Chief Executive Officer of CTrustGlobal in Dubai, Dr. Aly El Dakroury, has been appointed as an advisor by the Government of Dominica.
A press release from CTrustGlobal said the appointment was made on Friday, November 4, 2016.
The release stated that Dakroury will “provide advice and recommendations on all matters in the Middle Eastern Region, that can enhance investments and related development initiatives of the Government of Dominica which will help in forwarding its economic, infrastructural and development programs.”
CTrustGlobal (Caribbean Trust Immigration Services) is described as one of the leading authorized citizenship by investment agents in the whole Middle East and the release stated that over the past the ten years, the company has “produced enormous numbers of citizens by government investment in Dominica.”
The release noted that the company’s services “are guided based on the citizenship rules of the Dominica Government accumulating trust to different clients with different nationalities all over the world.”
The release quoted Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit, as saying the main purpose of Dakroury’s position is not to entice lucrative packages but to enhance the quality of Dominica Citizenship by Investment Program and other corresponding development initiatives of the government.
“It is basically the extensive experience in the field of citizenship by investment and willingness to serve of Dr. Aly El Dakroury that made him suitable to facilitate in the economic, infrastructural and development programs of Dominica,” the release stated. “The primary responsibility for this position is to provide recommendations and advice with regards to the amelioration of the CBIU in the Middle East Region. This may serve as the basis in turning the Commonwealth of Dominica into an exemplary finance, business, manufacturing and investment center.”
The release noted that Skerrit appreciates the sincere commitment of Dakroury in lending his skills and abilities for the improvement of the investment program.
Ctrust the bad agent in dubai. The after sale is very slow and this lady nermeen ask for very high cost i advise people dont dealing with them and dealing with the embassyies of dm in the world if possible
All of you who against the Prime Minister and the program should go and educate yourselves on International and Diplomatic Relations and the Transparency of it in our country. All the other islands are in it and are thriving, those very islands that yall WOW at their infrastructure and way of living. Actually this is a UWP site (If you know what I mean) A bunch of UNITED WICKED PEOPLE trying to incite hate in my beloved country. Just educate yourselves because the Blue getting to your heads.
If labor party remains in office for the next 12 months; I’m relocating to Haiti permanently.
Bumbble Lee, well whoever you are start moving on we in Dominica do not need uneducated reptiles like you lots, while you at it take along crab master Angello Q95, +that enemies of the commonwealth of Dominica, so called Workers Party and piss off.
Dominicans please stop all this lies and nonsense. Put out this Government. Why are you all taking all these blows
I think mr. Skerrit is snookered with the quiet Alick Lawrence the real power behind throne and Dutchman Tony trying to keep within the sphere of influence from the sideline. To keep his position Skerrit must dance to the tune of his piper and if he refuses he is finished, there is always another marionet to take his place and do the bidding of the puppet master. I would not underestimate S.C. Alick at all. Roosevelt Skerrit is in a golden cage of his own making and I have no sympathy for him.
“The primary for this position is to provide recommendations and advice with regards to the amelioration of the CBIU in the Middle East Region. This may serve as the basis in turning the Commonwealth of Dominica into an exemplary finance, business, manufacturing and investment center.”
Brace yourself Dominica – With all of our rugged terrain the “you know who” will find suitable locations for their TRAINNING CAMP. You mean de “Middle Eastern men?” Look dey-bah in Dubai. What puzzles me the most, is that, Dominicans are still hoping in Scare-it’s confusion and not seeking any means to remove de LAZY-BOR PARTY FROM OFFICE.
Another international civil servant being hired by Skerroo , but paid with the Dominican tax dollars. It is time we rise and put a stop to this madness !
Oui bondieu!
Dominican passports have become known worldwide as a tool for the criminal fraternity, albeit not necessarily the bottom rung of criminality either. I am amazed that the program is being called Citizenship By Investment (CBI) when there is no transparency regarding sales, commissions and validity of these transactions. Who exactly is investing in Dominica?
Now imagine a scenario where 50 rich criminal investors decide to live here and due to their financial clout, could totally transform the landscape of this environment. For all we know these people could be Islamic terrorists or Neo-Nazis looking to control a small nation. What is there to really stop them? 70,000 poor, ignorant, semi literate people? With a few dollars it wouldnt be hard to buy consent. This administration is already laying the path
Dominicans need to get rid of begging bowl leaders and start tackling self sufficient strategies to develop their environment. The rich nations doesnt care & Britain isnt bothered.
So Jon will you pay an increase in taxes for us?????
I think you’d be better off asking El Skerro and Dr. Aly El Dakroury to help you out with a rebate next time you get down to the clinic.
Dr dakrori originals from Egypt ? those people need only mony and he will sell himself for money
As a US Citizen I will be making a formal complaint to President Mr. Donald Trump and the new congress and senate to deal with this nonsense. Enough is enough!!!!
why are Dominicans so stupid and detached from reality? why are they allowing this to happen to there country?
DNO, I think the public would appreciate if your journalists could do more research which would assist in giving specific or attempting to give specific metrics/ figures as it relates to the CBI program.
Given the skepticism that seems to surround it, I think it would be beneficial. With such open articles, it allows for too much pawol
a humble suggestion
Good idea mr. Jedi. That is exactly the information we are waiting for the government to provide so that accurate reports can be made. Unfortunately we do not have a freedom of information act so the government can either ignore us, refuse to give such information or tell us simply to “to go to hell, it’s none of your damned business”.
Where DNO going to get CBI metrics and figures for you? Oh…you are one of those in denial? That information is classified. You can try using S-K-E-R-R-I-T as the password if you like. It will not work.
No wonder Parry locked down the hot seat this morning. He knew what was coming so he ran to play defense. He should have gone on politics with Angelo tonight so he could tell us about the new university under the mango tree in Portsmouth that Angelo told us about.
Trump win wee, take no notice of that Angelo, that man is a jackass trying to pull the wool over simpleton workers supporters, asked him one question why did he ran away from the USA.
Those foreigners must be laughing big time at the dumbness of those Leaders willing and dealing to sell our lovely country and everything that are in it.
Explain to me, how comes Cuba will never engage in selling its passports, selling its sovereignty to the highest bidder, although that sister Island has been facing five decades, 50 plus years of a crippling US trade embargo?
The wicked corrupt action by Skerritt and his DLP Gov’t to grab 15 acres of land from our Cabrits National Park and hand that to the foreigner Range development, plus passports to sell top make millions for his hotel is pure MADNESS.
See so many big jobs have been created by Skerritt and his DLP Gov’t for foreigners to make millions in that passport-selling scheme. The majority of our Dominican citizens remain kranana. Diplomatic passports being given to all sorts of people. Dominicans in the dark.
The truth will not even set free those who believe in their own lies.
They are more laughing at us the citizens sitting on our hands and doing nada.
But look kokomackak in DA. The same Ali who is co-owner of that Silver Beach hotel with Alick Lawrence and others still unnamed under the same economic citizenship program The same Ali who became Antigua’s ambassador to Cyprus in 2014. Enjoy yourselves guys. Dominicans are much to blind to see and too daft to figure things out.
Skerrit official mid-east link man.
Note that lucrative investments is not our aim.
This appointment won’t bring us any new investments.
We just setting up a passport selling center/shop in isis territory
Skerrit doesn’t look comfortable!
Humpty Dumpty has bitten more than he can chew!
I’m going to do some research!!!!!!
Eh La gardais letah laytah too-lou-lou sans IQ…..
ALL the people selling passports they are earning monies are they paying taxes to the People of Dominica Tax Reserves.? DNO just a question ,
Not even the proper National Flag (Stars with yellow border) on display much less about CBI….
Have he fired Donald and Lambert. I hope Dr. Dakroury advises Francine how to answer questions relating to the many diplomats holding our passports.
Least we forget when the post of Director or to quote PhD skerrit “head of the CBI unit” was first advertised, the academic requirement was PhD in Economics or it’s equivalent; guess who got the job Nanthan; no wonder skerrit himself who as Min. of Finance holds no academic qualification in that field has to appoint all kinds of people to improve the program.
Gabriel St. Jean one day you must give Skerrit name a break wii!!!!! Skerrit may not have the accademic qualification in that field but take some time out and PLEASE EXAMINE YOUR ALTERNATIVE, THE SHADOW MINISTER OF FINANCE, AND TELL ME WHO IS MOST QUALIFIED!!!!!!!! Just so you know the Shadow Minister of Finance is LENNOX LINTON!!!!!!!
I am convinced that Dominica under under this inept PM, Skerrit is really going down the pit. This man appears to be devious with his utterances and devious attitude to us tax payers. There are a bunch of government ministers I bet who themselves know not what is happening and this announcement comes to them as a shock as it is to us. Well suck all you salt. Only today I heard Parry talking a whole hip of rubbish on Q 95 with Matt. How disgusting who we have running this country like villians and bind bats
Please get rid of Skerrit.
Who paying that salary? Our Tax dollars?
Could it be because I am from Wesley, and do not speak nor understand patios that my comprehension of the English language it different to Skerrit, and the clown seated next to him!
“CEO of CTrustGlobal in Dubai appointed advisor to gov’t of Dominica”
Can Somebody, anybody explain the following to me in reference to the caption: What is the difference in the language?
“Chief Executive Officer of CTrustGlobal in Dubai, Dr. Aly El Dakroury, has been appointed as an advisor by the Government of Dominica.” If my comprehension of the English is correct, according to the caption, it would appear it said somebody in Dubai appointed someone to advise Dominica government, but it seems Skerrit has appointed from Dubai to advise him the one man government, how much is that costing the nation?
Francisco, instead of you talking crap why dont you start looking after your self, you are a sick old man with an illness that could kill you at anytime PM SKERRIT,Didn’t give you any bad blood you got it from your family line, you are no longer Dominican, don’t stay in TX.and slag our country off please get out of our backs you are useless and stupid and can’t do anything to help Dominica.
All you gave de Barroness lady so much hell! But come to think of it, she was right about de SALT.
Take a look at the three in picture and just the picture says a lot. We know about Skerrit and Mano, since they rapidly moved from rags to riches and they don’t want to share their secret with us so we too could turn things around and the third man is lucky enough to find jobs all over the Caribbean where that selling passport. But see how they have their flowers on the table by two Dominica flags. The flowers to me look like a cemetery and the two flags tend to say to me that the two Dominicans have brought Dominica to the grave
I doh calling anybody name eh!
I know but I doh talking eh; but thieves, and corrupt people always shot from rags to riches overnight! When I was a little boy in Wesley dem use to say dem kind of people deal with the devil.
Dem say in Wesley say dem sell their soul to de devil for money oui! These days we know better than that, we have since learn they obtained their wealth by stealing! Now I know but I still doh calling no name eh, sop nobody can sue me for calling them thief!
Although I know but I doh talking, I doh saying nofing eh!
Francisco, you should know about that old boy workers party marigot and Wesley are good at that doesn’t you think?
This piece of information reveals two things about the nature and character of Roosevelt Skerrit:
1. It tells me the man is a coward and CANNOT face nation so it has to take either Angelo or some foreigner to tell us what’s happening. Skerrit just had a so called press release last week and just could not find it in his heart to tell his press that he has a new advisor in the person of Dr. Aly El Dakroury?
2. It tells me that the man …………… that often forgets what he said the last time.
In defense of his secret mission last week, he said that in a nut shell that he could not inform the nation of his secret mission because the rest of the region competing with us and we don’t want them to know our plans. But his CEO is tied in the same programe with Antigua, St. Kitts, Grenada and St. Lucia. It’s like captain of windies is also captain of, England, Australia, India etc. and when facing one of the teams he must pretend not to know weakness of opposing teams.
Just my take, how do one hold a secret and post it on the internet???? SMDFH!!!! YOU PEOPLE MAYBE FOOLISH FROM BIRTH SO YOU ALL HAVE NO CHOICE!!!!
So the Venezuela soos dry up, now is Middle East. OK papa.
Aye las least u could do is use loubiere spring water, you saying invest in Dominica not even our water u promoting.
Nothing will help untill citizenship agents like CCP is in business, all potential citizens will go away
Another adviser again!!! Father in heaven help us
Mr. Skerrit defended the non-disclosure of his recent travel plans on the premise that we have a lot of regional competition with regard to our CBI programme and must not disclose to those competitors what we are up to.
This argument holds no water considering that Dr. Dakroury’s company also represents Grenada, St. Lucia, St. Kitts & Nevis and Antigua & Barbuda in the same business. Dr. Dakroury is also the latter’s ambassador to Cyprus. Last but not least, our own S.C. Alick Lawrence happens to be a director of Dr. Dakroury’s company. So much for mr. Skerrit’s excuse for secrecy. It would appear that Dr. Dakroury has the OECS leaders sewn up, good and proper, with the exception of comrade Gonsalves …at least for the present.
Wow, interesting!
But where the Bajan skerro use to have when he was going China nuh? Now he in the middle east and he have new advisors?
Anyway, PM Dominicans wide asleep. All they interested in is bring each other down and not focusing on the bigger issues that directly affect their future. As a matter of fact they are so not interested in matters of national importance that they crucify anyone who tries to speak on the subject. So, carry on fiddling the damn country, when you have to much – send some for me!!
C’est la nous Mort!!!
Great News, we need “SERIOUS” people to help Dominica and as you all will see, We also have Serious people running the affairs of our beautiful. home and country, DOMINICA
Are you mad, or are you are dumb Dominican. Give me a break, we are in tears with this nonsense. This Pm is a real joke.
True Dominican, you are an idiot!
CTrustGlobal manages citizen by investment programs for the Caribbean and their website says “Your Passport to Freedom Is Just a Click Away.” So there you go. Just a click and someone who needs freedom (presumably from paying taxes) gets to become a Dominican. That’s how highly we value our nation is it ?
Does this mean that Dr. Dakroury has been issued a diplomatic passport? Francine, we are just asking and don’t give us this “none of your business” cold shoulder. Don’t forget it is we the taxpayers of Dominica that pay your salary and expenses.
Well put sir
So Tebe who pays your salary???????