CambioNet: a project to build a new agriculture together in the Caribbean/Amazonia zone

AACARI and INRAE are organising a week of workshops around the Living Lab of the Commonwealth of Dominica, on the theme of: “Climate-smart agriculture and water management”, from September 4 to 7, 2023.

One of the objectives of the CambioNet project in the Commonwealth of Dominica is to accelerate innovation in the
agricultural sector by supporting local players using the Living Lab approach.

Farmers, agro-processors, and all agricultural institutions are invited to find out more about the Living Lab approach
being implemented with representatives of the AACARI network throughout the Dominican Republic.

This approach, initiated simultaneously in various Caribbean/Amazonian countries, is innovative in the agricultural
sector of our countries and territories.

As part of the Interreg CambioNet project, the Commonwealth of Dominica has been chosen as the focal point for the
OECS zone, with the aim of developing methodologies that can be disseminated throughout the Caribbean islands,
and thus relay promising innovations implemented on farms on a large scale.

The Commonwealth of Dominica is contributing more specifically to the adaptation of agricultural activity to climate
change by focusing on the management of water resources.

Particular attention is paid to contextual analysis, in particular with the players involved in implementing public policies, taking account of the structural characteristics of the region’s agricultural activity and the resulting dynamics. The methodologies developed therefore draw on the thinking and expertise of those involved in the production and/or marketing of agricultural products in a context of agro-ecological transition for our farming systems.

The CambioNet project is also interested in individual innovative initiatives that contribute to the transition and
economic development of our territories. To this end, on 21 August, the project partners launched a call for
expressions of interest, the “CambioNet StartUps Challenge” which aims to boost start-up projects in the fields of
agroecology and the bioeconomy. The deadline for applications is September 9, 2023.

More information on the project website: CambioNET – Startup Challenge (

Programme: to be completed

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About – AACARI – Agriculture Alliance of the Caribbean
CambioNET – Home page (

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  1. Let's Face It
    September 5, 2023

    If these NGOs are not mentioning nor recommending combines and other heavy equipment that revolutionizes agro production, they are typical pushers of cutlass, hoe, pickaxe to supplement sales for their big huge companies.
    These equipment have been deliberately kept out of your homeland Africa so that they won’t be able to feed themselves. You cannot do agriculture with a cutlass anymore, don’t settle for less as it has never been worth the cost and you still can’t afford even what you grow. Too much empty “aid” It’s tricky. Be wary, it’s 2023.

    • We Know Better
      September 7, 2023

      Real conscious comment most of us too busy with life itself to figure.

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