BUSINESS BYTE: One year on, hundreds of families touched in Digicel’s humanitarian project

A promise keptRoseau, Dominica – Thursday, 20 September 2018.

Hundreds of families have been touched under Digicel’s humanitarian project, one year after the devastation wreaked by Hurricane Maria on the back of a pledge made by Digicel Chairman Denis O’Brien, to help rebuild Dominica.

In addition to the refurbishment of six schools – namely Castle Bruce, Concord, Sineku, Salybia, Atkinson Primary and Lighthouse Christian Academy – on the south east coast housing close to 500 students which will set the children of Dominica on the path to a brighter future, Digicel has now rebuilt a total of 110 new roofs in the south east providing safe and more substantial shelter for families whose homes were severely damaged during the passage of Hurricane Maria.

In addition, on the service side, Digicel is rebuilding its mobile network and has delivered an entirely new state-of-the-art home and entertainment offering with the introduction of “fibre to the home”, a new, more robust technology providing amazing TV quality and content and superfast internet speeds.

Nikima Royer Jno Baptiste, Digicel Dominica CEO commented; “It’s been a tough year but we have so much to be thankful and grateful for – not least, the support of our customers. We promised to help Dominica rebuild – and at Digicel, a promise made is a promise kept. Our commitment to our customers and to the people of Dominica is steadfast and that means rebuilding lives and rebuilding our network and services. We’re looking ahead to the next 12 months with positivity and confidence.”

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1 Comment

  1. Mike maya
    September 24, 2018

    That great however you should fix your service so that paying customers don’t have to waste time waiting for your in and out service. Your advertising is good your sponsorships are good your service sucks.

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