Calypso association wants VAT relief

St. Rose said the gov't has been approached on the VAT matter
St. Rose said the gov’t has been approached on the VAT matter

Calypsonians would greatly benefit if the Dominica Calypso Association (DCA) is relieved of its Value Added Tax (VAT) burden, President of the association, Derrick “De Hunter” St. Rose, has said.

He laments that every year the DCA has to dish out between $60,000 to $70,000 in VAT.

He stated the DCA has considered raising the pay of Calypsonians from the quarter final to the final round, but cash proving to be a ticklish issue.

“It costs a lot of money to even put out a song,” noted. “So we are looking at that closely, we want to increase it but we can only do so when we start making more money or we probably get a tax break from the government.”

St. Rose said the Association has already approached the government on the matter.

“We started talks with the government and we hope to meet sometime soon,” he stated.

He revealed that last year the Association met its target, but 2013 “was really bad,” so bad that the DCA had to source a loan to meet its commitments.

“This year let’s hope that it is better than the other years,” he said.

Meantime, St. Rose is defending the rise in the cost of tickets to the grand final of the Calypso competition which is carded for 14th February, 2015, saying every year “everything goes up.”

“You want to meet your expense. You have to pay the king and the competitors, the band and everybody else,” he said. “We want to make sure that everybody goes home with their pay. So we have to look at this thing closely to make sure that we don’t lose and have to probably go to the bank to take a loan to pay people.”

To his fellow Calypsonians St. Rose had some words of advice for winning the crown.

“You should have the fighting spirit. Dice is good but you work out a way to beat him,” he stated. “So you should have that fighting spirit, you don’t go in there like a guest artiste or you happy to be in the final and you there. You know it costs a lot of money to be in the final, so to come out smiling, you have to be on top.”

Tickets for the calypso final will go on sale on Friday 13th February at 9:00 am. They can be purchased at the Dominica Calypso Association (DCA), Bull’s Eye Pharmacy, and Arturo’s Sports.

Standing tickets cost $80 and the Party Booth $150

Those interested in the party booth tickets will get a chance to win a night for two at one of the following hotels: Rejens Hotel, Portsmouth Beach Hotel, Atlantique View Resort and Spa, Garraway Hotel, Fort Young Hotel, Papillote Wilderness Retreat among others.

At the final there will be guest performances by Lugurz, Young Bull, Chris B, Junior Monarch Irish Kid and other popular performers.

“So the fans can expect something real, real big,” St. Rose said.

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  1. anon
    February 19, 2015

    mem si ou halay, men si ou play way ti VAT sa la i paka chonge

  2. anon
    February 19, 2015

    My Dear Mr. St. Rose. Please stop embarassing yourself. VAT is paid by the patrons of the show and not the Dominica Calypso Association. And besides from what I understand the Association can claim VAT too.

    Get this in your head – if my sister gives me money to give to you, the money was never mine!!So when I give you the government VAT just give it to them and stop being ridiculous.

    February 18, 2015

    hunter, you not asking to take vat on foodstuff, you asking to take it out on carnival shows, which in my view an organized group of greedy sick people.

  4. change is a must
    February 16, 2015

    Hunter but 2 months ago you was on the labour train saying labour ka twavay. you forget is the VAT that making them twavay man. UWP wanted to lower VAT. You didn’t want it. Now you crying. Yo toot fou. Seems you fou too.

  5. eye
    February 16, 2015

    I agree it is time for fresh blood in the association.

  6. tax payer
    February 15, 2015


    STOP giving all you friends complimentary tickets and just maybe u will realise the profits u are looking for……….the # of tickets dished out is just ridiculous……..

  7. Ma Moses
    February 15, 2015

    You had better be careful mr. St. Rose , asking for something like that may invite the IR to make a thorough examination of your real cash flow. Let a sleeping dog be.

  8. Bomboclat
    February 15, 2015

    Stop talking nonsense! Everybody has to pay tax! Your brother in law would say in nonsense you talking!!

  9. hey
    February 14, 2015

    Hunter call your brother Call In

  10. Understanding VAT
    February 14, 2015

    Is the reason you are asking for VAT relief for you to reduce the price of the tickets? There is a consistent miss understanding of the application of VAT on prices. The Calypso Association needs to budget based on their income excluding VAT, VAT put in simplest terms was never part of their income. when you price your event you add the VAT to the price, so the VAT relief means that the ticket price should never have included VAT because its the patrons that are paying VAT not DCA… Should I have paid $69.56 (or something close to that) for my STANDING ticket, because that extra $11 is the VAT that belongs to the government not DCA? Poor business management is the problem facing DCA and other businesses on island more than VAT. The consumer pays the VAT and organizers/businesses are crying that VAT is crippling their business, Business people get it through you thick skulls is not your money.

  11. observer
    February 14, 2015

    The VAT is not the association’s – it’s the government. So price you ticket accordingly. And look at where most of the money goes. Maybe there is wastage somewhere. Over $500,000.00? In addition, you get a cut from Comeseetv. How much are the calypsonians paid for their performance? Without them there would be no show. Who is rigging on hundreds of thousands on the calypsonians?

  12. frank
    February 14, 2015

    Dominica nice boy!!!!!!!!!!!!
    15% VAT OK boy!!!!!!!
    Cause when people bawling about too much VAT on goods and services, others interpret their cry as being against DLP Govt.
    Who in the kitchen feeling the heat. Some prefer to get burnt from the heat than speak, sing, express concerns about too much heat burning. Too much politics in calypso? Well, more and more and more commentaries in calypso about the issues that matter to the people in their everyday lives. Too much VAT? Pockets hurting then?

  13. source
    February 14, 2015

    I’m a tax payer and I want vat relief too. That’s how the rich gets richer and poor gets poorer.

  14. February 14, 2015

    The Country nice Boy, You have come to the right place. VAt SALA PACA SHAGE`.

  15. Tete Morne
    February 14, 2015

    And what about all the cash money you all taking? is that declared to the tax man? In a small country like Dominica you all can build your calypso house but complaining about tax then? Chupes man, pay your tax.

  16. Zbigniew Brzezinski
    February 14, 2015

    Hunter U Foo, that is the same thing UWP was saying, UWP wanted to lower the VAT but u take your self and say Laba Ka Twavay TAKE YOUR BLOWS! :mrgreen:

  17. Mango-Lika
    February 14, 2015

    Kumbaya. Some will always want to be way up front, leaning on the railing and the likes. I think I will enjoy the comfort of the stands for my $80.00

  18. Peter Potter
    February 14, 2015

    What exactly makes you so special that you don’t want to pay VAT?

  19. norma
    February 14, 2015

    Hunter stop your foolishness with yor tax relief and start marketing them calyspo. Dominica is the only country you dont hear their calyspo after carnival. Even your own radio station dont play our local music.

  20. well
    February 13, 2015

    All Im saying the monarch should get more money not that stupid $20,000 every year u all can do much better Its the year 2015

    February 13, 2015

    Will this year be as boring as last year?

    will the Annoying MCs be as boring as last year?

    will the first round be as boring as last year?
    why are the Mc repeating what the other says?

  22. goose and Gander
    February 13, 2015

    I disagree everyone needs to pay their taxes.

  23. point
    February 13, 2015

    Better management of finances is required Mr. Hunter. If the Calypsonians can get a waiver on VAT why should we not abolish vat outright, I mean every body could do with some tax relief to buy that needed pound of dasheen…….

  24. Ba Yo Bwa
    February 13, 2015

    Beginning to conclude that no other place on the planet boasts of more victims than my native Dominica. Everybody, it seems want a break, a freeness, an ease up. Especially from Government. The ugly specter of mendicancy appears to be our preoccupation today. Shaking my head!

    I totally support Government in not acceding to the DCA requests for a tax break.

    On the contrary, what the DCA must commit to doing, for it to properly meet its bills and increase its bottom line is produce, develop and market the highest quality product – calypso music. Those that meet the highest standards demanded by a vibrant market, and that fetch the best price in the industry. That is the simple cure to the DCA’s financial woes.

    Run this thing like a real business, boys. Take the criticisms of Dr Peters et al. Sound the worry that calypso writers, singers and collaborators write songs with local, regional and international appeal. Broaden the scope of consumption of the art form; increase your…

  25. Kaiso...Kaiso
    February 13, 2015

    With an estimated attendance of 8,000 patrons at the Grand Finals @ $80.00 per head, the Calypso Association should rake in a gross of $640,000 00 less a 15% VAT or $96,000.00. Not bad at all for a Toyota stuck in reverse.

    • hmmmm
      February 15, 2015

      And that’s just the finals.they make money elsewhere

  26. Vee
    February 13, 2015

    Did the DCA support the DHTA when their proposal for VAT relief was submitted to the Government? Maybe, they should join voices.

  27. calypso fan
    February 13, 2015

    Hunter, you rubbing shoulders with the DLP Govt, you should make this request directly to the PM. You will get the VAT relief. Or just ask your brother in law to put in a good word for the association. :lol:

    • February 13, 2015

      Hunter you can go directly to the PM and work out something do that for the Art Form and the Calypso Association we know you can do it..

      Maybe the Association should allow the people to come with their own seat but $80.00 is not a high price
      to pay for the best thing Dominica have to offer ” THE CALYPSO SHOWS ” .. to be standing for long hours are not good for the legs
      , We just have to start saving for Carnival early don’t wait to late
      As for the folks from the Diaspora make sure you spend some cash attend all the Events many places around not only in the capital , We say thank you to all those who came in from the diaspora who paid their own passage to come and jump up with us we appreciate that. Every one have a good time…

      • CIA on the Watch
        February 13, 2015

        you tout FOO according to de hynter

    • February 14, 2015

      guys……you all not fedup of letting skerrit think tht nothing can happen in D/ca without him?……all u doh tired of going to leak that child but………? Before skerrit D/ca existed and after him D/ca will continue to exist…….Big men,,,,,,,,,,if u all REALLY ARE……run the calypso like a damp business with financial honesty….let the art form gain some respect for our future generations…thank u

  28. Titiwi
    February 13, 2015

    Is everybody that does not want to pay tax, obviously but St. Rose I would not cry if I were you. If you have to pay that amount of VAT you must have done at least $522,000-$609,000 worth of business. Looks to me that the Association is making the money on the back of struggling calypsonians. Crocodile tears my friend.

  29. kumbaya
    February 13, 2015

    Um wait a minute? $80 for standing or the stands? cause I aint standing for $80

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