation and engaging with the various implementing agencies to ensure that project results are tangible and benefit the most vulnerable persons, “the poor, the disabled and elderly.”

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  1. Pravda
    June 7, 2023

    I am so sick and tired of Skerrits ongoing stupid talk. In the absence of anything positive for the country, it’s economy and law and order the only thing he has on offer is this nonsense: economic RESILIENCE for women…

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 2
  2. me
    June 7, 2023

    The young men were given portions to smoke and waste their lives away.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 2
  3. If we knew better
    June 7, 2023

    More help again for women. Everything is for woman alone. When will our young boys be targeted for some worthwhile assistance?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 2
    • Channel 1
      June 7, 2023

      @If we knew better – Ah, well done. I observe that you also are paying close attention to these gender equality (cough cough) pronouncements & initiatives.

      There appears to be deliberate, well-orchestrated plans by covert forces to re-engineering the society into operating in a manner that is approved and dictated by their warped ideologies.

      THE TRUTH IS HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT. Stay Alert!!! Stay tuned…

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 2
  4. Channel 1
    June 7, 2023

    Since this latest…..uuuuummmmmm……plan supposedly addresses issues of gender equality (cough cough), I look forward to hearing very soon about the “Build Back Equal program for Men” geared towards improving the economic resilience of men in the region.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 2

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