CARICOM: Happy 45th independence anniversary Dominica

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has congratulated Dominica on its Forty-Fifth Anniversary of Independence which it celebrates on Friday 3 November 2023. Secretary-General Dr Carla N Barnett sent a congratulatory message to the Prime Minister of Dominica Hon Roosevelt Skerrit.

“Honourable Prime Minister, It is my distinct pleasure, on behalf of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM),
to extend to the Government and People of the Commonwealth of Dominica, warmest congratulations as you celebrate the country’s Forty-Fifth Anniversary of Independence under the theme, “Anou Selebwe”.

The theme underscores the enduring and impressive strength, and unity of the People of Dominica, as you come together to reflect and acknowledge, with pride, the many achievements and momentous strides made since Independence. The rich heritage, culture, industry, and democratic institutions have all served to advance national development in the Commonwealth of Dominica.

Honourable Prime Minister, the Commonwealth of Dominica has played a lead role in advancing the Community’s Agenda and promoting regional integration. The Commonwealth of Dominica also remains a consistent and dedicated advocate for the Community.

I am confident that the bonds of friendship, dialogue and cooperation forged between the Commonwealth of Dominica and the rest of the Community will continue to advance the Region towards realising our collective objectives. Prime Minister, as Dominicans celebrate this Forty-Fifth Anniversary of Independence, CARICOM extends wishes for continued success, peace and stability, as you forge ahead with optimism towards a prosperous future.”

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1 Comment

  1. Waiting For Airport
    November 3, 2023

    We independent but cannot afford pavements in our main capital, we independent but cannot legalise weed unless Europeans/American give us permission, we independent but Chinese slowly taking over our land for themselves, we independent but all our bright youth migrating to make money, we independent but have to sell our sovereignty so one man can become a billionaire while everybody else poor, we independent but our ladies making so much bom that our bouyon artist making Dominica popular for it, we independent but cannot figure out how to monetise our natural resources so we can stop beg china/europe etc, We independent but have the worst air access in the world while our PM fool us with the illusion of an airport, in fact, lemme stop bring down di country

    Happy Independence

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