COMMENTARY: Kalinago Territory Housing Scandal – EDF/11/SRBC/WRK/8

Anthony Leblanc, BCAD president

On 28th May 2021, the government of DOMINICA received tenders from five (5) contractors, invited in what the National Authorising Officer (NAO) of the European Development Fund cites as a negotiated [tender] procedure, for the construction of fifty (50) houses in the Kalinago Territory grouped in six (6) lots.

In an article dated 6th June 2021[1], Prime Minister Skerrit took ownership of the process stating, ““We got some monies from the European Union and as Minister of Finance, as Prime Minister, I am responsible for indicating along with the European Union, how we spend that money and where these monies are allocated for,” Skerrit said. “I decided … [that] I want all of the money spent in the Kalinago Territory and that is how we are getting the 50 homes in the Kalinago Territory for Kalinago brothers and sisters.””

DNO goes on to indicate, “The Prime Minister revealed that the contract has gone out to tender and the bids should be in and hopes that a contract can be awarded “in the next few days.” Construction works are expected to begin in July 2021.”

There are many interesting things about this tender that was actually “out” since April 2021.  (1) There was a previous tender properly undertaken under the rules to the European Commission which returned tender on the 24th July 2020. (2) The Government of the Commonwealth of DOMINICA through the NAO, attempted to secretly invite contractors to bid on this second round, (3) None of the three local contractors who formed the joint venture, which was positioned to be   awarded at least 3 of the lots in the first round of 24th July 2020, were invited and were refused documents for Round 2. (4) The procurement rules under the Public Procurement & Contract Administration Act #11 of 2012 (PP&CA Act #11 of 2012), which are still in force, were totally ignored.  (5) The Delegation of the European Union in Barbados seems quite conformable that funds from the European Union are being used in a procurement process that is engaged outside the national law and riddled with irregular and discriminatory practices.


  • Round 1 – The First tender for 50 Houses in the Kalinago Territory

This tender was conducted under the PRAG rules of the European Union and yielded returns on 24th July 2020 from five tenders, F& C Construction, NH International (NHI), CEI Ltd, Argos and ACE-JARS -STEWCO (2020) JV.  The results and analysis are presented in Table 1 and 1.1 below.   A few things are clear:

  1. That if all contractors met the post-qualification requirements for the respective lots, and appropriate discounts offered applied, the best possible award would be for a total of EC$ 26,643,253.94, VAT inclusive.
  2. ACE-JARS -STEWCO (2020) JV would be awarded lots 1,2 & 5, F&C C Lot 3, NHI lot 5 and Argos Lot 6.
  3. That NHI and CEI Ltd were on the average $1.25 M (38% higher) and $2.0 M (57% higher) respectively, than the two indigenously local contractors.

This event was cancelled because the total tender amount that could be awarded – pre-VAT of EC$23,168,046.90 – was cited as beyond the funding provided by the European Union.   It is interesting that the government and NAO had the option to negotiate with the contractors and did not do so.  One of the opportunities for negotiation was to reduce the scope of works, for example, reducing by deleting the accesses as was done for Round 2.  Another option was to inject funds from other sources, or proceed with fewer houses or lots in the first instant, allowing a second round for the balance, given that the Kalinago people had a critical need for housing post-Hurricane Maria in keeping with government reports that this part of Dominica suffered the hardest hit in terms of housing.[2]


  • The Secret Nature of Round 2 Tender – 28th May 2021 – and inherent discriminatory practices.

The NAO office administered the 2nd round of tenders in a clandestine manner, choosing not to publish the event or invite all the previous tenderers of Round 1, or more accurately deliberately denying the opportunity of three local contractors who formed the ACE-JARS-STEWCO (2020) JV to tender[3].  In fact, while the NAO refused opportunities to those who provided the economically most advantageous tender on at least three (3) of the six (6) lots, at the same time, the NAO sought the help of other government departments to find “suitable” tenderers.  Of those sought, at least one admitted that it could not meet the post-qualification criteria and did not submit tender, and it is questionable if any of the others, besides NHI, could meet the requirements for more than one (1) of the six (6) lots.   Published using the EU tender documents, the NAO called it a “negotiated procedure” – the definition of which is still being withheld – yet it had all the hallmarks of irregular and discriminatory practices that has been used to shut-out productive private sector entities from State-control or financed procurement events for goods, works and services.  The NAO did not respond to our follow-up email of 17th May 2021.

The only known difference in the scope between Round 1 & 2 is the removal of accesses and movement of one house from one lot to another.  The results of the 28th May 2021 submission and analysis is presented in Table 2 & 2.1 below.   A few things are clear:

  1. That NHI and F&C C were the only two tenderers who participated in both rounds, however F&C C submitted for Lot 3 in Round 1 and Lot 1 in Round 2.
  2. The difference in NHI prices per lot in Round 1 & 2 were on the average less than 2%, 1-5%, and less than 1% on the total tender sum without discounts for the two submissions a 10 months apart.
  3. That if all contractors met the post- qualification requirements for the respective lots[4], and appropriate discounts offered applied, the best possible award would be for a total of EC$ 27,290,739.35, VAT inclusive – approximately EC$ 647,500 more than the result of Round 1 – 10 months ago – 24 July 2020.
  4. If ACE-JARS -STEWCO (2020) JV had been invited and submitted tenders for the same lots as in Round 1, with prices within the margin of change of NHI (practically same pricing for a competitive event) and the accesses of Round 1 were removed in the pricing, then the best possible award would be for a total of EC$ 23,342,161.82, VAT inclusive over $3M less than the result of Round 1 – 10 months ago – 24 July 2020.
  5. The Government plans to award contracts[5] above the initial budget allocation and at least 12.4% more than it would have on the face value of the tenders of 24th July 2020 which was for a large scope of works.

The Prime Minister and Minister of Finance is on record as saying, understandably with some level of advice after analysis of tenders, Construction works are expected to begin in July 2021[6] DOMINICA, it appears, to be suffering from mismanagement of external financing given to us through budget support, seemly as because the arch-goal of our development strategy is not in sync with our funding and financing agreements.   Other arch-goals seem to be at play which appear to deliver the following: (1) the effecting of corrupt payoffs through a complex system of irregular and discriminatory procurement practices, and (2) the denial of opportunity for participation and growth of those entities who have openly refused to participate in these illicit and corrupt practices.

  • The procurement rules under the 2012 Procurement Act, which are still in force, were set aside.

Section 33 (1) of the PP&CA Act #11 of 2012 mandates that, “A procuring entity shall procure goods, services or works by — (a) the open competitive bidding procedure; or (b) any restricted bidding procedure.”

Section 34 (1) provides that the normal method of procurement is open competitive bidding and prohibits discrimination against any bidder or groups of bidders[7].  Of course, in order to manipulate the situation and facilitate the private objects of persons in the current administration, the regulations and threshold required under section 34 (2) (a) have never been passed!  Nevertheless, the section states this important inexcusable preface: Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), a procuring entity shall use the open competitive bidding procedure where –”.

None of the reasons provided for under Section 33 (3) [8] which would justify a procurement entity, the NAO delegated by the Financial Secretary in that case, to use a restricted bidding procedure could be reasonably cited as having existed.  (a) There was a first round which provided competitive bids from five contractors – the reason for cancelling was that the scope did not match the budget.  The second round showed that only marginal price reduction was obtained through the scope reduction (NHI 2021 vs NHI 2020).  (b) The value of the works are significant and therefore open competitive methods would normally give the best market value result. (c) Intrinsic in both rounds is a qualification process, few bidders will submit bids if they are aware that they are expressively not qualified to win a contract, as was seen by those who were invited for Round 2 but did not submit bids, and the limited number who submitted on the open procedure of Round 1. (d) The Current Administration and the Procurement Board has failed, after 6 years, (i) to compile the required lists under Section 10(1), or (ii) put any threshold or regulations in place, presumably making it easier for the unscrupulous to manipulate the process.

Section 41 (1)[9] to (4) of the PP&CA Act #11 of 2012 prescribes that a procuring entity, in this case the Financial Secretary’s office through the NAO, shall advertise all procurement opportunities except those related to national defense or national security or propriety information from single source restricted procurement.  This means even restricted bidding procedures ought to be elaborately and appropriately advertised.   It is no wonder that the current administration after illegally behaving in a way that proports to administratively repeal an act of parliament, moves to replace it with a shadow-of-a-skeleton excuse of a procurement bill 2021.

The Government of Dominica was made to enact the PP& CA Act #11 of 2012 as a precondition to obtaining financing through budget support by entities such as the European Union whose interest are managed by its delegations, such as the Delegation of European Union for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean.   However, since the PP& CA Act #11 of 2012 came into force in January 2015, the facilitation of discriminatory and irregular procurement practices in public procurement events have been the norm, have been even more openly displayed, and have grown!

  • The Delegation of the European Union in Barbados 

By phone and email of 17th May 2021, we made a complaint to the Delegation of the European Union in Barbados saying that “We feel aggrieved that having shown interest in the first call, and submitted tenders, we are denied an opportunity for the second call of a cancelled tender process.   We are also very concerned about the transparency of the procedure and the practice of non-response by the NAO to our correspondence.”

In its first response, the Delegation sated as follows:

“With reference to your email, the EU Delegation regrets to inform you that it is not in the position to provide a direct response to this file, as this procedure is outside its scope of responsibility.

As a matter of fact, the procurement is directly managed by the Government of Dominica, while the involvement of the European Union is limited to a budget support operation.”[10]

Pressed further, with pointed concerns, the Delegation responded[11] from a higher level in a diplomatic way saying it is not their business.  This response points to the reality that DOMINICA cannot solve its issues relying on outside help, whether it be marked deficiencies in education and training, inequity and discriminatory practices in access to public services and assistance, irregularities in public procurement or the greater issues of accounting for revenue that is not placed in the consolidated funds.

The declarations of the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance as published on 6th June 2021[12], leave no doubt about whether or not the European Union grant funds are earmarked to be utilized in this housing project.

But in whatever way the EU Delegation in Barbados wants to compartmentalize the issues cited, the following are glaring issues, and therefore requires that measures ought to be put in place to re-assure the European Union tax payers:

  1. That given that the EU grant-funded a development project in Dominica and engaged the NAO of Dominica in a procurement event which was cancelled for lack of adequate funding, and
  2. in a second round of tender, the EU transferred the funding to the Government of Dominica’s Consolidated Funds in a budget support arrangement and kept the requirement for implementing that project using at least the quantum of that grant funds, and therefore:
  3. Can the EU Delegation in Barbados be not interested in transparency in the use of this grant funds in implementing procurement events where EU funds are being used, and additionally,
  4. Does the EU Delegation in Barbados support by indifference, or turn a blind eye to, the irregularities and discriminatory practices involving the use of EU funds for developmental works granted through budget support arrangements, and
  5. Is the EU Delegation in Barbados comfortable with the situation that now exists where the NAO gives incomplete communication to challenges on procurement practices and is itself a party to these irregular and discriminatory practices?

In the meantime, DOMINICA needs to put its own measures in place to secure the economic prosperity for succeeding generations, with or without the help of our traditional friends, especially given that our economic detractors are jointly and severally engaged with our leaders in their attempt of enabling the demise of certain productive local private sectors entities through illicit practices.

Roseau, 2021 June 21st

[1] Dominica New Online, 6 June 2021, 50 houses to be constructed in Kalinago Territory –

[2] Dominica News Online, 23rd Nov 2021, Kalinago Territory hardest hit by Maria in terms of housing -

[3] Request for tender documents made to the NAO on 7th May 2021.  The NAO denied them the opportunity to bid by letter dated 17th May 2021, citing, “.. this [is] a negotiated procedure, and accordingly, entities are invited to tender”

[4] Given that tenderers were hand-picked they should have all been adequately qualified especially as others were denied opportunity.

[5] Dominica News Online, 6 June 2021, 50 houses to be constructed in Kalinago Territory

[6] Dominica News Online, 6 June 2021, 50 houses to be constructed in Kalinago Territory –

[7] Section 34(1) PP& CA Act #11 of 2012: “Subject to this Act, a procuring entity shall use the open competitive bidding procedure as the principal method of procurement for the procurement of goods, services and works to which equal access shall be provided to every eligible and qualified supplier, contractor or service provider, without discrimination.”

[8] Section 33 (3) : A procuring entity may use a restricted bidding procedure to procure goods, services or works where –

  1. (a)  the procuring entity has reason to believe that –
    1. (i)  the goods, services or works are only available from a limited number of suppliers, contractors or service providers, and
    2. (ii)  open competitive bidding is not, or is not likely to be, efficient or practical for the procurement in question;
  2. (b)  the time and cost of considering a large number of bids is disproportionate to the value of the procurement, having regard to the prescribed threshold;
  3. (c)  the procuring entity considers it necessary to limit participation in the particular procurement to the suppliers or contractors whose names appear on a list referred to in section 10(1); or
  4. (d)  the cost of the goods, service or works to be procured exceeds the prescribed threshold.

[9] Section 41(1): Subject to this Act, a procuring entity –
(a) shall advertise procurement opportunities-

(i) in the Gazette and on the website of the Government, and

(ii) in any other electronic media in the prescribed manner and format; and

(b) may advertise procurement opportunities in any print media having wide circulation within or outside Dominica if the Board considers it necessary.

[10] Delegation of European Union in Barbados – email of 20th May 2020.

[11] Delegation of European Union in Barbados – email and letter of 26th May 2020

[12] Dominica News Online, 6 June 2021, 50 houses to be constructed in Kalinago Territory –

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  1. Viewsexpressed
    June 25, 2021

    Yes Mr. Peter, we agree with you and welcome your comment. It reads:
    Peter, it is, has Not fallen on death ears. If t was you wouldn’t be on social media in response to this article. Stop promoting and supporting failed politicians, it’s Not helping our poor people, nor our underdeveloped Dominica. We need a change in Government ASAP. This LABOUR GOVERNMENT has Failed us,we the people of Dominica.
    Let’s All take our Dominica back from this Failed Incompetent Irrelevant Visionless Labour Government led by this Failed PRIME MINISTER.
    We welcome our Decent Trusted Committed UWP Team Leader Hon. LENNOX LINTON.
    It’s time this Fake Failed Labour Government get the Hell Out of Our Government. We need decent committed intellectual Leadership in our Government. We need to raise up our Dedicated People and our Dominica to the level of Political Decency and Togetherness towards meaningful development, jobs, enjoyment. Be advised that Under Failed SKERRIT this will be NOT Happen. Need…

  2. Viewsexpressed
    June 25, 2021

    Ibo France thanks for your Commentary. This PM SKERRIT MUST be advised strongly of what is BBB really going on in our be Economic suffering DOMINICA and DOMINICANS under this Failed Fake Incompetent LABOUR Skerrit Government.
    This Failed incompetent Skerrit is not sufficiently Matured nor Knowledgeable of the concept of Socio-Economic Development needed urgently and badly to plot the journey of our Development, of our people that we elevate the Decency of politics and promote accountability that our government will be held accountable of all Functions before us and other matters in the interest of our People to be ENGAGED in the interest and DEVELOPMENT of our Dominica’. We have to take back our Government and country from this Fake irrelevant Incompetent Failed Labour Government. Twenty20 Failed Years from this Failed Incompetent Prime MINISTER SKERRIT and his Outdated Failed LABOUR GOVERNMENT must get the Hell Out of Our Government and People. Labour Government Has FAILED US.

  3. Viewsexpressed
    June 24, 2021

    Ibo France thanks for your Commentary. This PM SKERRIT MUST be advised strongly of what is BBB really going on in our be Economic suffering DOMINICA and DOMINICANS under this Failed Fake Incompetent LABOUR Skerrit Government.
    This Failed incompetent Skerrit is not sufficiently Matured nor Knowledgeable of the concept of Socio-Economic Development needed urgently and badly to plot the journey of our Development, of our people that we elevate our political decency and promote accountability that our government be will be held accountable of all Functions before us and other matters in the interest of our People to be ENGAGED in the interest and DEVELOPMENT of our Dominica’. We have to take back our Government and country from this Fake irrelevant Incompetent Failed Labour Government. Twenty20 Failed Years from this Failed Incompetent Prime MINISTER SKERRIT and his Outdated Failed LABOUR GOVERNMENT must get the Hell Out of Our Government and People. Labour Government Has FAILED US.

  4. If we knew better
    June 24, 2021

    All now government is a smelly pig sty. Fat greedy pigs that acting like they never see money before in life.

  5. June 23, 2021

    Brothers, all this writing and writing and crying make no sense. All of these are falling on deaf ears and as for skerrit (Dominica) he has never seen you all around. Get this man out. Get him out. Too much too much. When will talking stop? For 2.5 decades you guys are talking and crying. That’s a lot of mileage in talk and that’s a lot of tears. Get this mess out. Period

    • Felix
      June 26, 2021

      You are so right, we have done to much talking already and for to long. Things are not getting better in fact they are getting worse. Let’s get shot of Skerrit and his Clowns, our country is at breaking point.

  6. River Street
    June 23, 2021

    What happened to the cathedral renovations,did someone not get their Mathematical calculations straight or is is a money grab?

  7. Lin clown
    June 23, 2021

    Freddy if what you say is true why in the 2019 election DLP got an additional 222 votes,and UWP LOST 1,163 votes?Who is crooked?DNO CANNOT stand the FACTS..Next election UWP will lose Roseau North and Marigot,20-1

    • viewsexpressed
      June 24, 2021

      Dissident, yes, you’re Right from where we stand and Sit on the Forth be Floor, yes we are aware, as said that “Skerrit is a Crooked'”. It is said, it is so. We know all about this. To remind you Mr. Blind Dissident that “He”;is that Well designed “Crooked”.; How sad to see have this incompetent Clown🤡to be our “Odd PRIME MINISTER????” This man is a Pappyshow and a Failure. We need decent, transparent, Decent Trusted Leadership in our Government. This Failed incompetent Labour Prime MINISTER must: “Go to Hell… Go to Hell.. Go to Hell…. He’s NONE of Our Damn Business” We have had enough of this Failed Labour Government and incompetent Questionable Inmature Failed outdated PRIME MINISTER.
      We urgently need matured, Competent Visionary, Devoted TRUSTED PRIME MINISTER in Our Parliament and Government, that is “Good Governance”. We had enough of this Fake Labour Party Government and its FAILED incompetent Questionable Labour Government.
      This DLP must Get the Hell out of…

    • If we knew better
      June 24, 2021

      WTF does this have to do with the Kalinago housiing project? What happen you working for the electoral office? Next you will want to tell me who i voted for. I wouldnt be surprised.

  8. Freddy
    June 23, 2021

    Dominicans are not stupid, they know their PM is crooked but they cannot stand the opposition leader and will never vote for him as their PM. The UWP needs a radical shake-up to present itself as an electable alternative, and it should form alliances with APP for example. Give Dominicans a realistic choice and theymay just vote the gangsters out next time.

    • dissident
      June 23, 2021

      U identify Skerrit as “crooked”…..yet de crook is voted into office
      De opposition leader on de other hand, you can’t stand!!
      Whereas you label Skerrit as crooked you can’t say de same for Linton!!!!
      You pointing out de crooks and gangsters as de people already holding power!!!!

      Linton doesn’t seem to be giving Dominica a bad name, according to you we are governed by crooks and gangsters

      • Ronald
        June 23, 2021

        The crook is only voted in by election treating and allowing the dead to vote. It’s as simple as that!

    • Man bites dogs
      June 23, 2021

      @Freddy, Rubbish, Rubbish, Rubbish Pm Dr Skerrit, is not a crook anymore than Lenny the corrupt King of Dominica politics, we also know by changing Linton, and moving the door mats make no difference at all to us, in order words put a hog in a Palace still remains a pig 🐽

      • If we knew better
        June 24, 2021

        All now government is a smelly pig sty. Fat greedy pigs that acting like they never see money before in life.

    • Viewsexpressed
      June 24, 2021

      Freedy, it’s the same Nonsensical thoughts Said of our Formidable First Woman PRIME MINISTER, our TRUSTED No Nonsense Hon. Dame Eugenia Charles who performed exceptionally well and accommodated every Dominican on the journey to take back our Government and Country. This current LABOUR GOVERNMENT under this Failed incompetent immnature Skerrit is this big Pappyshow Joker 🃏🃏 who seemed to feel that he’s untouchable, prestine and accommodating but has failed to comprehend the processes and preparation to plot the Developmental functions and preparedness to raise the profile of our Dominica’and its People and not prolong this Red Devious Dubious shameful Red Clinic where our established Social Services Workers work hard on this concept to endure that families and children would be independent, at school 🏫 and focussed on learning to be the incoming dignified Professionals Dedicated Leaders to accommodate All DOMINICANS in Socio-Economic Development Profile of DOMINICA.

    • Viewsexpressed
      June 27, 2021

      Freddy, it’s the same thing they (this Failed Labour Party) said of Our Distinguished Dame Eugenia Charles when she came forward to contest that election as the First Woman in Dominica’.
      Dame Eugenia Charles served her Terms in office and made a BIG to the operations and functions, Management of our States Resources and Processes towards the planned functions of our States Government and well designed Development for our People and our Dominica.
      We thank Dame Eugenia Charles for her Decent Trusted Professional Dedicated Leadership our People and our Dominica. That is where we will be again under Our UNITED WORKERS PARTY GOVERNMENT with our highly Professional Dedicated Leadership Mature Politically Matured Hon. Lennox LENNOX LINTON to be our Trusted Distinguished PRIME MINISTER of our Government and People of Dominica. We look forward to this change and Disciplined Management of our Government and our Country with the appealing help of ALL our Dominican People to take back…

  9. Lin clown
    June 23, 2021

    If what Leblanc is saying is true,write to the EU,as they usually do.Let”s see if Skerrit is wrong.UWP LOSERS.Government should never give this guy a contract.GREEDY.

    • If we knew better
      June 24, 2021

      Lovely attitude for the development of our nation. Anthony Hayden not greedy? fowl brain. you forget the 64,000 a month? Meanwhile goodwill school in shambles since Maria. Wall of China up, soon the 2nd mansion in Morne Daniel will be built by Chinese. You are a clown. i laugh at you.

  10. Viewsexpressed
    June 23, 2021

    Jules and,*/*, well said. These are your thoughts and Views on behalf of the Dominican People.
    Well said, well “Penned”.
    This is what it is on our DOMINICA Today and this Fake, Failed Incompetent Irrelevant Skerrit referred to as this so called “PRIME MINISTER”.
    They have Penned be that: “; SKERRIT Leadership Is one Characterised by one of “Trickery”, Deception, Lies, and Violation of Laws”. Our Dominica and Our People need This Failed Skerrit out of Our Government and our Dominica. We have had enough of Failed SKERRIT and his FAILED Leadership and his Labour Party. We need SKERRIT to Get OUT of OUR GOVERNMENT. No more Bobol Red Clinic.
    We need decent committed intellectual Leadership and a sound mature committed Political Party, that is United Workers Party under our Distinguished Committed Decent “Leader of the Opposition” Hon. LENNOX LINTON and his Trusted Formidable Decent United Workers Party (UWP). Nice 👍 One.
    Dominican’s Wake Up Please. We need to take back our…

  11. MI17
    June 23, 2021

    One scandal after another and Skerrit involved in all of them.

  12. Legion
    June 23, 2021

    If the government is so corrupt why is your company accepting contracts from this corrupt regime? Currently your company has a contract to build the geothermal well pad and access road in Laudat. Is all this about bitterness for contracts you have failed to secure? I think the real scandal is the deplorable contracts that your company hands out to skilled Dominicans and then complain that Dominicans do not want to work. Mr. Leblanc clean your house before you take up this position of grandstanding.

    • Frank N Stein
      June 24, 2021

      Legion maybe his company wants to make sure we the people get safe and secure infrastructure? But this simple logic is not common among labourites hence the senseless questions.

  13. Viewsexpressed
    June 23, 2021

    Rush, we concur with you fully. Why on Earth is there an ongoing issue on this project.
    Yes, we have to, must get rid of this failed incompetent Labour government under this Immature failed PRIME MINISTER.
    When are we going to Wake Up and smell the Rotten Coffee?

  14. mine
    June 23, 2021

    You are a very greedy person go finish the cathedral. The apple did not fall far from the tree.

  15. The old Prophet
    June 23, 2021

    Dominica is destroyed from inside out and sadly, we have too many hungry, lazy, greedy and selfish people in this country. The people need to rise up on every corner in massive (peaceful) protest as if there is no tomorrow. We the people must have the attitude of Esther and take risks “which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish” Esther 4:16.

    • Man bites dogs
      June 23, 2021

      @Prophet, take a look at the real picture! What do you see? I will let you into a secret what you see or think you seeing in Dominica is a disease that is being spread across most of us black people in this world your relatives are the same too, be sure to wipe yourself when leaving the toilet ok!

      • Viewsexpressed
        July 10, 2021

        Man Bites Dogs…a barking woof woof that you’re stuck on for life. So you go take a look at the real corrupted picture in our Dominica, from your own environment and the state it is in. Sad Indeed! Therefore, if you have forgotten to wipe yourself where it is stained, don’t forget to run to the shower. Please be guided that “Soap and Water 💦 keeps you fresh and Clean. Nice 👍 One and be reminded. Be guided that you Go throwimg stones at your neighbours, therefore go clean your dirty, corrupted failed Labour backyard before you go pointing fingers☝️☝️ at others.
        Wake up and go Smell the coffee 😡. Shame on you.
        We Desperately need that change in Dominican. Our People need Decent Politics, well matured POLITICAL PARTY and Good GOVERNMENT and Governance.
        So therefore Stop Biting Dogs with Fleas, you’ll get sick to and focus on the matters and INTERESTS of our Government and our Dominica. God Bless 🙏. Hope you’ll discover the Truth of the Poor State of our Government and its…

  16. Corruption abound
    June 23, 2021

    Corruption, greed, and a touch of megalomania is the current state of our beautiful Dominica. The leaders are selfish corrupt people who show no regard for the laws or the constitution which they have sworn to uphold. For the little $300 a month, our people have allowed themselves to be led down this corrupt, lying, thieving, road of iniquity. One day Dominicans must wake up and take back the country from these hungry hyenas.

  17. Ibo France
    June 22, 2021

    Skerrit has lost complete touch with ordinary Dominicans. He lives in unimaginable opulence and has long forgotten how it feels to be poor or unemployed.

    He practises a rare kind of nepotism and cronyism unheard of before his ascension to the throne of political power. Relatives, friends and party fanatics are given preferential treatment with public contracts and the top positions in the public service.

    For the majority of Dominicans to rise out of the ashes of poverty, Skerrit has to be POLITICALLY eradicated.

  18. Garcon
    June 22, 2021

    Oh my God. can’t we do anything in Dominica in an honest fashion again? This is getting so ridiculous now and no one is considering the future of the country. For fear of embarrassing and aggravating everyone I won’t mention the names of any country. However, I want us to look some Caribbean islands where violence is prevalent and check the history of government corruption there and the role it played in the in what is going on now.
    The Dominica Labour Party is creating a state where crime and violence is going to be the order of the day. With all of this corruption, the building of so many housing projects and the destruction of ambition while promoting laziness, this is where we are heading.

  19. Jules Vert
    June 22, 2021

    The PM’s words to the effect that “the contract has gone out to tender and the bids should be in and hopes that a contract can be awarded” seem to indicate a level playing field, but we know that there is no such thing in DA. There is greed, lust for power, cronyism and nepotism, and it is all presented in the most apparently sincere and down-to-earth guise.

  20. %
    June 22, 2021

    Skerrit’s leadership is one characterised by trickery, deceipt, deception, lies and violation of laws.
    I often refer to him, (Skerrit) as an inveterate and compulsive liar in chief and a wicked soul…THAT’S SKERRIT!!!
    He does all his evil work with a smile!!!

  21. Jonathan Y St Jean
    June 22, 2021

    The minister of finance has two PhDs ( even if they are fake, and are only honorary doctorates not given for academic or intellectual accomplishments) so he has to do things in a complicated way to prove he’s exceptional. Almost every thing he’s done is fraught with questionable moves and shenanigans. He duped his OECS colleagues, he duped his cabinet colleagues, he’s duped the patriots of Dominca, he’s duped the parrots of Dominca. He tries to do a Houdini with everything he touches. It doesn’t have to be complicated but he’ll find a way to make it so.

  22. Man bites dogs
    June 22, 2021

    This man should never have given a government contract I know my reason for saying so, it is not up to me but if I had a choice he would never eat bread again.

    • Bee
      June 23, 2021

      May God give you double what you wish for everyone else.

    • Ibo France
      June 23, 2021

      Out of the mouths of fools pour foolishness. What is happening to the local contractors are the same reasons for the blockage of the roads by the local truckers.

      This anti-Dominican ruling regime disposes and repudiates its own born and bred people and gravitates toward and embraces Chinese, Arcade and people of foreign lands. The ruling plutocrats ghost their own people.

  23. Rush
    June 22, 2021

    Well, I have been saying this for years: Skerrit is fooling Dominicans on a daily basis but they continue loving their PM. The Dominica of today is a rotten to the core corrupt place and it’s headed by the chief gangster Skerrit. Are we gonna do something about it, Dominica?

    • Viewsexpressed
      June 23, 2021

      Rush, thanks 👍 for this obvious comment and information. We need to be reminded that this Failed Incompetent SKERRIT is NOT leadership material and LACKS the Political Skills and devorum and importantly lacks the biggest Concept of Socio-Economic Development that is overdue in plotting the Planning Development Structures towards Meaningful Development of our People, our Government and our Dominica. Under this Failed Fake Failed Current LABOUR GOVERNMENT under this Failed Incompetent Irrelevant Visionless PRIME Odd MINISTER Skerrit and this Failed Incompetent Visionless Labour Government of Failed SKERRIT.
      We Desperately need This Failed Incompetent Irrelevant Visionless Labour SKERRIT Out of our Government ASAP. We need to move this Nature Isle DOMINICA if Ours elevated to the standard of meaningful living STANDARDS towards Job employment, and Personal Development towards be the Development of our up and coming Student out of High School🏫and Colleges and University. Rise DOMINICANS.

    • viewsexpressed
      June 23, 2021

      Mr.Failed incompetent Skerrit Also,this well Known Out-Dated ODD MINISTER. ‘Get the Hell Out” of Our Government. You are too politically Loose. You have demonstrated to us Nothing if anything to do with overall Development, nor are You versed with the “Knowledge of Socio-Economic”. Therefore as a result of this “Overdue” Twenty Failed Yrs in the People’s Office, received and receiving our hard earned States Limited💰💰.SKERRIT, you are this Incompetent Irrelevant Visionless ‘FAILED and WORSE PRIME MINISTER”, We and Dominicans have witnessed and seen. We had enough of this Corrupted, devious RED CLINIC BOBOL that you individually managed at Your locked 🔐 Office of the PRIME MINISTER. This is a lack of Respect in the operations of the States Protocal and abuse. Lack accountability of our hard EARNED States’ Funds. You deliberately By-Pass the WELFARE DIVISION SERVICES & Officers’ and played Mr.Red Grey Wolf 🐺 to gain Fame and Loyalty with money 💰You have Stained US. SHAMEFUL…

    • Man bites dogs
      June 23, 2021

      @Rush, it is your opinion to think as you like about Mr Skerrit, my question to you :Tell me one good thing Lenny, the black has ever done for you so-called Workers followers and Dominica!!!

      • Viewsexpressed
        June 25, 2021

        Yes Mr. Peter, we agree with you and welcome your comment. It reads:
        Peter, it is, has Not fallen on death ears. If t was you wouldn’t be on social media in response to this article. Stop promoting and supporting failed politicians, it’s Not helping our poor people, nor our underdeveloped Dominica. We need a change in Government ASAP. This LABOUR GOVERNMENT has Failed us,we the people of Dominica.
        Let’s All take our Dominica back from this Failed Incompetent Irrelevant Visionless Labour Government led by this Failed PRIME MINISTER.
        We welcome our Decent Trusted Committed UWP Team Leader Hon. LENNOX LINTON.
        It’s time this Fake Failed Labour Government get the Hell Out of Our Government.

  24. If we knew better
    June 22, 2021

    AMEN to honest professionals who have a stake in the development of this country. There is a builders and architects association with qualified contractors and architects. Tony Leblanc IS one of them, So is Severin McKenzie, but their businesses are not being approached on national projects.

  25. Tt
    June 22, 2021

    Jesus christ man! This is madness. Dominica won’t have any credibility once dlp is done with dominica. Stop this madness before it is too late. Of course you are the minister of finance, why wouldn’t you be. No accounting background nothing. You don’t need it either cause who is going to hold you accountable??

  26. Fair Play
    June 22, 2021

    Quote “All we are asking for is an even playing field.” That begs the question does this exist in the Commonwealth of Dominica? or is only situation ethics?

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