Christmas message, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit

Fellow Dominicans,

I warmly and gladly embrace the opportunity to wish you a blessed and happy Christmas, fully aware that the challenges of our times can be a cause of anxiety for many, not only here at home, but in many countries of the world.

The Christmas carol that elevates Christmas to being “the most wonderful time of the year”, conveys the message that at this time, people put aside whatever differences they may have that tend to stifle their engagement and interaction with others and make a genuine effort to reach out and bring comfort, reassurance and hope to each other, and particularly to the less fortunate, who daily live lives of quiet desperation.

Our Judeo-Christian tradition teaches us that what we celebrate at this time of the year, is the fulfillment of God’s plan for mankind by sending His son, Jesus the Christ, in the form of man, in order to teach a new way of living and thus, bring salvation to humankind. It was the infusion of hope into the lives of a people “who lived in darkness” and who had begun to believe that God had abandoned them. Christ then, is God’s supreme gift to mankind as a demonstration of his love for us.

Our traditional celebration of Christmas reflects a joyful re-expression of our belief that we are all family in God. We go out of the way to reconnect with family members, give gifts, especially to the poor and the needy; visit the sick and the infirm; exchange Christmas cards and look forward to remembering and celebrating the birth of Christ in our churches.

Many of you my friends, have probably been caught up in the frantic buying of gifts, and may have found the enticing hire purchase deals irresistible. My word to you is that you should spend your limited resources wisely so that come January, your current joy is not replaced with surprise, uncertainty or regret when the bills for repayment begin to reach you.

Valuable as material gifts may be, there are many intangible gifts for which there is a hunger in our society today as we seek to carve out a zone for progress and happiness for ourselves. We are slowly losing respect for each other, many are abdicating their responsibility to family, employer and the wider society; discipline, tolerance, patience and self-control are cynically referred to as virtues of the past, no longer relevant to an electronic age where instant gratification is just one click away.

I join all those who call for a re-injection of Christ into Christmas. His, was an example of self-less service, persistence in the face of adversity, wisdom in resolving human issues, humility when subjected to ridicule, and surrender to the inevitable in order to complete his mission. These may all seem a tall order for us, but all it takes is a decision to begin to try. Recall that all those who seriously encountered Christ had their lives transformed for the better. Try giving yourself a Christmas gift by pledging a more spirited and determined encounter with the one whose birth you celebrate.

You have given to those of us in government and in our parliament, the responsibility to lead, direct and control the affairs of Dominica. My Christmas promise to you is that the government I lead will spare no effort in continuing to assist the needy in meeting their housing needs, in making health care more affordable, in making education more accessible to students of all ages, in reducing the cost of living and in transforming the economic landscape of our country so that those who are able and willing to work can obtain a suitable job.

In turn, all I ask of you this Christmas is to play your part and to adopt the attitudes and qualities I referred to earlier.

May your Christmas be peaceful, family centered, satisfying in works

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  1. Woodfordhill
    December 26, 2012

    Love you p.m so much ,you working ,thanks you for every thing you doing in Dominica oh boy,keep up the good work my p m to the world,365,thank God for you p.m, may the sun shine on your beautiful face,God bless you p.m ,you have so much love for people and country!

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  2. Erasmus B. Black
    December 26, 2012

    And can it be…

    Does anybody know the difference between Politicians and Evangelists in Dominica today? How can we talk about peace and stability to the extent of even having an Evangelist as the Godfather in the renaming of a volcanic peak as “peace” and then do things inimical to peace?

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  3. Reader
    December 26, 2012

    Great message Hon. Prime Minister (perhaps your best one yet)! I wish you a merry Christmas and a bright and blessed new year.

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  4. jlowa
    December 26, 2012

    Mr PM thanks for the thoughtful message it was well said and merry christmas to you and you family. message well said think about the true meaning of christmas

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  5. Uncle Sam
    December 26, 2012

    … The Prime Minniister’s message could only generate FIVE responses “??????? .”The King Is Dead , Long LIVED The King “!

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  6. The crocodile
    December 25, 2012


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  7. December 25, 2012

    Your opening statement could not be more correct.

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  8. great
    December 25, 2012

    Very good message

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  9. I'm not a pagan!
    December 25, 2012

    :oops: :twisted: :mrgreen: :?: I didn’t read this message of pretense and hypocrisy,which is just a tradition of so-called nice and good words without any genuine spiritual foundation at this time of year!What we need you to do is act,behave and live as a genuine man of GOD throughout the years of your life and as a man who holds the reigns of power,authority and leadership over the island as a servant of the people to do justice and equality to all the population.If you do really mean what you read out to the people,repent and retract all the ills you’ve done to the island ………………………start with a clean heart and mind,then we’ll forgive you and you’ll be fre from all the judgement that is supposed to be meted out to you! :oops: :twisted: :mrgreen: :?:

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  10. Dminica
    December 25, 2012

    Thank-you, minister. :lol:

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  11. December 25, 2012

    The entrance of Jesus Christ, into the world, whenever was the date and day that this entrance took place, it does inspired the source of the Living Hope in man’s mind, which is Eternal Life in the Presence of our Holy God.

    We must enter that hope and to practice it ways of Life, which is of Spirit and Truth, until God’s appointed day when we will stand face to face in His presence, through Jesus Christ.

    However we do not have that precious gift of Life, unless we have believed, received, and conceived the seed of Life–the Love which is of Jesus Christ in Spirit and Truth. At its birth, this Love quickens the soul to rise to the brilliance of Light—the filling of Life in us. We must be born, that we might live and grow—so it is for Spiritual Life in Love.

    Celebrating Christmas with Jesus in mind, meaning His birth, would mean nothing to us, if we do not understand what He did on the cross on our behalf. For it is only when we have understood this “Truth” that we will truly turn to God by faith, for the Salvation and reconciliation that is in His only begotten Son, the Man whom we have heard to be Jesus Christ.

    “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law and the Prophets; I did not come to destroy but to fulfill” Matthew 5: 17

    Those are the words of Jesus to His disciples. He is telling us that He had come to “obey” (fulfill) the works of the Laws that man could not obey to the “satisfaction” of the Holy God; and they could not understand the message of Life, which the prophets spoke to them from God Almighty, by the Power of Holy Spirit—the reason the law had brought them death.

    Jesus is the ransom for our inability of obedience and unless we accept that truth for our sake, we are still guilty of sin and is separated from the Holiness of God, who is of Love in Spirit and Truth.

    “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; no man can come to the Father but by Me”; says Jesus Christ at John 14: 6

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    • December 25, 2012

      Oh by the way, Merry Christmas to You, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit and to all your men and women of office.

      The same is for you commentators, whether you like me or you don’t. Have a special day of food and drinks, or gift sharing today, but remember that Christmas is every day, to love God and each other, as you love yourself–if we must include Jesus in the menu.

      Blessings to all of you–wherever you are now!

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  12. Truth
    December 25, 2012

    What a great message.

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  13. Lougaoo Mem
    December 25, 2012

    Here comes an other Christmas, wish it was the same prior to “FIRE BOMBING OF THE HONORABLE GON EMMANUEL”. But it’s not… Therefore, regardless of the speeches and fancy words read to the nation, the country will never be united unless each and every perpetrator of this heinous crime is prosecuted. MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR to each and everyone on the island! And, let’s not forget Mr. & Mrs. Gon Emmanuel in our prayers. May God bless you, and our beautiful D/ca.

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  14. Seminole Ave
    December 25, 2012

    Wonder if her really means read!

    Do Leaders have a Heart of warmth and caring, Or a Heart of Greedy and Lies…

    May God help them!

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  15. Merecedes
    December 25, 2012

    A noteworthy message, Prime Minister.

    Let LOVE rule our lives in 2013!

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  16. bee
    December 25, 2012

    PM merry Christmas to you too. God’s blessings throughtout the new year.

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  17. Referee
    December 25, 2012

    I hate to rain on your parade, Mr. Prime Minister, but I cannot let this Christmas pass and not remind you that it was on Christmas morning 2010 that one of the most despicable crimes was committed against a senior citizen and a former magistrate when his house was fire bombed and you remained silent.
    So your Christmas message is empty and meaningless. You say one thing but your heart hides the deceipt, the cunning and the ungodly machinations that characterize your regime.
    There is no love in your heart, Mr. Prime Minister, and you know it!

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