This video shows a small group of people protesting the establishment of a concrete plant in the north of Dominica. They claim it will affect human and marine health in the area. Interestingly, while all of the protesters at the forefront of this demonstration may be Dominican citizens, many of them do not appear to be natural-born Dominicans. So, where are the natural-born Dominicans, particularly the residents of the area ? Why aren’t more of us involved in this protest action?
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This one is kind of tough. And I’m here trying to decide because I fully understand the importance of protecting our natural resources because this is what makes us Dominica. However, I also understand the importance of production and manufacturing to a country’s GDP (specifically in terms of income and productivity). So I’m looking at it from all perspective and hoping that there is a way to run this project to benefit the people in the area without it having a negative effect on the environment.
Skerrit thinks Dominicans have amnesia. Just ‘yesterday’ at the airport, he gloated over his useless doctorate, He declared that he was being rewarded because of his excellent treatment of Mother Earth. If you follow this man’s logic, building a cement plant in an environmentally sensitive location, is acceptable. This is exactly what you get when the citizens remain reticent when the government commits abuses and excesses. This regime manufactures no products for export but are superb at manufacturing crises in the country.
You call this empathy see who is protesting not on black person in the pick. Looks fake, you all think they love Dominica I don’t think so.
All these people we are selling passports to and not being black. Let Skerrit go and tell them they are not Dominican then.
apathy: lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
You black people are a fallen lost enslaved race, therefore you stand for nothing, even when it’s affecting you! You sell your souls to the lowest bidder and don’t even know that being fooled in the name of political parties! Therefore,it has to take those who are from the outside to see what you are blinded to! Your one-man rogue regime prime mistake built a petrol storage tank next to a river and you all closed your head and bow your eyes! Where is petro caribe now!
Yes those people love the Nature Isle more than you dumb ones who’s doped and drunken and only knows how to wind waist naked in the streets! They love the island this is why they chose to live there and decide to protect it from you lost/lust souls!
So because of the color of their skin they’re not Dominicans? And here i thought black people couldn’t be racist.
Most Dominicans are simpletons. They lack sophistication. They are quite happy with mediocrity and their standard of living, which is very low even by Caribbean standards AND IS GETTING LOWER.
You hit the nail right on the head!
Where should we put it? This protest is is just saying to put it anywhere else but not in my backyard. There is no place in Dominica that a concrete plan can operate without it having a negative effect on the environment.
The ministry of Tourism and the government esp our Dr Dr PM talk about nature nature nature resilence, environmental welfare but see this! Dominicans if this does not wake you up to the LIES of the present administration lets just stop having elections.
You are precisely on point. After seeing the ‘last placed’ state of the country, after being fooled so many times by a serial lying PM, after no transparency and accountability for the PetroCaribe $1000 000 000, how can anyone with even an iota of common sense consider this man and his ‘do nothing’ Cabinet colleagues for reelection. This defies human comprehension.
Dominicans for the last 18 years have watched this man become filthy rich from a civil servant salary, while the rest of the country slides into unprecedented poverty. For what reason do you want this nakedly corrupt character to be at the helm of your government? I’m completely baffled.
That’s what happens when people are free and do not depend on handout. They don’t have to go to the Red Clinic, they don’t have to depend on Skerrit for a $100 to pay a bill and they don’t have to depend on government for a roof, galvanize or plywood. Such is not the case with the majority of us so we dear not protest! That’s why Skerrit destroying all our financial arms to ensure we come to him for everything
And you wonder why Dominica is the way it is?
Firstly: Explain Natural-born Dominicans? How are you to know who was born in Dominica? Are we now a racist country? We want the whole world to know of us, invest in us, help us when we’re battered by Hurricane, as long as they don’t dare call themselves Dominicans?
Secondly: Why the talk of Skerrit, government and Chinese? Are you so blinded and dumb by politics that you can’t read, or comprehend one article without referencing it to the Government?
Lastly: Bough Citizenship or not, if they have a right to be in Dominica, then they have a right to democratic and peaceful protest as anyone else. The hypocrisy of our people is unreal. There are perhaps double if not triple the amount of Dominicans abroad in various countries around the world, who fully partake in the internal affairs of such countries, yet we deny the same to others in Dominica?
Bro I’m pretty sure with those heavy foreign accents and the fact that they are obviously of Caucasian descent in contrast to oh say about 99% of the population I think it’s perfectly fair to say “many of them do not appear to be natural-born Dominicans”. Notice the article said “appear”. You would think using such a vague term would stave off the race triggering. I can’t believe we even have people being triggered about race on a Dominican forum.
Sad. Although these guys just don’t want the concrete plant on their doorstep. They are not saying “don’t build it”; they are saying “don’t build it here!”. They know a concrete plant will devalue their houses and so they want it built somewhere else on the island. Its scary that DAPM is so in with the Chinese, who are exploiting so many countries.
Where there is no vision the people, plants and animals suffer. Common sense is not so common with this current administration. There is no proper planning. Everything is done haphazardly. There’s no appreciation for the environment and little concern for people’s health. I find native Dominicans to be too docile, submissive, lethargic and apathetic. If you don’t agitate and fight for your democratic rights, one day you will wake up and they will be all gone. You see, every day, politicians erode more and more of your democratic and constitutional rights. Say nothing and they (politicians) get bolder and bolder.
Get off your derriere and stand up for your rights.
white people wants change everywhere they go. they want the new home they choose to leave in to look just like where they came from and then to control. then they will tell you do not pass on my lawn, you cannot go on this beach anymore that’s my land.
Wow…. So you rather the plant destroy marine life? Never have I seen such a dumb comment at this level before…
Boy let me tell you, it is people like you that give our black people a bad name.
Well the good news is this concrete plant to the best of my knowledge does not belong to Roosevelt Skerrit or any of his known associates, although I am not sure about the facts of it. But if it’s not Skerrits’ or his associates this protest might be fruitfu and it will soon be gone. But that’s not a good sign for the Chinese that are getting ready to take over Possie and therefore the protestors above might still be forced out of the country because Skerrit will not want them to inspire others to protest against what troubles them
I was not “born here” but I have known and loved Dominica since 1974. For the last fourteen years the island has been my only home and place of work. I have always maintained that Dominica has the natural resources, both human and physical, to leave the rest of the region standing. However, I confess that I am saddened at the route we are presently taking.
While you are not a natural born Dominican, you have spent more time in Dominica than I have (a natural born Dominican). You are very much as Dominican as I am.
Where is the exact location – this was not reported.
Google map is not up to date so it does not show the construction site, but the exact location (Lat: 15.561016, Long: -61.458539) is between Moo Cow Trail and Picard River:,-61.4583278,209m/data=!3m1!1e3
Information on the project can be obtained from Physical Planning Division
Address: 3 Charles Avenue, Goodwill, Commonwealth of Dominica
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (767) 266 3751 / 3752 / 3771
“many of them do not appear to be natural-born Dominicans.”
The reality is they may not be natural born Dominicans, however; I assume they are Dominicans by bought citizenship, and if that is the case they have every right as a Dominica born, since once citizenship granted, or bought cannot be revoked, or taken away!
This might be the dawning of a new day in Dominica; we do not know how many passports were sold. For all we know there could be much more foreign born people with bought citizenship, who will come along and help rid the country of Roosevelt and his cabal.
Hopefully, they will not see red or blue; but rather their health, and the welfare of the place they now call home! The revolution that I call for might come though not a bloodshed revolution. Instead it will come through protest such as this, and the more intelligent people going to the poles on election day and vote their conscience, removing Roosevelt out of office!
The climate resilient prime minister does not seem to care much about the environment. I wonder how much he made from this project to look the other way.