Parbel Enterprises explores bulk water exporting

Bellot is Managing Director of Parbel Enterprises
Bellot is Managing Director of Parbel Enterprises

Parbel Enterprises, under the leadership of Managing Director Parry Bellot, has made a proposal to the government of Dominica and the Organization of the Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) for funding to export bulk water from Dominica to other countries in the region.

Bellot said at a press conference at the Fort Young Hotel on Tuesday, that the first proposal was made to the government in March 2012 for feasibility funding and later circulated to the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) among other organizations, while the most recent proposal was made to the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) on May 27th, 2016.

“Basically we have made a proposal, a proposal that’s outstanding now for three or four years on how Dominica can get serious on taking the initiative of supplying bulk water,” he said.

According to Bellot, plastic bottle, used for exporting water, poses a problem and it’s much more expensive .

“The solution is what we call bulk water; ship it in very large containers or shipping it on a tanker especially designed to carry water,” he stated. “It could be by boat using the containers or a special tanker.”

Bellot said he will be interested in collaborating with other organizations that are willing to come on board.

The idea of exporting bulk water from Dominica is not new. Executive Director of Sisserou Water Inc, Atherton Martin, who has embarked on a similar project told Dominica News Online (DNO) on Wednesday that exporting water from Dominica should be the country’s top priority.

Martin has a licence to export bulk water from Dominica
Martin has a license to export bulk water from Dominica

According to Martin, there is enough water in Dominica to satisfy the needs of several islands but a critical hurdle is the storing of the water in countries receiving it.

He revealed that his company has a few destination markets in mind, however, none of the islands have the capacity to receive and store water.

“The challenge that is being addressed by the destination markets is that they are putting in the capacity to receive and store the water,” he explained. “None of them have the capacity to do that now.”

Martin said Anguilla and Tortola are two countries selected by his company since they have a great water deficit.

“There are other countries in water deficit as well: Antigua, St Kitts, most of the countries north of us but increasingly also countries to the south of us are also in water deficit, like St Lucia, parts of St Vincent.,” Martin said. “Our first target is the islands north because they are in much more severe- they tend to be dryer.”

He stated that his company has been working with and convincing governments in the region, as well as private interests, on the project.

He is of the opinion that Dominica should build water storage capacities in islands in need of water.

“If water is our product for which there is demand, Dominica should build storage in countries in the region to receive Dominica water,” he stated. “It is quite possible for even Dominica to go to Anguilla and say look, we have water, you need water but you don’t have a place to put it, we will invest in building storage facilities which you can eventually take over if you wish…but we can help you to build that now.”

He said that there is room for a partnership to allow the project to be more effective.

Sisserou Water Inc Atherton Martin was granted a license by the government in November 2009 to export billions of gallons of Dominica’s water over a 10-year period.

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  1. Milky Way!
    July 11, 2016

    Dominica is well-known worldwide as a nature resort. What about exporting its clean air?? There must be a market for that. Parry, what do you say?

    • Peg
      July 11, 2016

      ID10t !

      • Dominica is Great
        July 11, 2016

        You think this is a joke? Try educating yourself and see:

        This is Dane Wiggington’s (Geoengineering Watch) masterly account of how our atmosphere is being deliberately poisoned for (possibly) the next (and possibly final) step in life economics.

        Soon it seems, there WILL be a tax on ‘clean air’ and on the weather. Remember, the illuminati work us like monkeys – ‘problem, reaction, solution’. Now we are at the engineered ‘problem’ stage.

        All I am suggesting, is that Parry and his mates consider a business plan for exporting Dominica’s clean air (while it lasts) to countries that do no have clean air – Spain, Slovenia, Ireland, certain parts of China – the list goes on.

        Remember, they laughed at Richard Branson when he started his space travel tourism? Bad example though, they are still laughing – for a good reason!

  2. Milky Way!
    July 10, 2016

    Parbel Enterprises? Isn’t that the same business whose major contribution to the health of our nation has been the concentrated injection of sugar via bello jam into our diet? All that when rising obesity and rampant diabetes in our population focuses on the very same high levels of sugar in our bodies?

  3. lightbulb
    July 10, 2016

    shipping water in bulk is prohibitively expensive.
    until water is priced like oil
    i dont see it happening.

  4. Milky Way!
    July 9, 2016

    Exporting water – a complete joke! Which country in the world is going to rely on a sole, or major supplier of a vital resource??? None in their right mind.

    A better initiative is for Dominica to fund research into desalination of sea water, patent and then sell the technology to countries who need that kind of technology.

    Exporting water is a joke. Sorry lads, find a better way to get money from a government that has milked us dry.

  5. Roseau River
    July 7, 2016

    Would be nice if their business plan and market research were made available to the general public. Private funding (myself included) is likely the path to make this dream a reality.

    • Miami Vice
      July 9, 2016

      There is no business plan…which is one of the KEY faults in both dissertations.

  6. joe hy
    July 7, 2016

    Bellot a nd martin are just talking as usual,if water was this resource from which money could be made,all those major companies operating in europe, africa asia usa latin americca where there are huge rivers would have invested in water production.

  7. Hmmm
    July 7, 2016

    Excellent initiative.

    Nestlé’s president (the world’s largest food company) recently explained that his company’s future and priority will be water on a global scale. They have already invested heavily in the US and even in East Asia. Dominica with its rich natural water ressources is geographically well positioned to be a strong player in this industry in the Caribbean region. If the world’s largest food company has made it a priority, maybe the government should consider re-prioritizing it too.

    Maybe a simple startup solution would be to bottle the water in large 10 gallon jugs (for use in water machines in offices and homes) and then set up a distribution network on the target islands to sell the water to the population through both convenience stores and commercial representatives who target business customers.

  8. Tjebe Fort
    July 7, 2016

    Parry suffering from water on the brain. He wants to go into business but for Govt. to finance him? man, they better give that money to complete the Grotto to help our poor homeless vagrants. Parry, you not in charge,of that also?

    • Dominica is Great
      July 11, 2016

      Parry is not a fool. He knows that private money into such a venture won’t come unless it is sure that if the project fails, significant others (eg., the government of 1) will feel the pain as well.

      But, the project will fail and no one, except the Dominican people, will feel the pain. Why? Because the money the government gives Parry will either be from grants from other countries (‘non-recourse’ loans – funnny :)) or, residual cash from our passport sales after that cash is carved up between its administrators.

    July 7, 2016

    First you would need to stop importing bottled water to the Island. Then only sell water bottled in Dominica to Dominicans. Its also best to export the water as bottled water from Dominica for marketing purposes and financial bottom line. If you export bulk water the importer will bottle the water as theirs and make the profit while Dominica government is putting up the cost to setup the infrastructure in order to send the water to them (importer).

    • Tjebe Fort
      July 7, 2016

      You want to stop bottled water coming in from other Caricom countries, even when that water is cheaper than our own? Better you explain why our own is more expensive than that one from Trinidad, sponsoring our cricket. Is Josehphine Gabriel sponsoring our cricket and their Dowasco, processed water more expensive than the one from Trinidad? Give me a break.

    • Water crazy
      July 7, 2016

      UDOHREADYET, are you aware that Dominica’s bottled water is much more expensive than that of other neighboring countries? Why would anyone from St Kitts for example want to buy our bottled water when a 5 bottle gallon of their own water costs $5.12 and a 3 gallon bottle of Dominica’s water cost over $8.00 locally (may be even more after export)? Doesn’t add up especially when you consider that labour costs are much more in St Kitts. Bulk water may be of interest to them as they are currently experiencing a water deficit as Athie rightly said.

  10. Observer
    July 7, 2016

    Another issue Mr. Martin is not speaking to and one he must be very familiarized with after all those years of holding a license to ship bulk water. There is no country that is prepared to depend on another country for its water security. That is an industry and national security imperative. Thus countries are prepared to spend hundreds of millions of dollars investing in desalination plants in order to avoid depending on another country for this essential life commodity – water. Mr. Martin has to know that. The ocean is always there and the high technology required to convert the saline medium into good quality fresh water exists and can be bought on the open market. I suspect martin did not do the market intelligence research before embarking on his Sisserou Water project. If he did he is not representing the truth in its purest of form. Truth to Power principle is seriously lacking. Or is it directed against one set of people?

  11. Observer
    July 7, 2016

    Please people bear in mind this in mind. “The challenge that is being addressed by the destination markets is that they are putting in the capacity to receive and store the water,” he explained. “None of them have the capacity to do that now.” THEY ARE BUILDING STORAGE CAPACITY. Now read the following. “It is quite possible for even Dominica to go to Anguilla and say look, we have water, you need water but you don’t have a place to put it, we will invest in building storage facilities which you can eventually take over if you wish…but we can help you to build that now.” He just said the countries he has been targeting (northern islands) are building storage facilities. But in a split second he is saying that Dominica can offer to build the facilities. Oh Mr, Martin again! You think all of us are fools – can be easily swayed ith your smooth talk. That is all you have. After almost seven years with a license to ship water, you have not ship out not even a pint of water. But you talking.

    July 6, 2016

    Suggestion to both Parry & Athie.
    Let the cabal use the passport funds to help the island who lack the capacity to build storage facilities instead of squandering it allowing agents to make their commissions. These overnight millioniers can ban together and build the storages and rent them to the islands where they are to be built and in need.

  13. RastarMarn
    July 6, 2016

    NO NO NO NO NO!!!
    Allyou haven’t done enough harm to Dominica already to still come talking this crap!!!
    So you want to tell me private enterprise should profit from Dominica’s natural resource???
    What is wrong with these fellows, if anything form a Nationalized Company to explore such a venture so the whole country can enjoy the profits just as Chavez Nationalized the Oil Companies in Venezuela and kicked out the U.S Cartels,,,
    We have seen how privatization have depleted the resources of Developed Economies creating a system where 1% owns 90% of the wealth so why should Dominica follow in the same footsteps,,,
    Nothing in those plans are set to benefit the inhabitants on Dominica, all these plans are designed to do is line the pockets with free money, of the same folks that have been crippling Dominica’s economy for the past decades,,,
    This is what happens when people have no ties to the Land that bring them nutrients for survival,,,

    • July 7, 2016

      That’s exactly the system that sent the Venezuelan economy through the woodchipper and led to poverty and starvation there. Following that tragic example would be utter madness.

      • RastarMarn
        July 7, 2016

        Don’t speak about a situation you have not seen first hand, the issue with the Venezuelans is that they want the processed foods, commercial commodities, and merchandise from the Untied States for which the Venezuelan government is adamant about not supporting,,,

        There is abundance of food, water clothing, shelter and even electronics on Venezuela but just like Dominicans have fresh fruits to make all their natural juices, but rather import the juices and beverages containing High Fructose Corn Syrup, so to the Venezuelans rather have the commodities and merchandise the US and its allies are trying to force upon them,,,

        Another issue the media may or may not address is that the Venezuelan Government maintains better foreign relationship with the Colombians than that of the US executive branch,,,

        Because the US executive Branch cannot influence the Venezuelans, its media and propagandists are making the Country appear to be falling into shambles,

        Rastar Stand to be…

        July 8, 2016

        The same occurs & continue if /when denizens get involve.
        THEY exploit our resouces moreso our forests
        OUR RIVERS look how they have become since DOMCAN TINBERS BACK IN THE EARLY 70’S.

  14. “According to Martin, there is enough water in Dominica to satisfy the needs of several islands but a critical hurdle is the storing of the water in countries receiving it.”

    Athie your comments in the quote above is not an legitimate excuse at all! Look at it this way; Dominica does not produce oil (gasoline) nevertheless, cars run everyday on gasoline, in Dominica; where does that gasoline come from?

    Be it Venezuela or Russia, somewhere in Dominica there is a storage facility or a bulk storage plant. So why can’t those people on the other islands build water storage plants. The reality is whoever in Dominica, has the license to export the water must own a water carrying Tanker, similar to an oil Tanker, it would be better if you say you cannot afford that.

    Besides the storage facility on the other islands would be built at your expense. What you should be doing is export bottled water, that might be much more affordable to you! Start small and move on to bigger things!

  15. Zandoli
    July 6, 2016

    These businessmen make me laugh. They have big ideas but no money to bring their ideas to market.

  16. Hortus
    July 6, 2016

    ‘Exporting water should be the top priority’ ??? Perhaps if you are a director of a water exporting company. But I would have thought poverty reduction and education are slightly more important than that, Athie. Don’t you think ?

    • Roseau River
      July 7, 2016

      This has the potential to add a new revenue stream to our country, therefore contributing to poverty reduction as well as development.

  17. Tell the Facts
    July 6, 2016

    This sounds feasible. Go for it guys. Get it with it and do not hesitate to set the ball rolling.
    Dominica is blest with water and will never run out of it. This is excellent for generating revenue.
    Dominica has healthy tasting water which is fit for other general uses. It will be costly building a water storage in those countries. However consider the benefit to these countries, supplier and receiver. It will take a collaborate effort to achieve this.
    In time, it could be expanded to other countries that are in need of fresh and healthy water.

  18. Trump
    July 6, 2016

    I do not believe Dominica should invest any money in building storage for other island’s. Water is too much an important, essential commodity that an island with scarcity of that resource not invest in bulk storage on their own. For the first time Athie I disagree with you on that.

  19. July 6, 2016

    The U.S. virgin Islands look like a good market, a great wise man once said the next world war will not be about oil it will be for water, so can we get on the job dominica.

    July 6, 2016

    Martin, are you for real or just want to take away shame from your eyes?

    • %
      July 7, 2016

      What shame does Martin have to get rid off? He has not been the one leading the country for the past 17 years..That’s why i call you both wicked and idiot…A gang of clowns has been leading this country and that’s our predicament that will haunt us for years to come…People who lie,steal and cheat cannot lead..People who tell buffoons like you to call members of the opposition traitor cannot lead,people who give untendered projects to their handlers cannot lead,people under whose watch hospitals are closing down cannot lead…GO BUY A BOOK AND PENCIL and go to night school!!!

  21. Benette Paul
    July 6, 2016

    Boi look two big men that lime to talk sort. Ifninhad seen one line that said that there are countries who have giving a committment i would feel more comfortable. People in the region needs to be serious and there should be a blan in place to pipe water to those countries with at massive storeage bulk i each. It is a shame that Dominica have so many gallons of good water flowing to the sea every second and none if tbese jackasses in the region saw it fit to pipe water to i e and all. Water from Domini a should be flowing lime oil from iraq. Parry is an ass n Athie better make a toilet paper factory so he can wipe his friend

  22. Shaka Zulu
    July 6, 2016

    Great idea long overdue. But too many hurdles. Once them government involved is pure bureaucracy. Unless them politicians and thier families not directly benefiting these things get no where. Meanwhile those ole farts talking about brexit. Since 2009!!!! These are the things they need to use to show they serious about Caribbean unity.

  23. 1979 is now #stop the fliping hypocrisy!!
    July 6, 2016

    these are two men that I have always admired, Mr. Martin might not remember me coming to his office for information to compile my high school sba, I believe the topic was copper mining and its feasibility in a country like ours, we used case studies like Papua new guinea and arsenic poisoning and contamination of water supplies and live stock there.. And Mr. Bellot, though I have been a strong critic of his perspectives at times, I admire his tenacity as an entrepreneur and business man. this idea like many others are commendable and highly feasible at such a crucial point in time. If a man does not invest in his home what will he have in the end?? If we do not capitalize on this very vital resource and lay a framework and policies to protect this, we my well become like other war torn places where the locals become displaced while others make billions on these resources, standing on the defense of globalization etc etc why do we cling unto darkness when enlightenment awaits..

  24. Favoured
    July 6, 2016

    Those two well meet. But what happen to Mr. Productivity nub. He entered with a ban and just fade away n now,he coming swimming in bulk water. Haha. One thing Parry nobody can’t say you not trying eh pal.

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