COMMENTARY: Potential for new aviation academy in the Caribbean

Airways Aviation Group, headquartered in Dubai UAE is considering establishing an academy in the Caribbean. The Group is a world leader in aviation education and training. It is estimated that annually 300 professionals from the Caribbean region and Latin America would be trained at the Academy in this region. Worldwide, there is a shortage of pilots, air traffic controllers, and other aviation professionals. There is an estimated pilot shortage of 11,000 in 2024, which could increase to 60,000 globally by 2032 if mitigating actions are not taken.

As for air traffic controllers, there is a shortage of roughly 4,000 in Europe and the USA alone. Related to the establishment of an Academy is the prospect for developing new sustainable ‘education tourism’. After all, the participants of the training semesters and workshops need accommodations to stay overnight, transportation, and they need to buy their groceries, etc. It is not season-depending. It contributes to economy diversification.

An interesting example may be the Academy’s operations on the island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean. Annually, there are 170 students attending who are visiting from various countries. Each student contributes about US$ 20,000 to the local economy. The Cyprus government has confirmed a US$ 3.5 million contribution to their economy in 2023. Assume what the 300-student potential for the Caribbean could mean.

Typically, pilots in the Caribbean are sent twice annually to recurrent safety abroad. This training may entail sending an entire flight department consisting of captains and first officers as well as civil aviation Inspectors to ensure training is relevant and complete. Once classroom training is completed, the pilots are put to test in a simulator to ensure that the crew is able to handle and rectify any potential issue.

The Airways Aviation Group will be looking for an appropriate airport location in the Caribbean from which their training aircraft will operate. Facilities including classrooms as well as a room for a flight simulator will be needed. For the traffic controllers training access to a control tower would be necessary and possibly an air traffic control simulator.

An international aviation academy on location may be an inspiration for young people. They may be encouraged to explore educational opportunities in the aviation industry which can have a significant impact on their future careers and subsequently a high-income level. The volume of recruitment by the industry for aviation professionals is unprecedented. Therefore, students after having received their training have an abundance of employment and career choices available to them not only regionally but also internationally.

Airways Aviation is the largest privately owned group of academies delivering professional aviation education and training. It has training facilities in Dubai UAE, Montpellier France, Bremen Germany, Sicily Italy, Istanbul Turkey, Cyprus, Lebanon, Gold Coast Australia, Dakar Senegal, and Hyderabad India.

Airways Aviation has a fleet of more than 70 aircraft and 10 flight simulators. They have trained 9,000+ commercial airline pilots and 26,000+ Cabin, Ground, and Maintenance Graduates. Their training programs meet all international standards including certified EASA, CASA, ICAO, IATA, and CAAC facilities deliver ATPLs, CPLs, Bachelor’s Degrees, Diplomas, Certificate Courses and Training Programs at the most advanced levels. They match practical and theoretical techniques that are designed to accommodate the increasing global demand for Airline Pilots, Military Pilots, Cabin Crew, Ground Handlers, Aircraft Maintenance Technicians and University-qualified Administrators and Managers.

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  1. Without Sanctions
    June 14, 2024

    Great piece, good research and foresight. Reminds one of the marijuana legalization and legislation as it relates to tourism, job creation and the Caribbean economy, the benefits of which we are yet to take advantage of, fearing it’s a non-jesus thing; whereas it’s prohibition, a relic of the USA Jim-crow laws created to imprison the mostly Blacks and musicians who smoked it, and we signed on to it through the U.N, thus disregarding the health benefits of CBD oils etc. It’s sad we’re dependent on the opinions of evangelists and the various pastors on their political mission down here, rather than science of good medicine and things that make sen$e for our economies.

  2. Teddy
    June 13, 2024

    I would like to congratulate Barbados in advance
    for getting the academy to host the new trainee pilots. Dominica can’t even fix a road if we think we are going to get a new airport I wish you luck.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 4
  3. Interested party
    June 13, 2024

    Thank you for the information. Is there an application process for companies or individuals to be a part of this venture?

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